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Date Survey #
20 Aug 2007 -
  26 Aug 2007
How often do you clean your keyboard?
Yes, it can be done, and no, it will not lessen your coding ability.
13 Aug 2007 -
  19 Aug 2007
What are the most productive times of the day for you?
Some are morning people, some are night owls. When do you get your best work done?
6 Aug 2007 -
  12 Aug 2007
In which languages are you doing paid work?
Which languages are you actually paid to work in?
30 Jul 2007 -
  5 Aug 2007
Do you shutdown your computer overnight?
Convenience vs energy savings: which one wins when it comes to your daily work computer?
23 Jul 2007 -
  29 Jul 2007
Is your organisation planning on developing Silverlight applications?
Does a cross-browser, rich media, .NET based AJAX enabled browser plugin get your CTO all excited?
16 Jul 2007 -
  22 Jul 2007
Which game consoles do you have?
9 Jul 2007 -
  15 Jul 2007
How honest are you with your job estimates?
When estimating how long a job will take for your boss, client, loved ones at home etc, how accurate and honest are you when reporting this time?
2 Jul 2007 -
  8 Jul 2007
What best describes your role within your organization
Time to take a look at what your fellow members are up to these days
25 Jun 2007 -
  1 Jul 2007
Should Microsoft allow Google and others to replace Vista's desktop search?
In response to a charge from Google, Microsoft has agreed to make changes to Windows Vista to allow 3rd parties to replace Vista's desktop search with their own. Is this a Good Thing?
18 Jun 2007 -
  24 Jun 2007
How often do you read your email during your working day?
Some can ignore it and some are addicted
11 Jun 2007 -
  17 Jun 2007
What is your favourite Text Editor
Sometimes light and easy is best.
4 Jun 2007 -
  10 Jun 2007
Do your development projects use a database?
How do your apps get their data?
28 May 2007 -
  3 Jun 2007
What do you comment in your code?
Conventional wisdom says comments are good. How far do you go in the pursuit of explanation?
21 May 2007 -
  27 May 2007
What would you typically take on holiday with you?
Summer holidays will soon arrive in some parts of the world. What do you consider the bare necessities?
14 May 2007 -
  20 May 2007
Do you generally write your code so it can be ported easily?
When writing your code do you specifically architect and/or write it with the aim of making it simple to port, or, in fact, reusable in different environments?
7 May 2007 -
  13 May 2007
What new features in Visual Studio and the .NET framework "Orcas" are you most looking forward to?
More evolution than revolution, as the cliche goes, Visual Studio 'Orcas' and .NET 3.5 will bring some improvements. Which are you most looking forward to?
30 Apr 2007 -
  6 May 2007
Are you working with Visual Basic?
VB is still hugely popular as a programming language so what, if any, Visual Basic exposure do you have?
23 Apr 2007 -
  29 Apr 2007
Do you use Unit Testing in development?
It's been said that Unit Testing allows you to play your own Devil's Advocate. But do you bother?
16 Apr 2007 -
  22 Apr 2007
How do you return error conditions?
If a routine encounters an error do you hope the caller checks, or do you throw an exception to force the point? (inspired by Anna's blog)
9 Apr 2007 -
  15 Apr 2007
How do you rate the new Windows Vista features?
Windows Vista has been out for a while so what do you think? 1 = horrible, 5 = fantastic.

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