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Comments by Member 12426391 (Top 3 by date)

Member 12426391 29-Jun-16 11:03am View    
Curve25519 by Hans Wolff. Generic 64-bit integer implementation(Description: Developed by Dan Bernstein for fast Diffie-Hellman key arrangement). This is the one I installed.
Member 12426391 20-Apr-16 12:23pm View    
That's an example query, I don't know whether it works or not. I thought it would be easy to understand if I give an example.
So, imagine there are few queries saved as views in SQL and there are few column names and values coming from a configuration. I need to pull those Queries and identify the columns and replace the value of the column with the value coming from configuration and run the query with new values.
Member 12426391 7-Apr-16 14:56pm View    
if (cycleTime != 0)
x = x.AddMonths(cycleTime);
if (x== today)
return true;
Thanks for correcting me. I corrected that but, this also wont work as the job has to be run on scheduled date once and then the cycle time should be added run when it equals today.