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Comments by Florian Braun (Top 94 by date)
Florian Braun
28-May-15 8:28am
+5 for the best solution so far
Florian Braun
28-May-15 5:54am
well maybe now its time to edit your question with details! Tell us what you did, show us your code, give us all information about the machine you try to communicate with and then we maybe can help you.
Florian Braun
28-May-15 4:12am
try your google... there are several tutorials out there about the usage of udp within C#. Of course you need to know the technical data of your counting machine like used ports, data protocol and so on.
Florian Braun
19-May-15 1:08am
What does the error report say?
Florian Braun
18-May-15 8:13am
as far as i can see you are using Console.ReadLine on several places. which one exactly is the one you need enter to be pressed? (for example in your method "WriteFileOutput" it's just there to wait for someone to read your output and press enter. for a server you wouldn't need that one. Or is it when some code was entered (with the barcode-reader)?
Florian Braun
18-May-15 7:48am
The big question for all of us is: what do you want to happen by pressing or simulating the "enter-key"? is there some code wich is executed when a real user presses the enter key? can you show us this code?
Florian Braun
16-May-15 3:44am
Obviously he don't want to print but just to save the strings in a file...
Florian Braun
16-May-15 3:43am
Like I said in my solution I would put the for-loop into the using clause of the stream writer. Then just change the additional true to false which means you don't want to append to your file but overwrite.
But in this case you have to open the file just once and not each time you write a line to that file as this would keep only the last written line...
Florian Braun
15-May-15 13:03pm
You need a special hardware for reading these rfid-tags. Usually the readers come with some SDK
Florian Braun
15-May-15 1:28am
If the devices are not in the same subnet the broadcast via UDP might fail as the broadcast usualy isn't routed from one subnet to the other.
But I have no idea why a connection via wireless network should fail except the router is blocking the pakets
Florian Braun
14-May-15 11:46am
Well supposed you are right and you are that good in Java i'd suggest to Start making it in Java... Because the trouble won't be the programming language but the algorithms. When it works in java you can try to adapt these algorithms to c#
Florian Braun
11-May-15 1:29am
I think it's great finding a better better solution than mine. But why being so insulting about it? Its very obvious that not every body has your knowledge including me, but at least it was a try to help out from the knowledge that the repaint after hide() isn't done immediately. And from this very living discussion with so many edited comments it's more than obvious that the answer to this question isn't obvious...
Florian Braun
10-May-15 4:01am
I'd guess the owner of that website just don't want you to download his pages so he is checking for your useragent.
Florian Braun
10-May-15 3:59am
What do you meab by "not the right Format"? If it means your PDF is bot shown in browser, the reason might be that many mobile browsers don't support plugins for showing PDF. They just require to download that PDF and open it with another application.
Florian Braun
9-May-15 20:19pm
You should improve your question and add details about what you are doing and where you struggle
Florian Braun
9-May-15 20:18pm
This is not a solution, its a question...that's why there's a special button for questions or comments
Florian Braun
8-May-15 1:50am
But I would strongly suggest to change the second if to just else {// do something}
Florian Braun
8-May-15 1:47am
The concept of delegates can be compared to function pointers in c. By using delegates you can have callback functions for async methods.. I strongly suggest to search for the specific articles here on codeproject or for tutorials using google
Florian Braun
8-May-15 1:00am
Honestly? He said nothing about having a web application at all... Not in his question, nor in his tags...
Florian Braun
8-May-15 0:58am
Its pretty difficult to write a generic method while trying to access specific and different properties of the parameter. I strongly suggest to use google to find tutorials about generic programming.
Florian Braun
8-May-15 0:51am
Well if there's a SDK for that fingerprint machine there's usually also some documentation how to use this SDK. If not, how shall we now how to handle this specific machine?
Florian Braun
6-May-15 6:40am
Florian Braun
6-May-15 6:35am
I suggest to rework your question. Read what you have written and try to summarize what information you gave as and what's missing to help you. We don't know what you tried so far, how you are using your card, what libraries you are using or anything...
Florian Braun
5-May-15 1:29am
Oh and something else. As I am on my mobile I can't look myself for the get string method. The 0, shouldn't this be the length?
