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Comments by Homero Rivera (Top 200 by date)
Homero Rivera
15-Apr-17 12:41pm
The source code seems incomplete, you don't show your .php file with html that should contain the <?php content tags.
I think the problem could be there.
Homero Rivera
14-Apr-17 22:11pm
If you're going to downvote at least explain why. My friggin' crystal ball broke the other day, you know?
Homero Rivera
23-Feb-17 23:59pm
http://localhost/ ???? HHmmmm!? 2 web servers in the same server?
Homero Rivera
22-Feb-17 8:42am
My pleasure! It was a really good exercise for my upcoming certification exam :)
Homero Rivera
21-Feb-17 21:58pm
Comment, your XML is not accurately closed. the last element should be /Root
Homero Rivera
30-Jan-17 21:39pm
What URL are you typing?
Have you set the default page accordingly in GoDaddy options?
Homero Rivera
5-Dec-16 0:05am
dataType: "POST", ????
Homero Rivera
17-Aug-16 21:44pm
In my experience, doing SSRS without base knowledge is the same as trying to fly a cruiser jet without any base knowledge.
We can sit here and try to find out how to fix your particular problem for hours... Especially since SSRS development is so GUI oriented instead of code-oriented (you can do either, but let's be honest, almost nobody dives into the SSRS code).
My recommendation is that you watch these series of videos...
That's where I got like 85% of the SSRS I know. One of those videos should have you need.
Homero Rivera
31-Jul-16 16:05pm
Solving this will require a lot of precision, or otherwise our solutions may not be accepted....
1. Do you have a link so we can get a better picture of what you are trying?
2. Also, can you add the code of the elements inside the marquee, please?
Homero Rivera
21-Jul-16 0:59am
Arrays in C# ARE OBJECTS... And bitmaps are not strictly byte arrays, but are an object which is pretty much a superset of a byte array...
So... You need to decide whether you want a bitmap, and if so, create an instance of a bitmap at button2_Click and return a bitmap at ExecuteLPR12()... However you are declaring ExecuteLPR12() returnes byte array, and then you try to return a null bitmap....
I frankly don't see where this is going.
Homero Rivera
21-Jul-16 0:47am
404 error means not found. A single wrong character in the domain can trigger that... are you 100% it's right? Are you 100% sure the server is available from your current network?
Homero Rivera
14-Jul-16 0:35am
Well, you can only make sure there are no repeated rows... One way is to change your SQL query to use DISTINCT as in SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2... coln FROM ...
Homero Rivera
29-May-16 21:01pm
I've seen that, in order to check a report in SSRS, your user needs to be registered in SQL Server and granted permission.
This is, not just SSRS permission, but also SQL Server permission to read the target tables.
Why not try that approach?
Homero Rivera
29-May-16 20:34pm
You have functionality that is dependant on ASP.Net Session, like identifying a cookie.
If you have low cost ASP.Net hosting, this will never end... Your application will rotate servers and won't be able to follow up on user identification.
You can rent a whole server for yourself to host your application and you wouldn't be facing this problem.
Other approach is to create identification functionality that is not dependant on ASP.Net Sessions, like storing tokens in database on server and client side through hidden fields. Then to identify users you need to send the tokens to the server and consult the database to take actions on the server side.
Homero Rivera
22-May-16 13:44pm
It´s a matter of choice whether to use 2 drastically different layouts.
At times it is completely necessary because, for example, the desktop version is fully loaded: buttons here, buttons there, textboxes, images... Loaded!
You really can´t make it all fit well on a smartphone.
That´s when you really need a second design for smartphones. One where you´ll just show the most essential information and options.
When websites are not that loaded (e.g. yours :), it is possible to work around with just some jquery here and some scriptaculous there or javascript, and adapt all content well to fit on either screen size.
Sure, it's hard and complex, but then you don't need 2 different layouts.
I'm thinking, maybe, since your forte is game development (I'm guessing here based on your website), maybe you shouldn't invest that much time in trying to figure out the right scripts that work for you, but buy a responsive HTML and CSS template. There's very good responsive and adaptive templates out there for $70 USD (definitely worth if you're trying to land on a good job). And definitely, there should be cv theming.
Then your work would be not adding and figuring out stuff, but cutting of parts of the template you don't really need.
Homero Rivera
21-May-16 16:41pm
I posted an answer, but then I realized that this website is your resume.
If the companies trying to hire you can't have modern browsers and devices, you probably shouldn't accept a job from them.
Homero Rivera
21-May-16 16:16pm
Just suggesting... Don't use SQL Server e-mail for this purpose. That will put more stress on a server specifically for database work.
Better use backend C# or PHP (whatever your case is) to send that e-mail. Also, if you have errors there they are easier to find.
Homero Rivera
21-May-16 16:12pm
Are you really trying to connect to gmail? Or is it some other internal server?
Homero Rivera
21-May-16 16:08pm
Homero Rivera
15-May-16 15:40pm
You open pop-ups with javascript, not ASP.NET.
