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Date Survey #
13 May 2024 -
  20 May 2024
Were you affected by the geomagnetic storms this past weekend?
Communication disruptions, electrified pipes, random unexplained blue-screens in Windows - the list of effects is terrifying.
19 May 2023 -
  22 May 2023
Is profanity acceptable in code?
If a bear swears in the forest and no one hears...
17 Apr 2023 -
  24 Apr 2023
What AI systems are you using (or have used) to help you work (or play)?
There's nothing like heavy power tools to help you make your mistakes with speed, efficiency and a certain finesse. But the fun factor is out of this world. Which of the following have you used?
13 Feb 2023 -
  20 Feb 2023
How interested are you in the business side of Software Development?
Identifying the opportunity, defining the Product, picking your target market, developing sales collateral. Is this something you love to get your teeth into, or your absolute nightmare?
6 Feb 2023 -
  13 Feb 2023
Would you use ChatGPT to do your work?
We're just talking about whether you would, not whether you should.
15 Jan 2023 -
  23 Jan 2023
How optimistic are you feeling about this new year?
It's been a rocky few years. Are we there yet?
19 Dec 2022 -
  26 Dec 2022
You have to teach one of Santa's Elves to code. What's the one thing you hope sinks in?
The list is almost endless, but if you could wish for just one thing to stick, what would it be?
12 Dec 2022 -
  19 Dec 2022
It's the week before the week before Christmas. Are you...
4 Dec 2022 -
  12 Dec 2022
An amazing AI programming tool is invented that can do one task perfectly. What would you choose?
28 Nov 2022 -
  5 Dec 2022
How would you describe your current job?
Fighting dragons everyday or clicking the same boxes on the same forms, day after day?
21 Nov 2022 -
  28 Nov 2022
When thinking about your job, how important is the option to work from home?
Some bosses are casual about where you work, and some, naming no names, will insist you're in the office, always. What are your thoughts?
14 Nov 2022 -
  21 Nov 2022
Is the "." part of a file's extension?
Your personal opinion, not "what my framework says". Is the "." in "filename.ext" part of the extension or not?
7 Nov 2022 -
  14 Nov 2022
How prepared are you at product launch (or major release) time?
Time for some brutal honesty here.
31 Oct 2022 -
  7 Nov 2022
How forgiving are you of other developer's mistakes?
Our job is to not allow mistakes in insanely complex systems and we know the consequences of mistakes. To what standard do we hold developers around us?
24 Oct 2022 -
  31 Oct 2022
How solid do you feel in your current employment given the latest shakeups in the IT industry?
It's been a bit of a roller coaster these last few months. How is your current gig looking?
17 Oct 2022 -
  24 Oct 2022
What's your least favourite of these languages to code in?
And no, you can't pick more than 1. Add a comment if there's another language that bugs you even more.
10 Oct 2022 -
  17 Oct 2022
Do you feel Artificial Intelligence should be regulated?
Because regulation around software development has generally solved the problems they were designed to solve, right?
3 Oct 2022 -
  10 Oct 2022
What topics would you like to learn more about?
Contributed by Marc Clifton.
26 Sep 2022 -
  3 Oct 2022
When building an application, when is the most important time to consider the User Experience?
They are the ones we write code for, right?
19 Sep 2022 -
  26 Sep 2022
Who do you listen to most when making decisions about software development?

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