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Date Survey #
24 Jan 2011 -
  31 Jan 2011
What technologies do you mostly use to develop desktop applications?
Are you a drag-and-drop kinda developer, or do you prefer to code to the metal? (Thanks to Ravi Bhavnani)
17 Jan 2011 -
  24 Jan 2011
How long have you been working as a developer?
Meaning: earning money from developing software, either full or part time. (Suggested by Ravi Bhavnani). See the results of this survey from nearly 7 years ago.
7 Jan 2011 -
  21 Jan 2011
Best overall article of December 2014
This is the voting form for the Best overall article of December 2010 competition. Below are a list of the top 10 articles submitted last month. Please choose the ones you consider your favourite. Remember - you can only vote once!
10 Jan 2011 -
  17 Jan 2011
At what age did you start programming?
Did your parents give you a ZX-81 as a pacifier? Or did you come into the craft at a later age?
3 Jan 2011 -
  10 Jan 2011
Which will be the biggest areas of software development in 2011?
Break out the crystal balls.
27 Dec 2010 -
  3 Jan 2011
What are your New Year resolutions?
New Year resolutions are like requirements. They are subject to change.
20 Dec 2010 -
  27 Dec 2010
What do you want for Christmas this year?
...unless Christmas has been pushed back until Q1 2011 due to last minute bugs.
13 Dec 2010 -
  20 Dec 2010
Should developers test their own code?
Let the religious wars begin.
6 Dec 2010 -
  13 Dec 2010
Do you have a computer science degree?
Does your degree fit your vocation? (suggested by aspdotnetdev)
29 Nov 2010 -
  6 Dec 2010
Should developers ensure their applications allow exchange of data with other applications of the same type?
Should we be required to provide the means to import and export data from our applications to ensure uses aren't locked into a single application?
22 Nov 2010 -
  29 Nov 2010
Do you get to talk to those who use your software?
Most of us write software for others to use. Do you actually get to talk to your users?
15 Nov 2010 -
  22 Nov 2010
When you're buying dev tools and components, which of these best help you make a decision?
Pick the ones you find most useful in analyzing, evaluating and buying products that help you get the job done.
8 Nov 2010 -
  15 Nov 2010
Do you use Web Slices in IE8?
If you're unsure, here's a primer on web slices
1 Nov 2010 -
  8 Nov 2010
From which of the big companies would you most like a job offer?
Assuming you had your pick of the bunch...
25 Oct 2010 -
  1 Nov 2010
Do you open up laptops and other gadgets to see what's inside?
In other words, do you void warranties?
18 Oct 2010 -
  25 Oct 2010
Do you code using SOLID principles?
If you don't know about SOLID principles then go here. Now.
11 Oct 2010 -
  18 Oct 2010
Do you decorate your workspace?
We usually spend around 40 hrs at our desk, give or take, so do you personalise your space or just leave it as you found it?
4 Oct 2010 -
  11 Oct 2010
Are you planning on writing iPad / Slate / tablet specific software?
Everyone's rushing to release their answer to the iPad, but will you be writing software to run on these devices? (specifically: client apps, not just making your website work nicely on the devices)
26 Sep 2010 -
  4 Oct 2010
Do you engage in Pair Programming
There are benefits, and there are detractors.
20 Sep 2010 -
  27 Sep 2010
What sort of office environment do you work in?
Do you get an office to yourself, or are you a battery coder?

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