If you are trying to select a row from your gridview, there should be an event which opens a new window with javascript, and include a url in it to load the editable section. Also a parameter that relates your new window to the row you selected is necessary.
Separate pop-up windows is not a recommended practice any more, specially since they can't be opened in dialog mode. It is best to work within the same window.
Homero Rivera
14-May-16 14:10pm
Isn't void supposed to mean, "no result to return" for methods? Maybe you need null?
nullptr ?
Homero Rivera
14-May-16 14:06pm
Tried reaching Microsoft Connect BUT...
"You are not authorized to submit the feedback for this connection."
Thanks Microsoft, specially since I paid the Visual Studio full license.
Homero Rivera
14-May-16 12:49pm
Is your SQL Query Task actually outputing the variable, so it becomes available for the SSIS Variables?
SSIS can't check what the value in SQL Queery Task is... The SQL Query Task needs to output a value to Variables in SSIS Package for Loop to check the value.
Homero Rivera
2-Apr-16 20:20pm
could it be the space in between Input.GetAxis ...and... ("Horizontal");
??? C# is pretty strict.
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 1:02am
Look at the article I added in the solution at https://www.connectionstrings.com/store-connection-string-in-webconfig/
ConfigurationSettings is for appsettings in webconfig.
ConfigurationManager is for connectionstrings in webconfig.
Good luck there
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:51am
make sure this is in the C# file header...
using System.Configuration;
Then try fetching the connection string into variable with this code:
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AccessConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
That should do it this time (hope so)
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:42am
NO WAIT... there's another issue...
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:41am
Try changing
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:34am
your connection string in web config has .mdb at the end
<add name="AccessConnectionString" connectionstring="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|BillAndReceipt.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;" providername="System.Data.OleDb">
change BillAndReceipt.mdb to BillAndReceipt.accdb
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:29am
Could you be messing with your file extension? I see you use .mdb and then .accdb
What is the right extension?
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:18am
See proposed solution please. Try #1, if that doesn't make it then go to 2.
Homero Rivera
20-Mar-16 0:17am
Where are you storing your results? in SQL Server?
Homero Rivera
23-Jan-16 22:50pm
I you use SQL Server, you can get that exact figure with the Rank function
Homero Rivera
29-Dec-15 17:47pm
Homero Rivera
28-Dec-15 18:15pm
500 usually arises when the backend code fails, for example, a division by 0 or trouble connecting to a database.
If you didn't touch the backend code, then probably a data source or external file accessed through the code is not kicking in, resulting in an error and thus returning 500.
Only a suggestion. You need to check your error log in the server maybe.
Homero Rivera
28-Dec-15 18:08pm
I want my software to connect to a remote database (sql server) in order to retrieve data, license and updates. this is the first time i'm trying anything like this and i would like to know how to get started.
Do i need a remote server that support windows and has sql server?
If you want to use SQL Server, yes.
Your application could still connect to other databases hosted on other operating systems though. The fact that the app runs on WPF doesn't restrict the data sources to Microsft.
There are windows apps that connect to Oracle, or MySQL and others.
what will be the connection string?
ConnectionStrings.com look for the database server you're using.
Homero Rivera
27-Sep-15 15:10pm
Sorry, it's windows.h. I tried writing it as it appeared in the sample code I checked, with "greater than" and "less than" signs, so the webpage code took it as website html code and hide it.
Good luck, seems like you got an answer below.
Homero Rivera
27-Sep-15 1:43am
The main .h file is <windows.h>
However, it may be deprecated for latest versions.
Here's a good link for Windows development in the C language http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/opengl_first_windows_app.html
Homero Rivera
27-Sep-15 0:44am
Right! Sorry, I overlooked that. So, are you developing as a console application for now? do you use basic printf or Console.WriteLine with the help of the .Net framework?
Homero Rivera
27-Sep-15 0:30am
What is the query to get what you're showing?
And, d you want to add up the values in the column? Make an average of them?
Homero Rivera
26-Sep-15 23:11pm
This seems like a very reasonable request, just to get the class libraries and all of that.
What software are you using to build this?
Homero Rivera
26-Sep-15 22:48pm
Post some ASP.Net code plus some C#
There are some properties in your textboxes like being inside a form, for instance, that can trigger postback and everything.
Homero Rivera
26-Aug-15 22:34pm
What do you mean by linking?
Some code you can show us to get a better idea of what you're trying to achieve?
Homero Rivera
26-Aug-15 21:46pm
Comment your code in the response function and see what you're getting with alert(data); You seem to be expecting an array of data, but your aspx doesn't seem to use Response.ContentType to declare you'll be replying with an array.
You can send arrays to your response in the form of json, XML, or simple text with your whole HTML ready for pasting.
Homero Rivera
26-Aug-15 21:36pm
your input tags lack a / at the end.... Could it be that IE is very strict?
