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Date Survey #
20 Jul 2009 -
  27 Jul 2009
Is Javascript 'good enough' as the language of the (front end) web?
Firefox and Chrome have boosted Javascript performance. Is this enough headroom, or do we need a different language on the browser front-end?
13 Jul 2009 -
  20 Jul 2009
Has the downturn in the economy affected your income this year?
Assuming you program for a living, has the GFC hit home on a personal level?
6 Jul 2009 -
  13 Jul 2009
Do you spend non-work hours furthering your work-related education?
Do you take courses, work on pet projects, or just devour books in order to help you in your day to day work?
29 Jun 2009 -
  5 Jul 2009
Are You Planning To Use Microsoft SharePoint?
Microsoft SharePoint Server use continues to grow. Are you using it, and if so, how?
22 Jun 2009 -
  28 Jun 2009
The .NET Framework: Bloated or just Feature rich?
Whether you use it or not you've probably downloaded it (knowingly or not). (Suggestd by Matt McGuire)
15 Jun 2009 -
  22 Jun 2009
Are you doing or plan to do any mobile application development?
Are you working on or planning to work on apps for mobile phones, etc.? If yes, please choose the technologies you're using or plan to use.
8 Jun 2009 -
  15 Jun 2009
What new language features of .NET 3.5 do you use?
There's a little more icing on the cake in 3.5 but now that it's been released for a while, which of these features do you actually use?
1 Jun 2009 -
  8 Jun 2009
How many people are in your programming team?
When it comes to programming are you on your own or part of a huge collective? (Suggested by Scott Myers)
25 May 2009 -
  1 Jun 2009
Will you use the parallel extensions for .NET 4.0?
A single core, single proc machine is getting harder and harder to find. Will you be taking advantage of the parallel extensions to take advantage of multiple cores?
18 May 2009 -
  25 May 2009
Have you written a program for a friend or relative, and would you again?
Whether you've written something for free to help a mate, or done some consulting work for your significant other's significant other - would you do it again or should friends and work not mix?
11 May 2009 -
  18 May 2009
How many Holidays do you get a year (not counting public / statutory)
Just how hard is that whip cracked?
4 May 2009 -
  11 May 2009
Which Visual Studio Add-ins do you use?
Below is a starting list but there are a ton more. Which add-ins make your must-have list?
27 Apr 2009 -
  4 May 2009
Windows 7 - Will you be upgrading?
Windows 7 will be out sooner rather than later. Will you be moving on up?
20 Apr 2009 -
  27 Apr 2009
What is most important when buying a laptop?
You may have one, you may still be trying to find the perfect one, or you may have given up trying to use them as work machines. Assuming you were in the market, what features are important?
13 Apr 2009 -
  20 Apr 2009
Should we move to a single programming language?
Should we as an industry move towards a single programming language with enough features to cover all programming requirements?
6 Apr 2009 -
  13 Apr 2009
What laptop pointing devices do you use?
Are you a trackpad or a touchstick kinda person?
30 Mar 2009 -
  6 Apr 2009
What do you specifically optimise for when programming?
Harder, better, faster, stronger. What parts of your programs do you focus on when optimising?
23 Mar 2009 -
  30 Mar 2009
Who has the most influence in your company or organisation?
Real or percieved: Who can make things happen when they need to?
16 Mar 2009 -
  23 Mar 2009
What do you do if you find a bug in the company's codebase?
Do you squash bugs with impunity or duck and hide? (Suggested by James)
9 Mar 2009 -
  16 Mar 2009
How often do you upgrade your development machine?
'Upgrade' meaning more RAM, a bigger/faster HDD, a new CPU, or even a new machine. Anything that improves the performance through hardware changes.

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