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All Available Surveys

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Date Survey #
13 Jan 2003 -
  18 Jan 2003
What reward do you most appreciate?
What token of appreciation from your boss or your clients most inspires you?
6 Jan 2003 -
  12 Jan 2003
How do you link your C++ applications?
Conflicts between different versions of the MFC and ATL libraries can cause headaches. How do you link you C++ apps?
30 Dec 2002 -
  5 Jan 2003
Your New Year's resolution
What's your New Year's resolution this year?
23 Dec 2002 -
  29 Dec 2002
What do you want for Christmas?
If you could choose only one of the following what would you grab?
29 Nov 2002 -
  28 Dec 2002
Adding services to CodeProject
We're looking to add new services to CodeProject but before we do we need to ensure that they will actually be used. We need you to tell us what you think, not what you think we want to hear. This is an invitation-only survey and every invited respondant gets a free CodeProject T-shirt regardless of how they answer (as long as they answer meaningfully. No asdf's please!)

This survey is about online jobs boards, and is focussed on those posting job advertisments, not on those using a jobs board to find a job.

All replies will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. Thanks for helping us make CodeProject better!

16 Dec 2002 -
  22 Dec 2002
C++ Buzzwords
With the latest version of VC++ coming out soon there's a lot of talk about what's new. Without Googling tell us which of the following concepts you are familiar enough with to use.
9 Dec 2002 -
  15 Dec 2002
Given the choice, who would you rather have dinner with?
2 Dec 2002 -
  8 Dec 2002
What's most important in your day?
Some things just make work life more bearable.
18 Nov 2002 -
  5 Dec 2002
The Code Project straw poll
We're constantly looking to ensure that we provide our members with Stuff They Want. To do this we need to ensure that we're on the right track. If you could spare 30 seconds to fill in this quick straw poll then a CodeProject T-shirt could be yours.
25 Nov 2002 -
  1 Dec 2002
How important are new features for Visual C++?
If you could choose among the following features for a new version of Visual C++, how would you rate them in terms of importance (1 = not important, 5 = important).
18 Nov 2002 -
  24 Nov 2002
Do you accept the 'standard' set of Microsoft tools?
Sometimes the tools we're given are not the best tools for the job. (suggested by Michael Galloway McLean)
11 Nov 2002 -
  17 Nov 2002
Has your dress code at work changed?
Developers used to pride themselves on how casually we could dress - partly because we had no dress sense, but mostly because we could get away with it. Has this now changed? (Suggested by Kirsty Galloway McLean)
4 Nov 2002 -
  10 Nov 2002
Should development tools be free?
Clearly it would be great to have everything for free, but is this realistic? (suggested by Michael Galloway McLean)
17 Oct 2002 -
  5 Nov 2002
The Code Project "Who are we and what do we do" Survey

It's always interesting to find out more about each other. Ever wondered how your company stacks up against everyone elses? Whether you're getting paid enough? Or whether there are any other application architects lurking around?

This demographic survey is here for three reasons: To give you all a chance to find out more about each other; To help us decide what services we should be concentrating on providing you all; and to allow us to convince advertisers (the guys who pay our bills) to provide us with information on products that we actually care about.

The survey should take no more than a minute. Spending those 60 seconds filling this out will help CodeProject enormously. Thanks in advance everyone!

28 Oct 2002 -
  3 Nov 2002
Will the heady dotcom days ever come back?
1999 was a fun time to be in the IT industry but it's mostly been Hell in a Handbasket since then. Will the days of ridiculous salaries and all-you-can-eat VC funding ever return?
21 Oct 2002 -
  27 Oct 2002
Do you use other people's components
There are zillions of third party components in the market - both free and commercial. Do you use them, or do you prefer to write yourself.
14 Oct 2002 -
  20 Oct 2002
What is your ideal working environment?
Where would you say you are most productive.
7 Oct 2002 -
  13 Oct 2002
How powerful is your tool?
We all have one (or take advantage of someone elses). Just how powerful is the computer that your employer has suppied you with?
30 Sep 2002 -
  6 Oct 2002
What sort of network security do you use?
Please don't say 'none'... (Suggested by Megan Forbes)
23 Sep 2002 -
  29 Sep 2002
Which libraries do you use?
Most developers use libraries to cut development time. Which libraries help make your life a little easier?

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