Homero Rivera
22-Aug-15 11:53am
Dreaming high, that's good. What can you tell us about your chat application? On what port do you listen to tcp?
Is it built as a peer-server-peer ? Or P2P?
Homero Rivera
27-Jul-15 21:08pm
Are you trying to develop a web server? Ir some other sort of server?
Homero Rivera
27-Jul-15 21:03pm
Dropdowns have am append property i believe. You should playa around with that maybe.
Homero Rivera
1-Jun-15 0:31am
Sorry it took so long to check the answer... Lots of work :(
Homero Rivera
2-May-15 10:23am
Does your button have the property "PostBack" (or something like that) set to true ? I once had something like that.
Homero Rivera
1-May-15 0:30am
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 15:48pm
This article shows promise as a structured way to troubleshoot the network and packets ( https://documentation.meraki.com/zGeneral_Administration/Tools_and_Troubleshooting/Troubleshooting_packet_loss_between_devices ).
Maybe you have used pings and things like that, but I didn't know before you can increase the number of packets sent BY THE MILLIONS!
So, if you try 1000 packets and you didn't get any significant loss of packets, then you probably don't have a network issue.
Then the article gets more interesting, cause if you do get a huge loss of packets you can use tracert to isolate the point where the loss occurs.
No need for fancy tools, just old Command Prompt.
Have you tried all of this already?
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 15:08pm
One additional question... How do your clients connect to the streaming server? Is it via web? Is a DNS call made on every single request for the image?
One more thing Pascal... I'm really interested to help you with this problem to the best of my abilities, even if it takes us days.
This is the kind of challenges that brought me here, it helps me look at things that I didn't think of before.
It'll be a pleasure to go on and on with this problem.
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 15:07pm
Then definitely TCP is not the solution; if I'd knew that from the beginning!
Have you tried any of this tools to troubleshoot your network?
Do you think any of them could work this one out for you?
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 14:54pm
Oh I see! You are making a live transmission application. Like TV over the internet or sharing your desktop or camera with multiple users huh?
Is that what this is about?
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 13:58pm
Check all of the properties of Matrixes and Tablixes in Visual Studio and find the differences of those which do work against those which don't.
can't think of another choice
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 13:43pm
I understand what a multicast is in networking :)
What I'm wondering is how the clients know there is an image they should be getting? Or are the clients always open with a service to get those images whenever the server sends to them?
Wouldn't it be easier if the clients had an application with a timer, where every so many minutes they checked if the server has any new images? and then download them if there are any? And the download occurred via TCP?
That's what I mean by dynamics.
I think all your clients are being used as servers. Clever, but, evidently you are running into trouble.
If bandwith is an issue, then what should be the real server (the one providing images) could serve the requests one by one and not all at once, by putting come clients requests on hold until it it is their turn.
Homero Rivera
24-Apr-15 13:26pm
Explain "multicast". What are the dynamics between clients and the server?
TCP can definitely "multicast".
How are the clients signaled that there is an image to receive? Or do the clients ask for the images every some time?
Homero Rivera
23-Apr-15 13:47pm
use getdate() which returns the current date and time, try "select getdate()" to see example
Homero Rivera
19-Apr-15 21:34pm
These SSRS tutorial videos are great, btw http://pcteach.me/Series/sql-reporting-services-basics/
Homero Rivera
19-Apr-15 21:02pm
What do you mean by "How to achieve this using SSRS Reporting . Please give me some idea." that's too broad. Do you know Visual Studio? Do you have a SSRS project there already? I can't answer that question but I can sure answer the YTD specification, please read answer.
Homero Rivera
15-Mar-15 10:25am
will test :) TY!
Homero Rivera
15-Mar-15 10:25am
will test :) TY!
Homero Rivera
15-Mar-15 0:48am
Try new anser
Homero Rivera
15-Mar-15 0:24am
There are no stupid questions, but stupids who won't ask. Is this a Web project or a desktop app? Can you give a filepath example?
Homero Rivera
15-Mar-15 0:13am
You're right. Where's the string of your filname or filepath?
Homero Rivera
15-Mar-15 0:10am
This is too broad, so let me better just comment: You need a 3rd computer (server) in the internet, with its own internet IP.
That way the devices will call this server within Internet Transmission standards.
And, depending on what your application does, you need to program a server...
However, you could, theoretically, use any web server, and make reduced calls where you just get an image here, some text there, as users interact with your software, and 'feed' the webpage.
You need more telecom knowledge, but all you're saying, bottom-line, is possible.
Homero Rivera
3-Mar-15 13:19pm
maybe you are calling TextBox_Text_Change() on Page_Load (my experience) because you may not have a "if (!IsPostBack)" in page_load. Just guessing: no code, no straight answers.
Homero Rivera
28-Feb-15 11:54am
Damn right! I'll accept and upvote such answer
Homero Rivera
14-Jan-15 0:01am
post the ASP code of the item you're clickindg on, also the C# code that's supposed to trigger on click. thank you.
