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Date Survey #
14 Jan 2008 -
  21 Jan 2008
When deadlines approach what is the first thing that starts to get neglected?
We've all been there and it isn't pretty
7 Jan 2008 -
  14 Jan 2008
Are you Left handed or Right handed?
Being unaware of any study aimed specifically at developers we thought we'd tackle this big one ourselves
31 Dec 2007 -
  7 Jan 2008
What are your New Year's resolutions
What promises to yourself will you make and try not to break this coming year?
24 Dec 2007 -
  31 Dec 2007
What do you want for Christmas this year?
You can always ask, right?
17 Dec 2007 -
  24 Dec 2007
What features are most important to you in a programming language?
If one language did everything there would only be one language... (suggested by Milan1612)
10 Dec 2007 -
  16 Dec 2007
Who has the final say in decisions on a software project?
We can get pulled in a dozen directions while trying to finish a project. Who has the final say in your coding day?
26 Nov 2007 -
  2 Dec 2007
Does being a software developer make you proud?
Some like to brag about being a Doctor, Lawyer or Rare African Elephant herder. Are you proud enough to brag about being a software developer?
19 Nov 2007 -
  25 Nov 2007
How do you protect your computer from infection?
Firewalls, software, old wives tales? Which do you trust?(suggested by rotter512)
12 Nov 2007 -
  18 Nov 2007
Would you use an Apple computer as your main machine?
They use the same CPUs as a PC and come with better packaging. Would you use one as your daily box?
5 Nov 2007 -
  10 Nov 2007
What has the greatest positive impact on the long-term maintainability of a software product?
Producing a product that can be maintained and extended is never blind luck. (Suggested by Brian Kejser)
29 Oct 2007 -
  4 Nov 2007
Do you like Vista?
Time to get the definitive answer to the question everyone argues about.
22 Oct 2007 -
  28 Oct 2007
How important is a company's website to your decision to use their product?
When it comes to online advertising can you judge a book by its cover?
15 Oct 2007 -
  21 Oct 2007
Which Microsoft patterns and practices frameworks do you use?
Getting it right at the beginning can save you a lot of time. (suggested by Michael Sync)
8 Oct 2007 -
  14 Oct 2007
What email client do you use?
Some are good and some are just plain aggrevating. How do you stay in contact with the rest of the World?
30 Sep 2007 -
  7 Oct 2007
What matters most when getting a job done?
Rate the following: 1 = not important, 5 = very important
24 Sep 2007 -
  29 Sep 2007
Will you be buying a copy of Halo 3?
Halo 3 is out. Will you be joining the mad rush?
17 Sep 2007 -
  23 Sep 2007
Which versions of Visual Studio are you using?
Just how many versions of Visual Studio do you have to juggle?
10 Sep 2007 -
  16 Sep 2007
Would you encourage a friend or relative to become a software developer?
Do your cousins look up to you in awe? Do you friends think you're way cooler than they are? Or would you prefer to think of yourself as a lesson unto others? (Suggested by RomTibi)
3 Sep 2007 -
  9 Sep 2007
What do you look for in a desktop computer
The old beige box never seems to get any sexier. What features are most important when you choose (or build) your desktop?
27 Aug 2007 -
  2 Sep 2007
What genres of books do you read
When you've been reading programming manuals all day what sort of books do you turn to for relaxation?

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