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Comments by Super Lloyd (Top 25 by date)

Super Lloyd 27-Sep-21 12:25pm View    
for the record I try to implement

public class MyList<T> : IList<t>, IList

And it's very hard to implement IList.Add(object? o), I dunno if the current implementation supports null or not..
Super Lloyd 27-Sep-21 12:14pm View    
nullable reference of course, is a new C# 9 feature.
Super Lloyd 31-Mar-19 20:18pm View    
Indeed... I should have replied that to the "Solution 2 thread", ooopsie... just did it again! ;P
Super Lloyd 31-Mar-19 20:17pm View    
No worries.. good luck! :)
Super Lloyd 30-Mar-19 23:47pm View    
First, a useful link:

1. (long answer)
Alright, should I repeat my answer?
"The main difference between ASP.NET MVC and MVC Core is that the later is multiplatform and probably runs 1000x faster."

So yes, ASP.NET MVC (Which runs on the .NET Framework) have razor pages, in fact Razor page were created with the first release of ASP.NET MVC.
Page controller, or WebAPI controller, both available in ASP.NET MVC and MVC Core (did I mention that both API were similar?) both can specify what query they handle (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
WebAPI is "optimised" toward data payload (such as XML/JSON) and have a few quirk about it. And Page controller are optimized towards delivering HTML page and a few quirk towards that.

The web story with .NET: WebForm came first, Microsoft was hoping to make web development "as easy as WebForm" (ahem), then came MVC and (mostly) everybody loved it (after a while). But was slow because it was fitting in the WebForm pipeline and there was lot of wasteful code running. Then they made .NET Core and remade a cleaner version of MVC that runs better (1000 times!) with it. It's usage was mostly the same but they simplified many little tings about the API. But the general usage is very much the same.

Razor Page Controller are mostly to display page. WebAPI handle data request better. PageController can do both truly (HTML, Json, ..) but every now and then WebAPI handle dataquery a little bit better....

2. yes you can specify to handle GET/POST/PUT/DELETE

3. Entity Framework is somehow orthogonal. i.e. it doesn't matter for MVC web pages / web services whether your use EntityFramework to access some database or not.
But most people typically do it. Where else one would store heaps of live data?