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Date Survey #
1 Mar 2004 -
  7 Mar 2004
Do you or your company allow the use of Open Source code in applications?
There's a ton of exceptionally well written source code available for free on the net. Can you make use of it though?
23 Feb 2004 -
  29 Feb 2004
What do you use for authoring installations?
Writing the application is sometimes only half the battle. (Sent in by Gavin Greig)
16 Feb 2004 -
  22 Feb 2004
How long have you been working as a developer?
How long have you been at the grindstone? (Sent in by vertigo_one)
9 Feb 2004 -
  15 Feb 2004
How do you start a new project?
There not necessarily a right way and a wrong way to start new projects, but there are certainly some good ways and some very bad ways.
2 Feb 2004 -
  8 Feb 2004
At what age did you start programming?
Some of us started later than others. (suggested by Alexander M.)
26 Jan 2004 -
  1 Feb 2004
Which languages and technologies are you working in?
We haven't done this one for a while so it's time to take a stocktake of our skills.
19 Jan 2004 -
  25 Jan 2004
Why are people derisive towards Visual Basic?
VB has received a lot of flak over the years. Why? (Sent in by FruitBatInShades)
12 Jan 2004 -
  18 Jan 2004
In your company, which development environments do you currently use?
Suggested by Oz Solomon
5 Jan 2004 -
  11 Jan 2004
What are your company's prospects for 2004?
For those who work for or own a company, what changes if any do you see for your company in 2004?
29 Dec 2003 -
  4 Jan 2004
New Year's Resolutions
What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2004?
22 Dec 2003 -
  28 Dec 2003
In what capacity do you mainly write software?
15 Dec 2003 -
  21 Dec 2003
Does your Boss or Manager actually have programming experience?
How many people have project managers/supervisors who actually have real programming experience versus a degree in management, business, or kissing you-know-what. (Sent in by Liobsynde)
8 Dec 2003 -
  14 Dec 2003
Which .NET language has (or will) your company standardised on?
Now that .NET is reasonably well established, which language has your company standardised on for production .NET development (Sent in by Rob Groves)
1 Dec 2003 -
  7 Dec 2003
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
You call yourself a developer? Then prove it.
24 Nov 2003 -
  30 Nov 2003
Naming conventions in your code
What notations do you use when coding?
17 Nov 2003 -
  23 Nov 2003
When developing a project, how do you prefer to work?
10 Nov 2003 -
  16 Nov 2003
PDAs - what features do you most need?
Feature lists in PDAs are getting longer - but what features do you absolutely, positively need?
3 Nov 2003 -
  9 Nov 2003
What is better? Smarter programmers or safer programming environments?
Is it better to have the developer or the underlying framework the developer targets be responsible for catching bugs and security issues?
28 Oct 2003 -
  3 Nov 2003
Getting help with your UI design
Do you get a graphic designer to help with your application's UI look and feel or just slap together something yourself?
20 Oct 2003 -
  26 Oct 2003
What are the most valuable skills for your job?
The IT industry is always changing so it's good to get a handle on what skills graduates and those seeking new jobs really need.

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