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Date Survey #
19 Jul 2004 -
  25 Jul 2004
Are software patents a good idea?
Patents in the software industry are a mess. What are your thoughts? (suggested by Compiler)
12 Jul 2004 -
  18 Jul 2004
What is the typical programmer diet these days?
Is coke and pizza a thing of the past? Or are we still as bad as the stereotypes?
5 Jul 2004 -
  11 Jul 2004
What is your career goal?
Do you want to rise out of development and into management? Or keep doing what you are best at?
28 Jun 2004 -
  4 Jul 2004
Are you a top-down or bottom-up programmer?
Do you code starting with the big picture logic and move down, or start coding in smaller operational modules and grow your application up?
21 Jun 2004 -
  27 Jun 2004
Are you working with .NET?
It's been out for a while now, but are you using it?
14 Jun 2004 -
  20 Jun 2004
What is the most important thing in writing code?
Which of the following would you rank as your #1 goal when writing code?
7 Jun 2004 -
  13 Jun 2004
Do friends and family ask you to fix their computer problems?
Many of us are developers, not hardware or third party software specialists. Even so...
31 May 2004 -
  6 Jun 2004
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Most of our time as developers is spent concentrating on what can go wrong. Has this affected your world view? (Suggested by Wolf Blass Cabernet Sauvignon, '02)
24 May 2004 -
  30 May 2004
What conferences do you usually try and attend?
There are a ton of conferences spread throughout the year and across the globe. Which ones do you attend?
17 May 2004 -
  23 May 2004
Which technologies do you target?
It's nice to occasionally see what everyone else is up to.
10 May 2004 -
  16 May 2004
Do Developers have a Life?
Usually it’s thought that a programmer has no social life. Is this reality? (suggested by Mubashir Raza Ali Khan Balouch)
3 May 2004 -
  9 May 2004
Are you using XAML?
Are you, or are thinking about, incorporating or using XAML in your products?
26 Apr 2004 -
  2 May 2004
Do you (or your company) use your own products internally?
The ol' "Do you eat your own dog food?" question. (Suggested by Navin)
19 Apr 2004 -
  25 Apr 2004
What types of PDA do you own?
What's weighing down your pockets these days?
12 Apr 2004 -
  18 Apr 2004
What Source Code Control system do you use?
5 Apr 2004 -
  11 Apr 2004
How good is your typing ability?
We spend most of our days on a keyboard, but how well can we actually type? (A typing test is here)
29 Mar 2004 -
  4 Apr 2004
When researching 3rd party components, how many do you evaluate before you buy?
Do you do your research, or just pick the first one you find?
22 Mar 2004 -
  28 Mar 2004
When writing desktop applications, which is the most important for you?
It certainly depends on the the type of application, but in general, which one is your #1 goal?
15 Mar 2004 -
  21 Mar 2004
On what basis does your company hire new staff?
Hiring new staff can be tricky. How do you go about the process?
8 Mar 2004 -
  14 Mar 2004
Do you use UML in your projects?
Yes, evidently we are meant to design before we code.

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