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What book taught you most about being a good programmer?

8 Jul 2013 to 15 Jul 2013 A totally open ended question this week. Please just enter the full title of the book, and post any explanatory comments in the survey's discussion forum.

Text entry answers for sorted by frequency of occurrance.

(95) let us C
(42) Code Complete
(32) The Bible
(21) Java How to Program
(20) C++ How To Program by Deitel and Deitel
(19) C++ How to program
(14) None
(9) The C Programming Language
(8) n/a
(8) Head First Design Patterns
(7) Effective C++
(6) Let Us C by Yashavant P Kanetkar
(6) The Pragmatic Programmer
(5) Professional Visual Studio 2010
(5) Code Complete 2
(4) Clean Code
(4) Design patterns by GOF
(4) Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
(4) W3schools
(3) The C++ Programming Language
(3) Help From the Seniors
(3) Actually not books, but internet articles mostly.
(3) Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
(3) Google & wiki
(3) The Art Of Computer Programming
(2) 'The Art of Computer Programming' (aka TAOCP) by Donald Knuth
(2) Sinclair ZX Spectrum BASIC Programming
(2) Code Project
(2) The Art of War - Sun Tzu
(2) Software Tools
(2) The Psychology of Computer Programming
(2) The C programming language - Brian W.Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie
(2) The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup
(2) Turbo C
(2) The Internet
(2) Visual C#
(2) Online Tutorials...
(2) 76/4:/259/45, $RandomStr, [url=]76/4:/259/45[/url], $RandomStr, 76/4:/259/45, $RandomStr.
(2) Algorithms & Data Structures by Niklaus Wirth
(2) C++ How To Program by Deitel & Deitel
(2) Beginning Visual C# 2005 Express Edition From Novice to Professional
(2) Deitel and Detial CPlus Plus
(2) CodeProject
(2) For Dummies
(2) the passionate programmer
(2) Writing Solid Code
(1) Wrox publication...all the books are good and let us C
(1) Wrox.Professional.CSharp.4.and.NET.4.Mar.2010
(1) xicqh76, ntjryvvjza , [url=]ijmkrkdtwc[/url], ntjryvvjza
(1) yflwu76, nhgndevvvr , [url=]ezfxjkivyw[/url], nhgndevvvr
(1) you cannot learn to be a good programmer from a book. you need to do it for real.
(1) You tell me?
(1) Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
(1) Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
(1) zizxl76, sczmrzxbfz , [url=]tvuieczard[/url], sczmrzxbfz
(1) The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup
(1) Way Of The Peaceful Warrior
(1) working with springs
(1) Wpf 4 Unleashed.
(1) For me it's not the book but one of my old friend & collegue, my ex-boss and the guru, MVP's and finally Steve McMahon (VBAccelerator). These people really influenced me a lot.
(1) Forms Design - Luke W.
(1) Fortran 95
(1) Fox in Sox - Dr Seuss
(1) Framework Design Guidelines
(1) fsbfk76, rchqcdxlve , [url=]rqzmraomgz[/url], rchqcdxlve
(1) fxqmh76, cfsaqzpisj , [url=]tecjgrgfah[/url], cfsaqzpisj
(1) Game Coding Complete
(1) Gang of Four
(1) gllyl76, czkpfgnlnt
(1) gnqfb76, cwpeokkydj
(1) goggle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1) Good Old Fashioned - Trial & Error
(1) Google
(1) Effective C++ (Scott Meyers)
(1) Effective C++, Third Edition: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
(1) Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
(1) embedded
(1) Essential C++ I and II by Scott Meyers
(1) Experience
(1) Experience Matters More than any Book.
(1) Experience over reading books
(1) Experience rather than books
(1) Expert C# 2005 Business Objects
(1) eyosz76, xhgscplcpi , [url=]znfjjqajsj[/url], xhgscplcpi
(1) five
(1) Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott.
(1) Coding and Coding.
(1) Coding Only.. and seniors help.
(1) Computer Programming as an Art
(1) Conclusion of some refrence books(Notes) / Google
(1) data structures by seymour lipschutz
(1) Database Programming with C#
(1) Death March - Ed Yourdon
(1) Decline and Fall of the American Programmer
(1) Deitel
(1) Deitel and Deital C++
(1) Deitil C++
(1) Design Patterns
(1) Design Patterns by Gang of Four
(1) Dijkstra, Structured Programming
(1) Don't make me think!
(1) Don't remember but it was a good one
(1) ebusx76, znjvrtexww , [url=]txwubrxvgs[/url], znjvrtexww
(1) Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
(1) How to Program C/C++ Deitel and Deitel
(1) How to program the Z80
(1) hvczv76, ecfpetancb
(1) I have never read a book on programming
(1) I learned from w3schools...
(1) I rely mostly on forums rather than books. Mostly I read e books much simple and straight forward for me. Helps me a lot indeed!
(1) Idiots Guide to Programming J-Basic and the importance of line number spacing
(1) Implementing theory in Practical.
(1) Inside Mac
(1) internet.....
