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Date Survey #
26 Apr 2010 -
  3 May 2010
Will you move to .NET 4?
The next installment of .NET is out in the wild. However, will you be targeting it?
19 Apr 2010 -
  26 Apr 2010
Visual Studio 2010 and.NET 4.0: What are you hoping for?
What are you actually expecting from Visual Studio 2010 now that it's been unleashed on us developers?
12 Apr 2010 -
  19 Apr 2010
Do you code for fun?
"Coding for fun" meaning: write code that has nothing to do with your work or formal course requirements.
5 Apr 2010 -
  12 Apr 2010
On what systems do you install beta or pre-release products?
Specifically, products such as pre-release versions of .NET, Windows, Visual Studio etc that may affect your ability to run your everyday software.
29 Mar 2010 -
  5 Apr 2010
How much do you trust the following organisations with your private data?
"Private data" being anything you would submit to a website, including your viewing habits. 1 = don't trust at all, 5 = trust completely.
22 Mar 2010 -
  29 Mar 2010
Are you developing "for the cloud?"
15 Mar 2010 -
  22 Mar 2010
Can you touch-type?
8 Mar 2010 -
  15 Mar 2010
How important is software architecture in Software Development?
Is spending the time architecting your software important, or does making it up as you go along satisfy your needs? Be honest. (Suggested by Abhinav S)
1 Mar 2010 -
  8 Mar 2010
What kinds of video content is OK on websites?
Video content is becoming more and more widespread but is it actually welcome?
22 Feb 2010 -
  1 Mar 2010
Which, if any, mobile platforms are you planning to target in the next year?
The mobile space is heating up (again) so we'd thought we'd recheck.
15 Feb 2010 -
  22 Feb 2010
Are developers social creatures?
Portrayed as reticent, basement dwelling sociophobes, are developers really that bad, or are we as social as the next tribe?
8 Feb 2010 -
  15 Feb 2010
As a software developer, which of the following would you consider yourself
Software development involves the creative, the analytical, the disciplined and sometimes the plain old stubborn sides of us.
1 Feb 2010 -
  8 Feb 2010
Does Apple's iPad impress you?
An oversized iPhone or the perfect netbook replacement. Or just shiny and new...
25 Jan 2010 -
  1 Feb 2010
If you use IE6, why do you not upgrade?
Motivated by our frustration with designing for IE6 and inspired by results from a Digg survey, we want to know the reasons why you are using an old browser.
18 Jan 2010 -
  25 Jan 2010
How relevant is Microsoft to your software development plans?
Is your future tied to the Giant, or are you travelling a different road?
11 Jan 2010 -
  18 Jan 2010
Smartphone input methods: what do you prefer?
Collectively we're relying on smartphones more and more. The trick is getting them to understand what we want them to do.
4 Jan 2010 -
  11 Jan 2010
Is it difficult introducing fresh programming ideas to your manager?
Change can be good (and bad), but being open to change is what is most important. How is your situation?
28 Dec 2009 -
  4 Jan 2010
What are your New Year resolutions?
So you didn't manage all of your resolutions last year. Maybe this year will be different!
21 Dec 2009 -
  28 Dec 2009
What do you want for Christmas this year?
If you're going to ask the big guy, then you may as well ask big.
14 Dec 2009 -
  21 Dec 2009
Does your organisation host a Christmas / Holiday party for you?
Christmas, New Year, Hanukkah, or even Finish Independance Day - does your work provide, and pay for, a party, dinner or event to celebrate?

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