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Date Survey #
17 Oct 2011 -
  24 Oct 2011
Do you use Attributes in your .NET development?
Attributes provide a neat way to hide the plumbing. Do you use and/or create attributes yourself?
10 Oct 2011 -
  17 Oct 2011
What smartphone OS manufacturer do you see as the most innovative?
Regardless of what a company has done in the past, which company do you feel is furthering innovation the most?
3 Oct 2011 -
  10 Oct 2011
After working as a developer for at least 5 years, what are your priorities?
This one is for those with a few years under their belt.
26 Sep 2011 -
  3 Oct 2011
How many hours a week do you spend in front of a computer?
'Computer' meaning anything from a mainframe through to a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone / blackberry on which you directly perform work.
19 Sep 2011 -
  26 Sep 2011
What do you mostly do when browsing sites on a smartphone?
Most smartphones now have a decent browser and a processor to power it. Are you sticking to your main machine or using your smartphone more widely?
12 Sep 2011 -
  19 Sep 2011
Will programming become more or less complex in the future?
Our modern IDEs make life so much easier, but issues such as security, parallelism and bloated APIs make life harder. Which way will the balance tip overall?
5 Sep 2011 -
  12 Sep 2011
How often do you release bug fixes to users without testing?
Developers can be so confident sometimes that our arrogance gets the better of us. "Such an obvious fix - how could it not work?" (Suggested by JMW)
29 Aug 2011 -
  5 Sep 2011
Does your office have organised in-office social events?
Online games, movie lunchtimes, to-the-death foosball - is it part of your office culture?
22 Aug 2011 -
  29 Aug 2011
As a software developer, will your skills continue to be in demand for the next 5 years?
Users are moving from traditional PCs to tablets and smartphones for many day to day tasks. With the end of the PC again being predicted, how do you feel about your future prospects?
15 Aug 2011 -
  22 Aug 2011
You are asked to work on a project in a language you don't know. What do you do?
Let's assume you're given time to learn the new language before you start, if required.
8 Aug 2011 -
  15 Aug 2011
What methods of making money from code do you support?
The term "free" is often ambiguous. Paying the rent can be helpful, so what methods suit your sense of style?
1 Aug 2011 -
  8 Aug 2011
How loud is your work environment?
Do you have the sanctity of a spiritual retreat, or are noise cancelling headphones de rigueur? (Suggested by Amir Liberman)
25 Jul 2011 -
  1 Aug 2011
What are your preferred methods of voting?
18 Jul 2011 -
  25 Jul 2011
What drinks does your employer / organisation provide for you, for free, at work?
Do you get the Google / Microsoft treatment, or do you have to fend for yourself?
11 Jul 2011 -
  18 Jul 2011
As a software developer, do you consider yourself a craftsman or a labourer?
While many of us aspire to be a Craftsman, there are bills to be paid so we may need to admit we're Labourers.
4 Jul 2011 -
  11 Jul 2011
Are you on call for problems during holidays?
If the code, the system or the hardware has a problem during a weekend or public holiday, are you expected to be available to fix it?
27 Jun 2011 -
  4 Jul 2011
Which phone/device are you currently using primarily for your personal use?
Just because we can be always connected doesn't mean we have to be. Hang on - who am I kidding?
20 Jun 2011 -
  27 Jun 2011
Do you cuss in code comments?
...or in the code itself? Bonus points if it makes it through a code review.
13 Jun 2011 -
  27 Jun 2011
Best ASP.NET article of May 2011
This is the voting form for the Best ASP.NET article of May 2011 competition. Below are a list of the top 10 articles submitted last month. Please choose the ones you consider your favourite. Remember - you can only vote once!
25 Jun 2011 -
  26 Jun 2011
Which phone/device are you currently using primarily for your personal use?
Just because we can be always connected doesn't mean we have to be. Hang on - who am I kidding?

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