(1) Introduction to Algorithm
(1) iqjyt76, liyhqjdogm
(1) It's a toss-up between 'The Pascal User Manual And Report' and 'The C Programming Language'
(1) iuici76, [url=]gilcnztjjh[/url]
(1) ivcpz76, pthlksbaza , [url=]yxbwhcchnr[/url], pthlksbaza
(1) Jack Ganssle "The Art of Embedded Programming"
(1) Java how to Program Fifth Edition, Deitel
(1) Java In a Nutshell
(1) Java The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt
(1) java:complete reference by bjourne stroustrup
(1) jon skeet c# in depth
(1) jump trading
(1) Just and Just Practice makes it fine.
(1) K & R + Charles Peyzolz Programming in C for Windows
(1) K & R C
(1) K&R
(1) K&R (The C Programming Language Kernighan & Ritchie)
(1) K+R & Charles Petzold's C for Windows
(1) Kernigan & Ritchie C Programming
(1) Kernighan & Ritchie
(1) La Bibila de C#
(1) Learn through example .... not books.
(1) Beginning Visual C++ 6 by Ivor Horton
(1) Beginning Visual C++ 6, by Ivor Horton
(1) Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
(1) Black Book Publisher
(1) Booch Object Oriented Methology
(1) Book Of Experience :)
(1) Byte of Python
(1) C for Dummies
(1) C Programming Language
(1) C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
(1) c#
(1) C# 2.0: The Complete Reference. McGraw Hill Professional, 2006
(1) C# 5.0 in a Nutshell
(1) C# Complete Reference
(1) C# Primer
(1) C# Unleashed
(1) C++ Coding Standards : Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices
(1) C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices
(1) C++ FAQs by Cline
(1) C++ Primer
(1) C++ The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt Third Edition
(1) C++: The Complete Reference
(1) Catch 22
(1) Chris Maunder's Guide to Weekly Poll Questions
(1) Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
(1) Cleaner code
(1) CListBacon
(1) CLR via C# by Jeffrey Ritcher
(1) CLR via c#, C# in depth
(1) Code Complete by Steve McConnell
(1) Code Complete, Microsoft Press
(1) Code Complete, Second Edition
(1) Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, First Edition
(1) code domplete
(1) 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
(1) A book cannot teach good programming - mentorship is required
(1) A Book On C
(1) A college textbook called Fundamentals of Database Systems
(1) A Discipline Of Programming
(1) a java book by bjourne stroustrup. i was always fascinated by the working of computer languages but couldnot understand it well. the introduction part of this book gave me an insight of what programming languages are and how are they classified. it kindled the interest in me to know more about programming languages and hence i eventually became a programmer.
(1) ABC, My first alphabeth
(1) Actually not books, but internet articles mostly
(1) "Algorithms + Data structures = programs", Niklaus Wirth
(1) "East or West Database is the Best" So any Books related to DB is best.
(1) "Programming Pearls" by Jon Bentley
(1) "The Mythical Man-Month" by Fred Brooks
(1) "The pragmatic Programmer", Hunt/Thomas
(1) "Visual C# 2008", "Visual C# 2010" (2 Dutch books) and "CLR via C#"
(1) 3des
(1) 6502 Assembly Language Subroutines
(1) 76/4:/259/45, $RandomStr, [url=]76/4:/259/45[/url], $RandomStr, 76/4:/259/45, $RandomStr.
(1) Algorithms+data=Programs - by Dijkstra
(1) ANSI C, K&R
(1) Any book but proctical is required.
(1) Any Book which could clear the concepts
(1) Any Good Programming Book
(1) Apple Basic
(1) Applying UML and Patterns
(1) Articles on CodeProject!!
(1) Asking questions
(1) ASP.NET 2.0 by Matthew Macdonald
(1) programming
(1) Bacon
(1) Bacon Nation: 125 Irresistible Recipes by Peter Kaminsky and Marie Rama
(1) BBC Microcomputer System User Guide
(1) Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 From Novice to Professional
(1) Beginning BACON
(1) Only the Paranoid Survive
(1) other
(1) Other programmers commenting on my code
(1) Pascal by Doug Cooper
(1) PASCAL User Manual & Report (Jensen, Wirth, Mickel)
(1) Pascal User Manual and Report by Kathleen Jensen & Niklaus Wirth
(1) Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: On Patterns and Pattern Languages by Frank Buschmann, Kevlin Henney, and Douglas C. Schmidt
(1) Patterns of enterprise applications architecture, Fowler
(1) PC Underground
(1) PC Underground (actually, it taught me becoming a *programmer*)
(1) people moreso than books
(1) Power C
(1) Practical Guidelines and Best Practices for Microsoft® Visual Basic® and Visual C#® Developers
(1) Practical.
(1) Practice.
(1) Practicing the code alot.
(1) Practise makes a man perfect.
