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Date Survey #
2 Mar 2009 -
  9 Mar 2009
Do you run under an administrator account on your main work machine?
We all know it's safest if you don't. But they say that about a lot of things. (Suggested by 3dit)
23 Feb 2009 -
  2 Mar 2009
How many CPUs (distinct CPUs, cores or virtual Hyperthreaded) do you have on your main machine?
A simple 'My box can beat up your box' poll for this week.
16 Feb 2009 -
  23 Feb 2009
What new (or rumoured) releases are you looking forward to in the next year?
Besides, when has 'but my current applications do what I need' ever been a reason not to upgrade?
9 Feb 2009 -
  16 Feb 2009
What programming languages are paying the bills?
Which languages are you using for paid work purposes (not hobby purposes) (Suggested by John C)
2 Feb 2009 -
  9 Feb 2009
How attached are you to your favourite programming language?
What do you do given the choice between sticking with the language (or languages) you know best and trying something new?
26 Jan 2009 -
  2 Feb 2009
Do you limit the width of your source code?
76 columns? 100 columns? Anything and let word wrap deal with it? How do you swing?
19 Jan 2009 -
  26 Jan 2009
In which order do you test conditionals?
Behind every seemingly trival task there are vast schools of philosophy.
12 Jan 2009 -
  19 Jan 2009
Do you digitally sign your applications?
Reassuring your users that the software you are providing them is actually from you is becoming more and more important. Do you digitally sign your apps?
5 Jan 2009 -
  12 Jan 2009
How optimistic are you about your company's fortunes for 2009?
2008 ended on a grim note. Overall, how are you feeling about how your company (or yourself if self-employed, or your organisation if not in a company) will survive 2009?
29 Dec 2008 -
  5 Jan 2009
What are your New Year resolutions?
Which of these will make it on to your list of things you'll do in 2009?
22 Dec 2008 -
  29 Dec 2008
You have 24hrs to deliver 2.2 billion gift wrapped parcels. What is most important?
15 Dec 2008 -
  22 Dec 2008
Which Microsoft Certifications do you have?
Certifications look good on resumes. Have you read the book and done the test?
8 Dec 2008 -
  15 Dec 2008
Would you become a software developer again?
If you could travel back in time to before you discovered software development, but had the knowledge you have today, would you travel the same path, and become a software developer? (Suggested by RichardInToronto)
1 Dec 2008 -
  8 Dec 2008
Which Social Networking APIs do you develop against?
Some participate in social networks, and some prefer to interact via code. Do you dabble?
24 Nov 2008 -
  1 Dec 2008
Are you colour blind?
Suggested by Joel, who feels there's a connection between IT and colour blindness. Do we buck the average 8% prevalence rate?
17 Nov 2008 -
  24 Nov 2008
Do you perform Automated Builds?
Automating your build does more than relieve tedium. In general, what is your approach?
10 Nov 2008 -
  17 Nov 2008
Do you have plans to use the Entity Framework?
Having impedance mismatch problems? The Entity Framework could be the solution. Or maybe not. (Suggested by IdeaBlade)
3 Nov 2008 -
  10 Nov 2008
Will you be targeting The Cloud?
Microsoft Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine or maybe VMware vCloud? Will you be moving any of your applications off your servers and into the Cloud?
27 Oct 2008 -
  3 Nov 2008
Do you defend the reputation of Windows Vista?
When friends, family or colleagues say "Vista Is Crap, [Other Technology] is better" what do you do?
20 Oct 2008 -
  27 Oct 2008
Are you worried about losing your job?
The World economy is currently having some performance and optimisation issues that, no matter how much we try, we can't blame on the hardware. Does this make you worry?

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