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Date Survey #
6 Dec 2004 -
  12 Dec 2004
Which features would you most like in a language?
No language is everything to everyone. In a perfect world, however, which features would you like most?
29 Nov 2004 -
  5 Dec 2004
Do you optimise your code?
Do you optimise your code for speed, size or resource use? Or do you just let it all hang out?
22 Nov 2004 -
  28 Nov 2004
What type of source code license do you prefer?
What license would you use for code you wish to share with the community? Note that all options except the first and last assume that you would maintain copyright of your code.
15 Nov 2004 -
  21 Nov 2004
Are you excited about .NET 2.0?
.NET 2.0 promises to bring a bunch of innovations and new features to make our lives wonderful. But do you care?
8 Nov 2004 -
  14 Nov 2004
What CodeProject Stuff would you buy were it available?
No promises, but we're looking to spread a little Orange and Green.
1 Nov 2004 -
  7 Nov 2004
What brand of computer do you own?
We've all got to use one eventually. (Suggested by tyramanan)
25 Oct 2004 -
  31 Oct 2004
Do you deal directly with clients?
In your current position do you deal with clients directly or are you kept safely out of harm's way? (Suggested by wookie)
18 Oct 2004 -
  24 Oct 2004
What is your dress code at work?
Are you stuck in a suit or can you get away with anything that won't scare the people in the next office?
12 Oct 2004 -
  17 Oct 2004
Do you telecommute?
It definitely has its pros and cons. If you do telecommute, how much of your time is spent out of the office?
4 Oct 2004 -
  11 Oct 2004
What types of applications are you working on?
A quick straw poll to see who's working on what.
27 Sep 2004 -
  3 Oct 2004
What is the most important feature of the Longhorn family?
Note that WinFS will not be available with the Longhorn client. But if you feel it's important, vote for it.
20 Sep 2004 -
  26 Sep 2004
Which version (or versions) of Visual Studio are you using?
Which of the menagerie of Visual Studio suites occupies your time?
13 Sep 2004 -
  19 Sep 2004
How do you plan before you program?
We all plan before we start coding right? Right? (Suggested by Kevin Hall)
6 Sep 2004 -
  12 Sep 2004
Do you watch Webcasts?
Many companies use webcasts to spread the word. But are they a popular way of spreading the messge?
30 Aug 2004 -
  5 Sep 2004
How many monitors do you use?
Do you use multiple monitors at work? If so how many? (Suggested by S Hawkins)
22 Aug 2004 -
  29 Aug 2004
Which Microsoft certifications do you have?
Do you currently have any of the following Microsoft certifications? (suggested by itchieSS)
16 Aug 2004 -
  22 Aug 2004
Is .NET ready for the masses?
Do you feel .NET is ready for the mass market, or are there specific shortcomings that you feel need to be addressed?
9 Aug 2004 -
  15 Aug 2004
Have you used Open Source sourcecode in a commercial product?
There's a lot of it out there, but would you include someone else's code in a product you have to guarantee and maintain?
2 Aug 2004 -
  8 Aug 2004
What do you listen to while programming?
Noise or silence? What's your ritual?
26 Jul 2004 -
  1 Aug 2004
What is the worst programming sin?
What's your pet peeve when it comes to source code?

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