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Comments by giant18 (Top 9 by date)

giant18 17-Jun-17 21:18pm View    
i try it but it not give me something that i want thank you for help
giant18 15-Jun-17 11:55am View    
i dont understand can you give me example
giant18 14-Jun-17 13:55pm View    
i try this code but dont work well

Dim f1 As Double = Nothing
For Each f As Double In fft1new
f1 += f

Dim f2 As Double = Nothing
For Each f As Double In fft2new
f2 += f

Dim f5 As Double
Dim f4 As Double = (((f2 - f1) / f2) * 100).ToString("#0.0")
If f1 = f2 Then
f5 = 0

If f1 > f2 Then
f5 = ((f1 / f2)).ToString("#0.00")
f5 = ((f2 / f1)).ToString("#0.00")
End If
End If

giant18 13-Jun-17 17:43pm View    
comparing 2 audio files result fft in c# or in i have result fft for each audio in double array i want to know from the result of fft the percentage of similarity or differences between two audio

Dim fft1new As Double() = FftAlgorithm.Calculate(GetSamplesForMonoWav("C:\Users\e1.wav", h2)) Dim fft2new As Double() = FftAlgorithm.Calculate(GetSamplesForMonoWav("C:\Users\e2.wav", h2))
giant18 12-Jun-17 18:23pm View    
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