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221. How to attach a method to Click property of a Button defined in ControlTemplate in ResourceDictionary?
Provide a Name for the Button in the ControlTemplate. You can get the Button using the following statement in the CS file.Button button = GetTemplateChild(YOUR_BUTTON_NAME_IN_THE_CONTROLTEMPLATE) as Buttonbutton.Click += OnButtonClick;Note: This would work fine if you derive the...
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 20 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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222. Parent and Child Windows Help
I guess you are initializing the Child Window inside the Main Form's menu click event.Declare a Child Form object outside the function and check for null.Ex:ChildForm childForm = null;private void OnMenuClick (object sender, EventArgs e){ if (childForm == null) { ...
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 18 Mar 2011
Rating: 4.89/5 ( (4 votes))
223. Mysql database connection
This would help you,Connecting to MySQL 5.0 from Visual C# 2005[^]
Database Development » MySQL »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 18 Mar 2011
Rating: 3.00/5 ( (2 votes))

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224. iam not able to print in the correct in the correct formate in wpf
The Run element you used have properties to change the Font, Font Styles.Take a look here[^]
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 17 Mar 2011
Rating: ( (No votes))
225. error when sending email using gmail in ASP.NET
Here we go,Sending E-mail using through Gmail account (Gmail SMTP Server account)[^]How to Send Mails from your GMAIL Account through VB.NET or C#. Windows Programming, with a Bit of Customization[^]
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 17 Mar 2011
Rating: ( (No votes))
226. Showing Text from begining after selecting item from AutoCompleteBox
Silverlight » »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 17 Mar 2011
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227. How to get data from Frame in WebBrowser?
First ID to the iframe, likeJavaScript:var frameDocument = document.getElementById('Data').contentWindow().document;using frameDocument you can access anything in the iframe.
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 16 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
228. Regular expression validator with button in
Check if the CausesValidation property of the Button is set to True.Update 1:Have you tried entering some values (wrong value) on the textbox. Your expression should be smart to validate empty strings too.Mark it as answer if it is helpful
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 16 Mar 2011
Rating: ( (No votes))
229. Where and when exactly a request does takes place to a particular http/s url?
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 16 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))
230. FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName not giving full path in chrome
Server.MapPath will map to the Server's path.So,string path = Server.MapPath(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);is not correct.And this would help you to solve your problem FileUpload loses directory path.[^]I see no use in getting the uploader file location.
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 15 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))
231. Problem in IIS Hosting
You need to install FrontPage Extension on your server.I believe, the error message itself clear stating the problem and solution for it.
WCF » »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 15 Mar 2011
Rating: ( (No votes))
232. Which one to use: Visual Web Developer or Visual C# : WPF Browzer Application?
ASP.NET (Web Application) with C# language is fair enough. You can use Visual Web Developer as the Development Tool. WPF Browser application is out of context for your need.
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 15 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
233. Problem with two instances of web user control on a web form
Context.Items is shared by both the controls. You can try like,Context.Items[string.Format("{0}_id",wucWithdraw.ClientID)]for assigning values. (i.e), Use the ClientID of the Control appended along with the Key to get unique values.So, What is this Context.Items for?
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 15 Mar 2011
Rating: ( (No votes))
234. WPF: XAML Designer won't recognize types, but compiling works fine
The WPF Designer in Visual Studio is a basic designer. But the Visual Studio 2010 has better WPF Designer. The rendering of Design Time depends on the Controls and Complex design used in that particular Window or UserControl.For example:If you have a control which load records from DB on...
Venkatesh Mookkan Updated: 15 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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