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Comments by K3JAE (Top 24 by date)

K3JAE 12-Nov-17 13:23pm View    
OK, Thank you for that. I can adapt the SQL statement using parameterized statements, after I get this working properly, then will convert that over as I also agree it makes it a bit neater and compact.

I am not sure how to pass the date then without using a string?

I am using MSSQL as my DB.
K3JAE 6-Jun-17 16:53pm View    
Would more page code possibly assist? I truly am wondering if I am doing something completely wrong here. I want to bring back results based on REPAIR DATE instead of ID? Therefore I need to figure out how to do that properly.
K3JAE 2-Jun-17 4:54am View    
Any luck with resolving my issue? I still cannot seem to get the REPAIR_DATE to show in my results off my search. Just asking as a reminder.
K3JAE 29-May-17 15:00pm View    
Re Item 1: At your suggestion: Removed the .ToString method.
Item 2: Made suggested change, thanks for that piece of info. Good to know.

Re the original question: I am not fully sure, or understand what you are referring to when you say: "You have to refer to REPAIR_DATE field in according procedure." I thought I had done this previously but with no luck. Can you be a bit more specific with what you are suggesting?

I am looking for the result of any search to come back only with a Date of Repair (list of dates if multiple returns on the search criteria). Currently I am coming back with only a Record ID or IDs.

I do appreciate your help. As I'm sure you can obviously tell, I am not a very proficient coder and still learning new things daily.
K3JAE 1-Oct-16 18:26pm View    
I never once claimed to know debug - I was just giving values that the program, in debug mode, was working with. I have tried the above but my coding skills are not that great.

I am only trying to figure out where in the form itself or in the formatting of data being imported is the problem. I am by far no equal to the helpers on this forum nor even in the same building. My coding skills are beginner class at best.

My question would be... where would the formatting be in error? I have used your method earlier. I tried declaring the values as "Double" as someone else suggested with no success.

I guess, the initial reason for asking this question was not to be beaten over the head for my incompetence or ignorance but to further learn and understand where and what to look at for related to my problem. I truly have tried to resolve this prior to posting to avoid being reminded how incompetent I really am at coding but since I could not resolve it after 24+ hours I took the chance and I asked.

FYI - I did resolve my issue and it was nothing to do with the formula or the formatting of same. The issue was I have a combobox defaulting to "No" at loadform which the formula checks. It looks to see if it is "No" but evidently setting it as default at loadform does not see the value of No. I am sure I am not explaining this properly but suffice it to say, I did indeed resolve my calculation issue on my own, which in reality never was a calc issue.