Homero Rivera
28-Dec-14 11:09am
Homero Rivera
27-Dec-14 23:15pm
What error are you getting? Where is the browser going to after submit? I was under the implression Paypal was to work only on the client-side, but maybe Im worong... A description of the error will be a good starting point.
Homero Rivera
27-Dec-14 23:13pm
One out of 2:
1. You should be using Server.MapFilePath to trace the right address fir whatever it is you're trying to do or
2. You need to submit a ticket with your host company to be granted access ti the folder of interest.
Homero Rivera
10-Dec-14 13:34pm
Please see reply I made to RyanDev's inquiries. Thank you!
Homero Rivera
10-Dec-14 13:33pm
In Object Explorer use 'Connect' (top menu), and there's
-Database Engine
-Analysis Seervices
-Integration Services
-Reporting Services
-Azure Storage
Using the Integration Services option should lead you to the SSIS Folders in the server, where you can import/export SSIS packages.
I know it's not the recommended standard, but that's what I need right now ;)
Thank you!
Homero Rivera
7-Dec-14 14:02pm
Copy+Paste your exception type and message into your question please.
There are +50 possible different database errors
Homero Rivera
7-Dec-14 13:10pm
Any comments on the solutions provided by NeverJustHere or CHill60 ?
We'd like to know. Thanks.
Homero Rivera
7-Dec-14 0:15am
static void Main(String[] args){ /* try fetching the filename from "args" */ }
Only suggesting...
Homero Rivera
6-Dec-14 23:38pm
Never mind my dumbass comment.
Homero Rivera
6-Dec-14 23:37pm
This is great, I will accept as solution but it'd be good to wait and see if somebody else wants to post something else so I can get more knowledge. Accepting as solution now will remove question from 'unanswered' section u know. Thank you Sir!
Homero Rivera
6-Dec-14 23:27pm
Bonus, a great song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnAD_KULFBo&index=1&list=RDEnAD_KULFBo
Homero Rivera
6-Dec-14 23:17pm
It's a start, but it makes sense that you need to go deeper down to libraries beyond .net. Good luck. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a3fbf149-c373-4bbf-b7bd-6c6ccfbcf9df/how-to-i-create-my-own-file-extention-espcially-for-my-own-softwere-?forum=csharpgeneral
Homero Rivera
6-Dec-14 23:12pm
So, if you double-click the file you want your program to launch and read your associated file?
I think you need to add something on Windows upon your program installation so it recognizes that.
Homero Rivera
4-Sep-14 0:44am
Please write more about the problem, explain further.
Homero Rivera
27-Aug-14 22:58pm
The code! The code!
Homero Rivera
15-Aug-14 10:29am
Well, there are no absolute answers in a problem like this. I think all answers are valid, in consideration there is no straight way to a right answer. Thank you all!
Homero Rivera
13-Aug-14 13:58pm
on hold
Homero Rivera
13-Aug-14 13:58pm
on hold
Homero Rivera
13-Aug-14 13:19pm
Open source is good too, as we can see what's written in there. I'm still looking at all solutions, thank you!
Homero Rivera
10-Aug-14 15:41pm
Your question is way too ambiguous. What is the report like? txt, html... Is the table you're mentioning part of a database?
These questions are rethorical, dont take them literal. You need to work on your background a lot.
Homero Rivera
15-Apr-14 20:51pm
Just brainstorming,
Have you tried downloading the latest Silverlight plug-in in your Chrome version?
It could have an outdated plugin and the command will not work cause it is not supported.
Homero Rivera
9-Apr-14 19:56pm
Also... If the answers you get are correct, I suggest you make a habit of accepting as answer. Thanks
Homero Rivera
9-Apr-14 19:51pm
Homero Rivera
9-Apr-14 19:51pm
I had to use other datatypes such as money or bigmoney. that's the only way to prevent such behaviour. Float and Real will always bring these 'discrepancies'.
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 20:03pm
You are not trying something like the Phone Booth movie are you?
Now, I recommend you remove your e-mail address from the public or you may get blitzed in spam.
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 20:00pm
I'm buying a ticket so you can visit the premises. Calm down, we'll get this.
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 19:29pm
My pleasure! Your question actually tought me some things.
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 18:41pm
If you are not sure this is about the Session, you should use the debugger and see if it fails when the Session object is used.
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 17:14pm
Please narrow down; you want the CPU brand? What information would be of interest?
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 17:07pm
Sure there is not a second edition of Student class in Client.cs ?
How about namespace; same namespaces?
Why should Server use Repository.cs and Student not use that?
More code from those classes could be useful.
Here is a silly question (I mean mine, yours is good)... You are sending the 'student' over network/internet right?
BTW, very interesting question!
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 16:42pm
This code has no commands to insert into the database. Probably, the code to insert into the database is in the Page_Load method of each destination page. You should probably look into that.
Homero Rivera
5-Apr-14 16:36pm
What do you mean by Ping ? The other 2 I got them.
