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Comments by WOLF 2018 (Top 56 by date)
WOLF 2018
12-Aug-24 4:20am
You are correct but I kinda planned to make two DLL for this project.
Hook64.dll and Hook32.dll. then the main program chooses what one to load depending on the process architecture. This kinda makes things easier to maintain. But this is mostly seeing what I can do. As I'm learning I wanted to explore hooking and next I will be learning about IAT hooking. So it all part of a process to become more knowledgeable in ASM and C++ as well as understanding hooking.
WOLF 2018
9-Aug-24 13:00pm
I'm trying to do using ASM as its a little low level
WOLF 2018
7-May-23 17:36pm
Yes your suggestion worked perfectly and thanks for clearing that up about the access fault. I guess im still learning. Tho thanks for letting me know that the TEB is at 30h i always thought from things i read it was 60h
WOLF 2018
7-May-23 14:09pm
Thank you for your answer. But does this not just return the TEB? Because i thought the TEB was at offset gs:[00000060h]. But the peb is 0x60 after the TEB hence why i did mov rax, [rax + 60h]
But Im using Windows headers but I dont call any functions. Because if i did i would have got an linker error because i removed all librarys with /NODEFAULTLIB and removed everything from Input from my linker setting in Visual Studio
WOLF 2018
7-May-23 4:06am
Because it does not import any librarys as i said in the questions i want to find the functions dynamically. So I need to find the PEB without using functions that windows header provides. Like i had to make my own strcmp to compaire string and everything leads to a binaries that have no imports.
Now I have tested my code with __readgsbytes to get the peb and it works great. I just want to remove my depends on that function. So I wrote the asm to try and give me another way to get access to it. But as i said in the question the mov rax, [rax + 60h] some reason wipes the rax register to null
WOLF 2018
7-May-23 3:57am
Well as stated in the question my plain was to have no dependency
WOLF 2018
7-May-23 3:53am
Because I don't have librarys, so I don't have access to api to get the NtQueryInformationProcess
WOLF 2018
5-Jan-22 11:57am
I use OpenPrcess because I can only get a Process handle from NtCreateProcess as far as i know
WOLF 2018
5-Jan-22 11:42am
You see I am using NtCreateProcess to make a process and that does not have an option to get the startup info and process info
WOLF 2018
5-Jan-22 11:06am
I believe NtQueryInformationProcess can get the first one but i am not sure on the startupinfo
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:35am
ok i have update
IsExit = false
Exited Loop // It exits loop
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:30am
well it was, but now i have been changing the code it not anymore
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:23am
because its a DLL i am unable to debug it in VS 2019
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:18am
this is what i get from the server
Ncat: Version 5.59BETA1 ( http://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Version 5.59BETA1 ( http://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
and the client output is
Can't connect to server, Err #10061
Can't connect to server, Err #10061
IsExit = false
Disconnect = false
IsExit = false
Disconnect = false
SOCKET ERROR (GETDATA()) // thats because i disconnected
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:16am
i tried that and it still does the samething
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:14am
ok i tried adding that at the start of Networking
IsExit = false;
Disconnect = false;
and it does the samething
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 9:11am
thats true, i will give thats a try
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 8:47am
well it is set to false
bool IsExit = false;
while (!IsExit)
std::string input;
std::getline(std::cin, input);
SendData(sock, input);
std::string output{ GetData(sock) };
std::cout << output << std::endl;
if (output == "exit\n") {
IsExit = true;
if (Disconnect) {
IsExit = true;
WOLF 2018
25-Apr-20 6:32am
disconnect is set to false
WOLF 2018
21-Feb-20 10:36am
well that checks to make sure the sender of the message doesn't get there own message back
WOLF 2018
14-Apr-19 12:10pm
I use https and I have RC4 encryption and base64 encoding and then that’s sent to the server that way I can’t read the message only they can
WOLF 2018
14-Apr-19 3:03am
Yes but what I meant is yes it encrypts it but when it gets to the server is completely visible. So it would get stored in clear text. That’s why the RC4 would stop it being stored like that. Plus I came up with a way of running the encryption and encoding from JavaScript and that thought ssl so I got both I guess. Anyway thanks
WOLF 2018
14-Apr-19 1:29am
But the messages would be sent to the server in clear text even if I have a ssl certificate. I want to promise my users that is end to end encrypted and they is no way I can view the messages.