Florian Braun
5-May-15 1:27am
If i werde you i would first try two things:
1) work with the received bytes. You can use a breakpoint to see if the socket gets anything at all and how many bytes are received and so on. This should help to guess about the encoding of the string (like one or two bytes per letter)
2) if nothing is received try wireshark to see what happens in your network. Maybe it uses a wrong port, wrong IP or something else goes wrong
Florian Braun
4-May-15 10:44am
you should start by deciding what language you want to use for coding and start doing the same... this is not: you have the idea, we write your solution
Florian Braun
4-May-15 9:46am
if you program stops because of hitting the breakpoint you can hover your mouse pointer over the variables you want to view. or you add so called watchers.
another way would be more logging. maybe the values for nv_data[59].positions[frame] and nv_data[59].positions[frame-20] and calculate delta_x yourself... but without seeing your values and the results it's not possible to help.
Also: whats that member "z" of your positions?
Florian Braun
4-May-15 9:33am
take a look: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/638130/Retrieving-the-COM-Class-Factory-for-Component-w
Florian Braun
4-May-15 9:29am
maybe it would help us if you tell more about your expected values and the values you are getting...
Florian Braun
4-May-15 9:27am
did you try to set a breakpoint to that line to check whats inside all these variables?
Florian Braun
4-May-15 9:16am
a very short guess: change "frame-1" to "frame-20"?? (in your marked line)
Florian Braun
4-May-15 7:47am
suggestion 1) learn to ask questions that can be answered....
Florian Braun
4-May-15 6:42am
is your second Form already open or do you open it after getting the values from your sql?
1) if the latter is true: just change the constructor of your second form.
2) if the form is already you can write a public method in second form like: public void SetValue(string a, string b, string c) { //do sth with a,b,c}
Florian Braun
2-May-15 13:08pm
but maybe you'll find this link useful: https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/kb/186607/en-us
Florian Braun
2-May-15 13:05pm
rdp protocoll is made for transport of screen an mouse. sending comands to client but not sending screen is not what rdp is made for. As far as I know even windows rdp-client doesnt use rdp to send files but the smb-protocol
Florian Braun
30-Apr-15 9:22am
Just an short idea as im not experienced in binding nor wcf. I played with wcf and used some callbacks to get data and events from Server to Clients
Florian Braun
30-Apr-15 9:12am
I just guess but i'd say RDP is not what you need. Rdp-protocol is to transmit GUI and mouse, not commands for client applications. I'd suggest using either a ssh-server for Windows which would provide some security. Or if you need something by yourself use a tcp-socket and make a parser for what commands you are sending. But you have to take a lot oft care regarding safety. Like authentication and encrytion
Florian Braun
30-Apr-15 8:55am
Some homework?
Florian Braun
29-Apr-15 7:44am
what did you try so far? any code we can help with?
Florian Braun
29-Apr-15 5:53am
What kind of answer do you expect for such a question? a 200 page tutorial with all aspects of motion detection, usage of middleware?
Florian Braun
27-Apr-15 16:22pm
maybe you should take a look how ssh works and login via certificate.
Florian Braun
24-Apr-15 15:32pm
as far as i know the endpoint-ip-adress for listener isn't IPAddress.Broadcast but IPAddress.Any which is
try that
Florian Braun
24-Apr-15 6:56am
did you test that Method before commenting it out?
Florian Braun
23-Apr-15 0:46am
Now you scared him
Florian Braun
22-Apr-15 16:13pm
as you say spoofing is possible. but as arp is used to get an IP-adress for a MAC-adress spoofing makes only sense to fake an IP-adress to the MAC-adress of the "bad guy". So if you fear spoofing don't trust the IP, trust the MAC-adress.
Florian Braun
22-Apr-15 8:47am
i tried net 4.5 and net4.0
worked both times.
this is my main form:
void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var mf=new MainForm();
void onAuthOccurred(object sender, AuthEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Auth: {0}, {1}, {2}",e.ID,e.IsAuthorized,e.LoginAt));
i set a breakpoint to the first if(arrData[0]==this.strID) and checkedthe contend of both arrData and this.strID. of course it was equal each time ind increasing by one each time...
I also couldnt find any mistake in code which would explain what happens.