Homero Rivera
1-Apr-14 0:30am
Consider this...
TB2 nust have the same event assigned as TB1. Events are not attached to an object, on the contray, we attach objects to events. Therefore the same event can be triggered by 1000's of different objects.
You can have an event programmed after TB2, but TB2 may be assigned TB1's event.
Homero Rivera
25-Mar-14 22:56pm
can you type an example of a gridview, say 3 columns x 3 rows, and example of final result to understand better your inquiry?
Thank you
Homero Rivera
21-Mar-14 0:43am
You mean you want to browse the database in Borland?
Or do you simple want to create a connection in C++ in your program?
Homero Rivera
17-Mar-14 14:54pm
Thanks again! Your knowledge is greatly appreciated http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/745429/Why-install-Mono-on-Windows
Homero Rivera
17-Mar-14 14:05pm
I really have no experience using Mono -you noticed- I only know what i've read. All I know is it allows you to use the .Net library in other platforms to make software development easier or making code portable. I'd really like to know (should you have time) why it would be a good idea to have Mono in Windows ??? Thank you for helping this ignorant man! Better yet, I'll post a question, and then you can answer that (in case you can/want), get your due points, etc. thanks Comrade.
Homero Rivera
12-Mar-14 22:15pm
Im not sure you are trying to download just some plain xml or a website?
Should it be a webpage, have you considered that the web page code may retrieve the body out of AJAX calls made post-pageload ?
Homero Rivera
4-Mar-14 1:58am
I made a mistake in the formula, please review. Sin and Cos should be multiplied by the desired length, not the coords :p
Homero Rivera
4-Mar-14 1:37am
Yes. I think your question is more related to math tricks. Please see answer
Homero Rivera
4-Mar-14 1:36am
I think you mean, if it is possible to upload something other than an image in your control. Answer is 'yes' unless you add some validation with javascript or at the server code in C#.
Homero Rivera
18-Feb-14 23:27pm
This usually works for me: Most reading devices, e.g. point of sale scanners, perform the reading by actually typing what they read and then 'press' the enter key.
When I tried a barcode scanner on a notepad it read the code and then jumped to the next line (as if using the Enter key).
Try a read on notepad; if it gives you the same result (accurate reading and then jumping to the next line) then you can use the "enter key" in the web form (usually, pressing enter on any control withing a webform will result in a post-get).
Homero Rivera
18-Feb-14 23:13pm
Sorry pal, beats me. I have no idea what those classes do on every step.
Homero Rivera
15-Feb-14 20:23pm
What are you trying to do with the lines you are reading? where are you trying to put all that text?
That way maybe I can complete this.
Homero Rivera
15-Feb-14 20:02pm
Tell me how to increase my score in CodeProject :D
Homero Rivera
15-Feb-14 18:36pm
Paste all exception info available.
Homero Rivera
14-Feb-14 23:14pm
I think more of that code would be good to see. That's C# is that right?
TCP is a protocol where both parties need confirmation that all information has been sent so communication closes. The TCP socket should close when all data packets have been sent and client has confirmed reception of all of them. What is the code of the client? Did you program the reception of the image by the client?
Homero Rivera
14-Feb-14 23:07pm
Well, only google can answer for certain, but most crawlers work this way: they follow a href in your page. Perhaps, if for every dropdownlist value you enter an a href tag without any content, so it doesnt spoil your layout, somewhere in your page, maybe google will follow them. But f there is no URL you can type to get the 'other pages', then you should include such content hidden somewhere in the page.
Homero Rivera
31-Dec-13 1:04am
Do you get this at a particular point in your code?
Homero Rivera
31-Dec-13 0:56am
Totally agree. There's user-friendly windows based software that can program your instructions to your fuel injection hardware without need to code. Can save you lots of time.
Homero Rivera
31-Dec-13 0:51am
Thanks for your comments, I deleted my answer. I need more hardware knowledge. +5
Homero Rivera
25-Dec-13 11:05am
Is this for the purposes of installing the application for the end-users?
Are you installing a web application in every single client computer?
Homero Rivera
25-Dec-13 11:01am
Merry Christmas to you, too!
The matter here is ASP.Net is not designed to do that, in other words, it doesn´t contain a class that supports that. There might be a workaround with AJAX.
If you want an online chat application, perhaps you should ask yourself if you have a server that can take all of these chats.
You may see the principles of chatting at http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16916/A-Chat-Application-Using-Asynchronous-TCP-Sockets which while not ASP.Net will tell you some things you are overlooking.
Homero Rivera
17-Dec-13 1:41am
Alright! Would yu accept as solution?
Homero Rivera
17-Dec-13 0:08am
Who was the winner? What did they get?
Homero Rivera
16-Dec-13 22:45pm
Disagree. I think Excel Macros should be nursery school for developers because the results tend to be so visible... You can create so many cool things such as custom EA Sports FIFA tournaments, schedule people on a call center (done that), compute wages based on attendance (done that), help your accounting department, etc...
