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Comments by Kanaparthi Sureshma Reddy (Top 17 by date)

Kanaparthi Sureshma Reddy 3-Sep-15 1:28am View    
Sorry,It's not Page it is a Form.
Kanaparthi Sureshma Reddy 27-Aug-15 2:07am View    
This is my code in btnNext_Click event.
int nextCount = minValue + maxValue;
dt = new DataTable();
da.Fill(nextCount, maxValue, dt);
GridAddressBook.DataSource = dt;
lblShowResults.Text = GridAddressBook.RowCount.ToString();
int windowshow = int.Parse(lblShowResults.Text);
if (windowshow <= 5)

int nextpage = Convert.ToInt32(lblWindowShow.Text) + 1;
lblWindowShow.Text = Convert.ToString(nextpage);
//lblWindowShow.Text = "2";
else if (windowshow <= 5)
lblWindowShow.Text = (objD.NoOfRecords() / 10).ToString();
lblShowingShow.Text = lblWindowShow.Text + "-" + lblShowResults.Text;
minValue = nextCount;
if (dt.Rows.Count == maxValue)
btnPrev.Enabled = true;
btnNext.Enabled = true;
btnPrev.Enabled = true;
btnNext.Enabled = false;
minValue = nextCount + dt.Rows.Count;
btnPrev.Enabled = true;
where lblShowResults=RecordCount in DataGrid,lblWindowShow=Window/Page Number and lblShowingShow=Showing results from 1-5,6-10...
Kanaparthi Sureshma Reddy 8-Jul-15 7:47am View    
My requirement is When the student DOJ is current date(08-07-2015),then the current date should be changed to that particular date after one year by increasing the year(08-07-2016).
That means the student entered into Second Year based on incremented year..

Kanaparthi Sureshma Reddy 8-Jul-15 7:38am View    
Is there any alternative other than this solution..??
Kanaparthi Sureshma Reddy 8-Jul-15 5:17am View    
Can you please write including with the insert Stored procedure...Here Id is the primary key