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Date Survey #
11 Sep 2022 -
  18 Sep 2022
Which of these do you feel you could confidently explain to a non-programmer?
"Confidently explain" meaning "explain well enough that they get the gist and could, more or less, explain it to someone else to your satisfaction"
5 Sep 2022 -
  12 Sep 2022
How do you rate the ways you can purchase software?
Rate these 7 options, with 1 = "No way, ever", to 5 = "Absolutely support this model". Answer generally, if you can, and add you specific "it depends" caveats in the discussion forum
29 Aug 2022 -
  5 Sep 2022
A user, following obviously incorrect documentation, uses a piece of hardware incorrectly, which triggers a software bug and causes an expensive hardware failure. Who's at fault?
22 Aug 2022 -
  29 Aug 2022
How old is your newest graphics card?
"Your" means "of the machines you get to use day to day", and include eGPUs such as compute sticks or Thunderbolt eGPUs
15 Aug 2022 -
  22 Aug 2022
Do you expect users to read the instructions when using your apps?
8 Aug 2022 -
  15 Aug 2022
Do you feel you fully understand the vision and purpose of the software project you're working on?
Sure you can be told the "what", but do you have the "why"?
1 Aug 2022 -
  8 Aug 2022
Have you ever taught anyone to code?
"Teaching" can mean from start to finish, or simply just helping someone learning to code work through a coding issue (like helping with homework or being a support tutor)
25 Jul 2022 -
  1 Aug 2022
When buying a new computer, how important are each of the following?
18 Jul 2022 -
  25 Jul 2022
Do you code on sick days?
Some stay in bed, som binge watch TV. And some of us can't keep away from the keyboard
11 Jul 2022 -
  18 Jul 2022
What do you do if your internet connection goes down at work?
"at work" means anywhere you're working. An office, your home, the local coffee shop. Obviously multiple options apply here in various orders of desperation
4 Jul 2022 -
  11 Jul 2022
Do you take a development machine with you on holidays?
A laptop, a mini PC, a tablet that allows you to remote to a Virtual Desktop. There are options.
27 Jun 2022 -
  4 Jul 2022
What language are you using for AI development or learning?
Whether you're at work or home, hard core coding or just trying to figure out this AI thing, which languages have you used in your adventures?
20 Jun 2022 -
  27 Jun 2022
You discover a sentient AI in your org's system. What do you do?
Well you never know what sort of orphaned projects previous employees have left behind...
13 Jun 2022 -
  20 Jun 2022
Your boss says everyone must head back to the office full time. What's your response?
6 Jun 2022 -
  13 Jun 2022
Do you upgrade your computers' components?
We're talking about just the main computer, not any peripherals.
30 May 2022 -
  6 Jun 2022
When you use code from a library such as NuGet, PIP, npm etc, what due dilligence do you do?
23 May 2022 -
  30 May 2022
How important is naming to you in your code?
There are 2 hard problems in Computer Science: caching, naming and off-by-one errors
16 May 2022 -
  23 May 2022
On which operating systems are you writing code?
Let's see if things have changed since we last ran this. "writing code" meaning editing, building, and running the code on that OS.
9 May 2022 -
  16 May 2022
Do you use Code Coverage tools?
A critical tool or an unnecessary critic?
2 May 2022 -
  9 May 2022
Which devices or platforms would you most like to program?
Imagine you had the tools and experience to mess around with any piece of code on any piece of hardware. What would be on your TODO list?

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