Not trying to be mean, Comrade, just I think Excel Macros are a light-weight solution to a lot of problems. You don't use .50 caliber gun to hunt a dove do you? Well, I think Excel Macros are for doves.
Homero Rivera
16-Dec-13 22:20pm
There is no problem in crawling a web page when you use the HttpWebRequest with an address such as http://www.xxxx/?deviceid=x ...There will be a problem though, if it uses AJAX to load some other items after the PageLoad, that´ll make you miss some items.
Homero Rivera
30-Nov-13 23:09pm
There's a problem here; Can't find a definition for "Inverse Incomplete Gamma Function", but did find "Lower Incomplete Gamma Function". Could you mean the second one?
Homero Rivera
30-Nov-13 0:32am
Fine, they're "IN" the database... But are they already somehow available in the application? Perhaps in a "DataSet" (object), "DataTable" (Object as well)?
Homero Rivera
30-Nov-13 0:27am
Do you have your database values in a DataTable already?
Homero Rivera
30-Nov-13 0:24am
As a suggestion only... Code is portable, but not compilations. Should you compile your code in a 64 bit computer it should perhaps work.
Homero Rivera
30-Nov-13 0:17am
Are these miscellaneous networking/connectivity problems? It seems to me after reading you have a problem with an app, then another one, etc... Question 2, what application/process were you running?
Question 5, a web server application may shut you down after 2 minutes if it detects no activity.
Homero Rivera
30-Nov-13 0:11am
Welcome! additionally, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_port_numbers notice port 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS, 666 for Doom videogame and 20 for FTP.
Homero Rivera
29-Nov-13 23:56pm
Can you post your code in a code block please?
Homero Rivera
26-Nov-13 11:54am
Numbers alone wouldn't hurt, but other charachers such as "-", "+", "'". Any of those (or others alike) around that address?
Homero Rivera
26-Nov-13 11:45am
It might not be an issue with yahoo, but the email address of that particular user (due to the sql injection). Have you make tests with other yahoo addresses? "test@yahoo.com", for example?
The email address of the person attempting could contain some bad characters.
Homero Rivera
26-Nov-13 11:37am
Are cookies enabled in the bowsers? They could be disabled.
Homero Rivera
25-Nov-13 16:43pm
I know its hard to swallow, but your approach is totally incorrect (been there, done that). You must not mix Windows Forms with ASP.Net. Please consider the answer provided and try to learn some more javascript.
Homero Rivera
25-Nov-13 15:58pm
Did it taste good?
Homero Rivera
25-Nov-13 2:18am
What is a "fax"? Can´t quite remember :p
just kidding
Homero Rivera
23-Nov-13 19:02pm
Not clear enough. Is abc.com owned by you? Do you code abc.com? Or do you only own xyz.com and want to track if you came from any given site?
If you own abc.com and can code on it, you can add URL parameters and fetch them on xyz.com like xyz.com?CameFrom=abc.com . You can also add a cookie when they click on the link in abc.com and fetch the cookie instead.
If you don't own/code from abc.com, you can check the users browsing history with javascript with window.history .
Which is your scenario?
Homero Rivera
9-Nov-13 12:29pm
What type of credentials are you using for your clients? Session? Cookies? Your queries need to have a where clause with something like "CustomerId" which you would usually retrieve from the credentials the user is using to identify himself.
Homero Rivera
8-Nov-13 0:40am
Thanks Comrade, great overview! +5
Homero Rivera
8-Nov-13 0:39am
Good quickthinking :)
Homero Rivera
7-Nov-13 23:55pm
Please tell us more. Are you supposed to "design" the report from zero and then put that on an Excel file? Or are you supposed to create a template, where you will continuously use?
Homero Rivera
7-Nov-13 23:20pm
You are using ps.SetString, and you actually use string values. Where are the apostrohpes for the strings? Are they automatically set by ps.SetString? I don't think so.
Homero Rivera
7-Nov-13 22:56pm
Differential diagnosis; we'll try different tests, and depending on the results we'll find what's going on.
On one of ther "outter" computers, send a much simpler query to the server; for this you need to make sure that you are connected to the target server and target database, and then just send the next query "select 1".
This should only return "1", but coming out of the server. If this dramatically simple query takes a lot of time, as the other one, then you got a networking issue.
Homero Rivera
7-Nov-13 22:48pm
Este foro es solo en ingles. Por favor usa Google Translate para hacer tu pregunta en ingles, y usa lo mismo para traducir las respuestas. Por favor trata de ser mas explicito en tu pregunta. Gracias Fernando.
"This is an english-only forum. Please use Google Translate to make your question in English and use the same to translate any answers. Please give more details. Thank you Fernando."
Homero Rivera
7-Nov-13 22:40pm
Where is the database? In your own computer or in a server? What are the network settings of the other computers where you run the query? Are they really linked? Have you check the ip address of the server and then try to ping it from the other computers to see if you get a response?