(1) Pragmatic Programmer
(1) Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010
(1) Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework
(1) Pro C# 2005 and the .Net 2.0 Platform, Third Edition
(1) Professional Enterprise .NET
(1) professional_sharepoint_2010_branding_and_user_interface_design
(1) Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows / Jeffrey Richter
(1) Programming Concepts by William B. Jones
(1) Programming in ANSI C By Balaguruswamy
(1) Programming in C - Dennis Ritchie
(1) programming Language By Kernighan and Ritchie
(1) Programming Microsoft .Net by Jeffry Prosise
(1) Programming With C++
(1) python
(1) real-tiem
(1) Refactoring to patterns
(1) Robert Lafore - Object-Oriented Programming in C++
(1) sajfm76, adfyqihgfs
(1) Sams teach yourself java in 24h
(1) Sams.ASP.NET.3.5.Unleashed
(1) Scott Meyers, Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design
(1) SDK
(1) Google is not a book
(1) Guidance From Seniors...and from TCP....
(1) hahahhahaa
(1) he C++ Programming Language
(1) Head First C#
(1) Head First: Design Patterns
(1) Hell of Practise..
(1) Hello World for dummies
(1) Let us C by Yashwant Kanitkar
(1) linux in a nutshell
(1) lnuex76, qeysfcejkk , [url=]euatbymzan[/url], qeysfcejkk
(1) Mastering Visual Basic 2005
(1) MCTS - 70-515
(1) Microprocessor Programming, Troubleshooting, And Interfacing: The Z80, 8080, And 8085.
(1) Microsoft C
(1) Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step - John Sharp
(1) mockito
(1) Modern C++ Design, by Andrei Alexandrescu
(1) MS Press - CLR via C# 2nd Edition
(1) Mythical Man Month
(1) None - Teacher was most important
(1) none of the above
(1) None of them
(1) None. Experience did.
(1) None. Experience taught me.
(1) Not a book but a teacher
(1) Not a book but the meeting of several good programmers and the reading of several good articles and chapters about programming.
(1) Not a book. Design and code reivews as well as parts of books and articles.
(1) Not a book. Internet
(1) Not single one.
(1) Not sure, possibly: M257, 'Putting Java to Work' by the Open University
(1) Object Oriented Programming Concepts in C++ & Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides (Nov 10, 1994)
(1) Object Oriented Programming in 21 Days
(1) 'Object oriented programming" by Bjarne Stroustrup
(1) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Application by Grady Booch
(1) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications - Grady Booch
(1) Object-Oriented Programming in C++
(1) Visual C# 2010 - Step by Step
(1) Visual C++ 5 Unleashed
(1) Visual C++ 6 Unleashed by Mickey Williams and David Bennett
(1) vualb76, ctaoezftnl
(1) w3school
(1) The Java Tutorial
(1) The Mist by Stephen King
(1) The Mythical Man Month
(1) Turbo C 3.0
(1) Turbo C User's Guide
(1) Turbo Pascal
(1) urzbk76, [url=]hwujzjtxvo[/url]
(1) utxbo76, iezuaphxce , [url=]figjbwubrh[/url], iezuaphxce
(1) Vax VMS System Internals
(1) Vic 20 manual
(1) The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World
(1) The Clean Coder
(1) The complete Spectrum ROM disassembly by Dr Ian Logan and Dr Frank O'Hara
(1) The Elements of Programming Style
(1) The Inmates are Running the Asylum
(1) The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
(1) The C Programming Language or K&R
(1) The C Programming Manual (yes the original)
(1) The Spirit of C
(1) there hasn't been one book responsible. But rather one person.
(1) Title unknown
(1) tomes of delphi
(1) touch
(1) trial and error
(1) Try... Fail.. Try again....
(1) Softwareentwicklung in C++ by Klaus Schmaranz
(1) Some of E W Dijksra's Lecture Notes
(1) Steve McConnell's Code Complete
(1) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
(1) Structured Programming by Ed Yourdon
(1) Structured Programming Using WATFIV
(1) Symphony C++
(1) Tanenbaum: Operating Systems - Design and Implementation
(1) Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years..... By Peter Norvig
(1) test
(1) thakhna
(1) nflfb76, dzuevvguys , [url=]awbwcoyzua[/url], dzuevvguys
(1) nlgpi76, [url=]yweynutxla[/url]
(1) No Book
(1) No book taught me - it was old code, especially the spaghetti variety
(1) No book, but a friend of mine, who taught me the right way to think
(1) No book. A lot of digging, trying, failing and trying again... and reading a lot but mostly online.
(1) No Book. I learnt from MSDN, CodeProject and CodePlex
(1) The Art Of War, Sun Tzu
(1) The AWK Programming Language
(1) Codeigniter
(1) Codel complete 2nd Edition
(1) The Book Of Experience..
(1) the book of internet
(1) The Book of Life
(1) The C Bible
(1) The C programing language, K & R
(1) sjnkl76, [url=]ewtcxqrepv[/url]
(1) Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville
(1) Software Engineering with Ada, Second Edition, by Grady Booch
(1) The art of linux programming - Eric Raymond
(1) The Art of Unix Programming