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Date Survey #
13 Oct 2008 -
  20 Oct 2008
How often do you use each version of SQL Server? (1 = never, 5 = all the time)
On a scale of 1 - 5, where 1 is never and 5 is "all the time", which database server is your workhorse? (This one purely for our editors who were wondering how fast the move to new technology is coming along)
6 Oct 2008 -
  13 Oct 2008
Should C# get the VB-style "with" keyword?
If not then maybe we could look into the "Ain't" keyword...
29 Sep 2008 -
  6 Oct 2008
When programming, do you explicitly test for out-of-memory conditions?
It's simple enough to do, but in this Gigabyte era, do you do it?
22 Sep 2008 -
  29 Sep 2008
Have you ever worked on software critical to human safety?
Software for hospitals, aircraft, nuclear reactors or the code that keeps the coffee machine running. And do you enjoy BASE jumping and lion taming while you're at it? (Suggested by Pete)
15 Sep 2008 -
  22 Sep 2008
What software development philosophies do you use?
I tend to use the 'Get it Done' method but that's just me...(suggested by Pete)
8 Sep 2008 -
  15 Sep 2008
How secure do you feel in your current job?
The current economic climate can be a bit nerve rattling.
1 Sep 2008 -
  8 Sep 2008
What is most important when looking for a job?
Choosing where to spend 8+hrs a day, every day, isn't a light decision. (suggested by Pete)
25 Aug 2008 -
  1 Sep 2008
Which brands of smartphones do you use regularly?
This one's for us. Tell us which phones / PDAs you are using so we can help tailor the site to our mobile users.
18 Aug 2008 -
  25 Aug 2008
Do you get paid overtime?
Regardless of how much planning you do, emergencies do happen. Do you put in the extra hours or let the managers worry about the deadlines? (suggested by Graham Downs)
11 Aug 2008 -
  18 Aug 2008
You're working on a project and you are under pressure to deliver. What would you do get it over the line?
No matter how well you plan you don't always make it. What would you do if the deadline was looming? (Suggested by Pete)
4 Aug 2008 -
  11 Aug 2008
How much RAM do you have on your Dev box?
Whatever you have, it probably isn't enough. Answer one or both questions depending on whether you have Visual Studio 2008. Answer both questions if you have boxes with and without Visual Studio 2008.
28 Jul 2008 -
  4 Aug 2008
What Source Code Control system do you use?
If you don't use Source Control then do yourself a favour and check out one of the many free versions available. It can save you a ton of grief.
21 Jul 2008 -
  28 Jul 2008
Do you have Silverlight installed?
We've all heard about it by now, and those who have visited a Microsoft site lately have certainly been, well, encouraged to install it. But have you?
14 Jul 2008 -
  21 Jul 2008
Which, if any, mobile platforms are you planning to target in the next year?
Email is still the killer mobile app, but surely someone, somewhere, is ready to give us another excuse to buy a new gadget...
7 Jul 2008 -
  14 Jul 2008
Which version of the .NET framework do you target?
It's been a while since we've taken a barometer reading of exactly what everyone is focusing on...
30 Jun 2008 -
  7 Jul 2008
What is your favourite programming font?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But have you shopped around and seen what's out there...?
23 Jun 2008 -
  30 Jun 2008
Big screen or multiple screens? What's better?
Some like the vastness of a big screen while others appreciate maximising each window in its own screen. If you had to choose, what would be your preference?
16 Jun 2008 -
  23 Jun 2008
What type of ergonomic equipment do you use?
Sitting in the same position and doing the crazy hours we sometimes have to do can lead to problems.
9 Jun 2008 -
  16 Jun 2008
On which types of machines do you develop?
The days of assuming that your fellow developer uses a PC are over.
2 Jun 2008 -
  9 Jun 2008
How important is backwards compatibility in an Operating System
We want new operating systems to be faster, better, stronger and safer, but we want our old apps too. What tradeoff is fair? (Suggested by Bill Shadish)

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