Homero Rivera
3-Nov-13 20:55pm
You know, you're probably right! My mind's all burned-out given so much work that I might not be looking at the big picture (but you wouldn't care right? lol).
In case someone is interested, there is some theoretical basis on the problem: look at the JPEG specification, parse the file as byte[], work your bytes out within the specification, then parse the bytes to a new JPEG file. But this is theoretical.
I'll be looking for lower hosting costs.
Thanks Comrade
Homero Rivera
3-Nov-13 20:36pm
Smart answer! But is not quite business-wise. If you're planning to make a website with outsourced hosting and they charge you so much per month per GB, and the images can cost a lot of disk space, and they are not supposed to be screeenwide... Then lowering the image file size when it is above 2 MB might be a necessary move. So I don't care about this answer either! :p But thanks for this valuable insight, Comrade Kryukov!
Homero Rivera
27-Oct-13 14:02pm
Where is the triggering button? In the GridView? Out of the GridView? Can you edit your question with those details? Thanks
Homero Rivera
27-Oct-13 13:17pm
Vague. If I submit my opinion and you don't like it, you can downvote me.
This place is for practical questions that have practical answers.
Codeproject has a lounge for this kind of questions; put this question there.
Homero Rivera
27-Oct-13 13:03pm
This seems like the best answer.
Homero Rivera
27-Oct-13 12:57pm
TRUE, yet we do get an exception which is ambiguous, "The remote name could not be resolved".
You get that both when there is no connection and when the domain name does not exist.
Thank you for your answer!
Homero Rivera
27-Oct-13 12:51pm
TRUE, that is what you get when no connection is available.
Accepted as answer, but I'm yet to find how to properly detect a lack of connection since the error message is ambiguous. See, that is the same message you get when the page doesn't exist (domain name does not exist). Try browsing with C# http://www.themostridiculousandunthinkabledomainname.com and you'll get the same error message as when internet connection drops.
Homero Rivera
22-Oct-13 10:35am
Thank you, by next weekend I will be reviewing all your replies. Im sorry but I got a lot of work weekdays
Homero Rivera
22-Oct-13 10:35am
Thank you, by next weekend I will be reviewing all your replies. Im sorry but I got a lot of work weekdays
Homero Rivera
22-Oct-13 10:35am
Thank you, by next weekend I will be reviewing all your replies. Im sorry but I got a lot of work weekdays
Homero Rivera
22-Oct-13 10:35am
Thank you, by next weekend I will be reviewing all your replies. Im sorry but I got a lot of work weekdays
Homero Rivera
20-Oct-13 18:58pm
The problem is that I am building a webcrawler and have all URIs to crawl in a database. If I get a 404 error, I want to declare that URI as invalid in the database. If I have no Internet connection I would simply pause my threads or make them check periodically if connection is back to resume without ruling out the URI.
Think this will work?
Homero Rivera
12-Oct-13 2:48am
Well, thank you for upvoting. I understand you can't accept as solution cause you wouldn't get more replies.
I might then start writing articles using that as a base.
Good luck!
Homero Rivera
12-Oct-13 2:33am
I guess that makes my 20 minute response useless. Beats me! Sergey, I'll be a real inquisitor like you from here on!
Homero Rivera
12-Oct-13 2:24am
Please consider clicking the Green button "Accept as solution". Thanks!
Homero Rivera
12-Oct-13 2:23am
Have you try flushing away your cookies in your browser before trying again?
Homero Rivera
12-Oct-13 2:12am
because of how you are setting your cookie, you are telling the database to look for ' admin' instead of 'admin'. ' admin' does not exist, so your database returns no results.
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 21:00pm
I took a look at the video, but I think you are over estimating this app.
I think the name is way too fancy for what it really stands: a voting poll application with a few changes.
That's not nearly hard to make.
But, I do recognize a potential in this kind of model. There is an article here in CodeProject that may help you, I think a few changes and you'll get what you need.
If you like this, allow me to post as solution so you can accept it. Thank you.
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 12:17pm
Did the solution proposed worked?
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 1:33am
I'll fetch that, give me a few mins
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 1:09am
SSShhhht! Let him try so we can find out :p
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 0:55am
This is an artificial intelligence issue I believe.
Do you want the pitch of voice to act as the password (can't use system when you catch a cold?), or are the words spoken by the person going to be the password?
What do you got so far?
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 0:46am
I think the subject is fascinating, I really do, specially after I looked up "ontology" on m-w.com .
I can't recall any freeware that does that, but would be quite interesting for me to develop one. Are those files you're mentioning gonna be in a shared folder perhaps? Is people supposed to "like" as in facebook so that file comes first when given a keyword?
What platform are you working on (Windows, Linux, Apple, Web)?
I might even develop that for you if it fits with my current endeavors (and of course, post that as an answe in the phorum).
Please, provide details.
Homero Rivera
11-Oct-13 0:19am
Man! That was awesome! I just played that on someone here in the office!! HAHAHAHA!