Florian Braun
22-Apr-15 8:32am
hey... i tested this code and it works fine so far... i get a new ID each time i open the login form and i get a valid authentication with your samle
Florian Braun
22-Apr-15 7:48am
I tried to compile your code but it seems the most interesting part is missing:
this.strID = IDGenerator.GetNewID().ToString();
as far as I understand your problem you get the same value for this.strID each time you press btnLogin? So I need more information about this IDGenerator and the GetNewID. Because as far as i can see thats where the problem is?
Florian Braun
22-Apr-15 6:53am
How does your XML-File shall look like and whats exactly your problem?
Florian Braun
22-Apr-15 2:24am
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302295.aspx explains very well how XmlDiff works, why you get such output and an also it shows a way to get an Output in HTML. Maybe this helps to find what you are trying to do.
Florian Braun
21-Apr-15 7:00am
I don't know how you can say that timer is still running. But maybe it helps to set your timer=null as last line of your main?
Florian Braun
21-Apr-15 1:47am
regarding the binding of a list and a listbox i'd suggest this small tutorial: http://www.dotnetperls.com/listbox
It shows how to add and delete items/lines.
the Textbox that pop up, is it an additional form (like a dialogue-form for opening or saving files)? in this case you have to make the content of the textbox public to get access from your main form.
Florian Braun
20-Apr-15 7:40am
maybe theres a proxy?
Florian Braun
20-Apr-15 7:04am
do you have an example url thats working in browser but not in your application?
I tried to do the same (without the sql stuff) and your code works fine here with a fixed url like "http://www.google.com".
Florian Braun
20-Apr-15 6:38am
for debugging: try the generated url (url + lati + "," + longi) in a normal browser. Maybe google isn't happy with your generated url?
Florian Braun
17-Apr-15 2:47am
did you check if the DataTable contains the data as you wanted to be? So is it a problem with reading the FIle into this Datatable or is it a problem with SQLcopy?
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 5:20am
you are vey welcome... strange that you need this invoke... as long as it works.. maybe you'll find the reason for that one day...
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 4:29am
did you enable the timer?
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 4:15am
as is said, after i changed my code like i did in my answer i could run it withou any errors or exceptions. I don't know why you still get that exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' but i'd guess that in your code something is missing which i did in mine or vice versa.
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 4:07am
hard so say whats wrong. i tested this code and it worked...
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 3:38am
there must be something missing in your application. I tested the whole code and it worked fine for me
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 3:37am
i changed some bits in my solution. its not Backgroundworker1.DoWork() but .RunWorkerAsync(). And the second Error was fixed with STring.Format() inside listbox1.Items.Add(). you can find both changes in my solution. I changed it there.
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 3:07am
also you need to set the property of the backgroundworker "WorkerReportsProgress" and "WorkerSUpportsCancellation" both to true
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 3:04am
oh ok, sorry... found the errors... changend my solution
Florian Braun
16-Apr-15 2:08am
right, good Idea
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 5:27am
isn't SMS text only?
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 4:25am
lol thats just what i asked in my very first question. Ok, my question was less open as asking directly for mpeg2 instead asking more general.
Of course MPEG2 is old but maybe he has an old ultrasonic device with some kind of MPEG2-stream-output-something...?
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 4:21am
i changed something. you can try again and should read the MSDN Documentation. Maybe its your Datasource that can't be filtered
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 4:05am
I know some small bits of DICOM standarts but never heard of B-type images. SO i googled and ended with mpeg2 which would make sense to me as ultrasonic is kind of a stream of pictures. As far as I know DICOM puts images in some lossless-jpeg-compression and combines images with additional data like patient name, modality, and so on...
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 3:23am
i understand you want to select a single cell and filter your gridview showing only rows where in that selected column you have the same value?
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 3:15am
when talking about B-type images you are refering to mpeg2 - streams ?
Florian Braun
15-Apr-15 3:10am
this is a very very general question. if you ask for new concepts you should tell which "old concepts" you know. And of course you should tell what exactly you like to do.
Regarding your question-title id say: you need a computer, a mouse, a keyboard, a screen, electricity, two cups of coffee a day,....
