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41. Please help in Checklistbox
You already doing it. Below code will remove all the items in the Sub Area checkbox list.chklistsubarea.Clear()Quick Question:.NET has a very powerful DB concepts (ADO.NET), but you still using ADODB?
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 31 Jan 2012
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42. Limit the number of items displayed in a ASP.Net drop down list
There is no direct property to do that. But you can do it by setting attributes like below,DropDownList1.Attributes.Add("Size", "10");Mark it as answer if it is helpful
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 7 Nov 2011
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43. If activeX can work on WPF why not in silverlight.
WPF is basic a Window based application and it required Framework 3.5 or greater to run on a machine. Whereas Silverlight uses just Runtime Libraries to run on a browser or Sandbox and also it does not have the WindowsHost control or something to host the ActiveX
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 18 Oct 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
44. C# WPF Search engine
Try using ClickOnce deployment for distribution. ClickOnce will automatically take care of updating the application.Update 1:Check the following links:How-To: Use ClickOnce to deploy your Applications[^]ClickOnce - Quick steps to Deploy, Install and Update Windows Based Client...
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 11 Oct 2011
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45. Page/form request redirecting to a custom error page.
Check the web.config of the website in the IIS. I have strong feeling that it should have errorPages configuration
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 11 Oct 2011
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46. FlowDocument Report in ASP.NET
I guess you have to convert the report to PDF and display it in your ASP.NET.I did a search on Google[^] looking for "ASP.NET PDF Creator" and got a huge list. Pick the one which suits your need
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 11 Oct 2011
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47. Keep radio selected on radiobutton after postback
The problem seems to be you are loading the GridView everytime the page postback.Make sure you load the GridView only once. Add a condition like below,if (!IsPostBack){// Load the GridView}Mark it as answer if it is helpful
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 10 Oct 2011
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48. DateTime format in .NET 4.0
If you have different DateTime pattern (especially separator) in the locale
.NET » .NET4 »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 10 Oct 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (5 votes))
49. DateTime format in C# 4.0
Try the below code,DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)The problem is the convert function is using the separator from the Date/Time settings of your machine. The above code should work perfectly.Mark it as answer if it is helpful
Programming Languages » C# 4.0 »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 10 Oct 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (7 votes))
50. I want to disable back button of safari Browser .I am unable to do that.
You cannot disable the back button of a browser using the ASP.NET or JavaScript.
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 10 Oct 2011
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51. Gridview RowCommand event
I assume you are trying to get the current row using,int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);GridViewRow gr = gvCloserComments.Rows[index];If you are using RowCommand event, you should able to get the current row using e.Row.Please check you have two columns (2 cells) as...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 12 Sep 2011
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