Homero Rivera
10-Oct-13 19:45pm
Some ASP.NET code please! C#/VB would be good too. Thanks buddy!
Homero Rivera
10-Oct-13 19:35pm
LOL!! LOL!! Buddy, take it easy! That was fun after all! I wouldn't take it personal, and I've really been trolled in my time. You are invited to look from the funny side.
Take care!
Homero Rivera
10-Oct-13 17:49pm
you got 2 forms right? whats the name of the parent, and what's the name of the child?
Homero Rivera
6-Oct-13 22:37pm
But did you try to change the file extension? Perhaps, if run on Apache Server, it will comment the php code if it does not meet a file with php extension.
The extension of the file is irrelevant to all web browsers; php files are still html files to the eyes of the client. The extension of the file tells the server that it should run php commands and will not deprive the result from its status as HTML. Therefore, if you don't use the php extension, the server will never know it should run the php code you have in it.
Homero Rivera
6-Oct-13 15:03pm
You're using OleDbConnection to SQl Server? You should probably use SqlConnection instead. OLE DB should be used for Access, Excel and stuff.
Homero Rivera
6-Oct-13 4:11am
Still in trouble? It's been a couple of days since I last posted.
Homero Rivera
6-Oct-13 3:29am
Please try it, I don't think I'm missing anything, but its been years since I last did this. It won't be till tomorrow when I check back how you did. The solution given above was edited to try to help you better with more details.
Homero Rivera
6-Oct-13 3:00am
Let me just ask; are you familiar with frameset tags?
Homero Rivera
5-Oct-13 23:09pm
You mean, how to pass data from one form to another in C#?
Homero Rivera
4-Oct-13 17:10pm
Looks good, only this works for MySQL not for MS SQL Server. Could you improve your answer stating this is for MySQL; I'll be glad to accept as solution as soon as that is stated.
Homero Rivera
4-Oct-13 17:09pm
Looks like the best option. I'll take as answer as soon as I can test it, please be patient.
Homero Rivera
3-Oct-13 18:26pm
Not what you're looking for...?
Homero Rivera
3-Oct-13 18:08pm
In your case, when the DataGridView has no predesign (no columns created in advance), you could change your SQL query to give you different column values and then just load to the DataGridView (this'll save you a lot of trouble).
As in:
SELECT [Machine] ,[IP] , CASE [Ver] WHEN 1 THEN 'Free' WHEN 2 THEN 'Paid' WHEN 3 THEN 'Pending' WHEN 4 THEN 'Complete' END AS [Status] FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[StateInfo]
Homero Rivera
3-Oct-13 17:58pm
Thank you! Finaly; when you look at your form design in Visual Studio, does the DataGridView already display columns? Or is it empty (no columns in pre-design)?
Homero Rivera
3-Oct-13 17:37pm
In that case, it will be really hard and not recomendable to modify the DataGridView. There is an easy workaround though, but you need to post your query on your question so we can go from there. This aproach needs you to automaticaly create columns from the query results; are your columns created automatically (binded)?
Homero Rivera
3-Oct-13 17:28pm
Are you developing a WebSite on ASP.Net? Or is this Windows Forms?
Homero Rivera
1-Oct-13 21:04pm
C# or VB?
PS You must be willing to take all of those heavy jpgs into your server, which may not be a good idea if you expect a lot of traffic
Homero Rivera
1-Oct-13 20:55pm
Hey, one sec! Are you developing a WebSite on ASP.Net? Or is this Windows Forms?
Homero Rivera
1-Oct-13 20:47pm
Don't really like my current reputation number, so I'll just say 'Hi'.
Homero Rivera
1-Oct-13 19:59pm
You need to add the SQL code you are trying to run as well, just incase. The error is evidently in the SQL code, not the VB, your VB looks just fine (in rule). If you are not sure your sql is right, well at least let us see it!
Homero Rivera
1-Oct-13 10:22am
b.Location = new Point(int x, int y); You need to compute the best locationswith the size of your form as well as the amount of buttons. Buttons size needs to be computed to fit as well with b.Size = new Size(int width, int height):
Homero Rivera
30-Sep-13 15:56pm
Fheh! I'm afraid I'll have to forfeit, Sadegh, I'm sorry. Good luck.
Homero Rivera
30-Sep-13 10:54am
I really think you need to use screenshots or additional examples to make the point of the question. Adjectives such as "Professional", "nice interface" are still too vague. Considering describing what you see on screen and/or adding screenshots. Thank you.
Homero Rivera
30-Sep-13 10:17am
Do you think you can add a screenshot of what you are looking for in the question?
Homero Rivera
30-Sep-13 10:03am
Think you can add a screenshot of what you are looking for in the question?
Homero Rivera
29-Sep-13 23:45pm
I invite anyone who downvotes an answer to provide a reason. Thank you.
Homero Rivera
28-Sep-13 17:31pm
If answer is good, please accept as solution, otherwise please tell.
Thank you.
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