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 8:00am
your code so far is pretty static. you create these link labels staticly and even more you hardcode the link-adress.
one Solution can be putting the link adress into the linklabel via linkLabel1.Links.Add(); (google will help how to you this).
when you want to change the order and copy properties from one linklabel to another you can do manualy eg. linklabel1.text=linklabel2.text and so on. don't forget to store one linklabel in temporary variables.
maybe its a better solution to place your linklabels dynamicly?
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 7:23am
thats a realy good one
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 7:21am
arrg.. yours is obviously a lot more compact. i so need to learn linq
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 7:19am
I changed your solution a little bit :)
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 7:04am
I like your solution
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 5:29am
is your line of code is inserted after Console.ReadLine() it is only reached after a key is pressed. The using block will be left and host gets disposed. When this happens all created instances of the service-object are destroyed. I will add some screenshots, maybe this helps to see what i mean.
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 5:12am
but isn't ((IDisposable)host).Dispose(); only called after a key is pressed? When the host is shut down?
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 4:54am
Well I want to keep the host running for other clients. So I guess a call of host.close would close every connection to still running clients.
The question is:
* each clients gets a new instance of the service-object. The constructor runs everytime i open a connection. (reading this article: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/566448/WCF-Instance-Management it seems i am using the perSession mode, with fits perfectly).
* Everytime a client is closed, the deconstructor of the service-instance isn't called, so it seems it remains in memory.
My question is: how can these zombie-instances be disposed without closing the host? I want to keep it running for other clients.
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 3:41am
very true... seems to be a problem with paste and copy of code that contains a link :)
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 3:27am
what exactly is you question?
Florian Braun
14-Apr-15 2:25am
i'm not exactly sure what you are asking for. you have these four points and these points are moving to the right hand side of your form, each with a different velocity.
What's the matter with that "track" you are asking for?
Florian Braun
13-Apr-15 9:45am
* in this example the query is started when you push the button, change that to a timer. (just to show how you can start the Backgroundworker)
* I put the whole sql-query and connection inside the backgroundworker. I guess there are many ways to create an object with the connection and comman and hand that one to the backgroundworker
Florian Braun
13-Apr-15 3:40am
do you want the query result in your popup? Or the popup when the query is done?
To display the query not in console but in a form you can add a listbox to a Form and put each line into the listbox instead using console.writeline.
To get the query into background you can use backgroundworker
Florian Braun
12-Apr-15 15:34pm
a good way is using wix. There should be good tutorial on this page here
like http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/331368/WIXDataBase
Florian Braun
11-Apr-15 10:40am
Thats not a trivial question as long as you don't tell what data you want to store in your tables.
You should first make a list with all data and which keys will connect the data between your tables.
Florian Braun
10-Apr-15 9:07am
not really true. i totally agree that timers are great but i just wanted to show they are maybe not the best solution here as simply not necessary. I presented a solution where the user can quit at ANYTIME by pressing a key but it was not what the guy who asked the question wanted so i removed that feature.
Florian Braun
10-Apr-15 6:38am
of course timers are cool for repeating tasks.. but if you have an application for console you still need some loop to stay within the program AND if your program doesnt do anything else timers are as useless as waiting without doing anything
Florian Braun
10-Apr-15 5:46am
I might be totaly wrong but isn't a datagridview only the representation of a datatable? wouldn't it be the right way to add the column to the table, not to the view?
Florian Braun
10-Apr-15 4:37am
Console.Clear() gets you a fresh and empty console. Did you add it?
I added "Console.KeyAvailable" to give you a chance to quit the programm. if you don't want this feature you can:
* change the first while (!Console.KeyAvailable) to while (true)
* change sleep(120000) to Thread.Sleep(120000) and remove the whole additional function "public static void sleep..."
Florian Braun
10-Apr-15 3:17am
with a list of points all you can do is manual checking. As far as I know there is now way to create the mathematical funtion from some points only except you know its a mathematical function and you know the order and so on. eg I you know for sure you have a function like f(x)=ax²+bx+c and you have at least three points you can set an linear equations system to calculate a,b and c and with them know you can use all magics of algebra.
Florian Braun
10-Apr-15 3:09am
What code runs on the client?
Florian Braun
9-Apr-15 4:32am
just for my understanding: You want Output to be 0 if the result of the equation is -2467.52 and 100 if the result of the equation is 57631.42 ??
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