WOLF 2018
12-Apr-19 16:26pm
I got it working it took some editing tho
WOLF 2018
12-Apr-19 8:14am
Yes, but is there a tutorial about setting up. Because I could extract the .iso file and then see what comes with it and edit the bootloader and I think they is a C Compiler for dos. I am just inquiring. Would that be possible
WOLF 2018
28-Mar-19 13:10pm
i typed in whoami
WOLF 2018
28-Mar-19 11:46am
i have displayed the work and it looked fine but i still can't compare.
this is me connecting to it
root@Unknown:~# nc 12344
this is the python script output
/usr/bin/python2.7 /root/wolf-python-projects/server.py
Connected to by ('', 39468)
root is what the server told me i am. (well is right i am root)
WOLF 2018
28-Mar-19 11:34am
thats what i think. now i am getting this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/wolf-python-projects/server.py", line 41, in <module>
File "/root/wolf-python-projects/server.py", line 15, in main
a = threading.Thread(target=rootShell(r))
File "/root/wolf-python-projects/server.py", line 31, in rootShell
r.send("Error Running Command")
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 174, in _dummy
raise error(EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor')
socket.error: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
WOLF 2018
28-Mar-19 11:22am
ok thanks man that second one worked, but why can't i just compare it as a string. because i am going to add a login and well i need to check if the username matches and the password matches
WOLF 2018
28-Mar-19 11:15am
no i know that i entered exit all lower case. but is just doesn't respond. ps but i did give it a shot
WOLF 2018
31-Jan-19 16:09pm
Thanks I will give that a try
WOLF 2018
29-Jan-19 6:46am
Just finished reading this but I don’t understand where I can return true or false. I just want a simple method.
WOLF 2018
29-Jan-19 6:44am
Unfortunately that didn’t work. My computer can’t find std::filesystem and I have included it.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 18:57pm
No I am not trying to do anything malicious. I am trying to show them a message in they open process. Ps. If I do find a way. I can really do the matrix thing at home to my friend. You know when he opens cmd write “hello neo” and then “follow the white rabbit” as a bit of a joke for him.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 18:46pm
Thanks you for this. I will try it out later and see if it works and hopefully that will let me write them a message to tell them to stop. :)
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 18:44pm
Can’t have students try and access things they shouldn’t. Plus I am working on scanning USBs using VirusTotal api. That will stop them trying to install malware on the computer.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 18:41pm
Well it only happens if the process gets closed by force. I make a client to talk to it and I can close it though that and it won’t cause a BSOD. And with the power to stop access to power shell as well.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 16:46pm
I use task Scheduler and run as admin and not just that the process protects itself because if you close it you will get a BSOD.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 16:45pm
I use task Scheduler and run as admin and not just that the process protects itself because if you close it you will get a BSOD.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 16:44pm
I use task Scheduler and run as admin and not just that the process protects itself because if you close it you will get a BSOD.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 16:37pm
Not true I have disabled task manager and if the watchdog closes the company will go to a blue screen of death.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 2:50am
As I said I need a method of inputting information into cmd when run by user that way I can give them a scare and let them know I am watching.
WOLF 2018
28-Jan-19 2:46am
I know but I want to scare them a bit lol. As I thought them seeing that cmd is telling them not to use it is more fun.
WOLF 2018
27-Jan-19 16:36pm
No I am doing it because I wanted to Learn more about the window boot process and get a program in to log the info to a txt file to read when I login.
WOLF 2018
27-Jan-19 16:16pm
Ok I will give that a try but I thought you could boot Windows OS and use they bootloader and inject a process.
WOLF 2018
26-Oct-18 20:52pm
is a Windows form so thats a lot of code. so i added all the info that you need. just make two lists and try and putting 5 numbers in to them and then check if the any of the 5 numbers in list 1 match list 2. thats all i am trying to do.
WOLF 2018
15-Jul-18 17:27pm
ok well how would i do this.
WOLF 2018
15-Jul-18 17:17pm
yes. I want my program to check if a the file esists and if they don't then i want it to make them so that i don't have to download them.
WOLF 2018
15-Jul-18 17:11pm
yes but not i don't want it to run silently. I just thought if i could get the bytes in to a string, then i view the bytes and put them in another program so that it could use the bytes to make the file again. I know it sounds like a mind f*** but i think it could be done, or can you complie C# code from a file to make an exe without a complier. (sorry about my spelling.)
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:19pm
and that ant the full file
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:18pm
this is what the bytes.txt looks like
MZ� �� � @ � � � �!�L�!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
[Remainder deleted to save screen space - OriginalGriff]
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:10pm
my antivirus is disabled. so thats not the case
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:07pm
i am using C# exe and i am trying to turn it in to a string that i can use on other programs i make. the file is called bit.exe. they not much info then that
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:04pm
i can't because the file the bytes are in is a text and it won't let me read it as bytes
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:02pm
i will try that now
WOLF 2018
14-Jul-18 12:01pm
they come from a exe file
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