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Comments by Member 15224382 (Top 4 by date)

Member 15224382 2-Jun-21 9:19am View    
Thanks for correcting me . The file is stored on network file server and when user click on the hyperlink the the network file server name along with file location on the file server is navigated to open the PDF file in new tab. So variable link1 has full file path of the file server. Hyperlink works good on IE.
Member 15224382 2-Jun-21 4:36am View    
Yes, the sign ` exist in " navigateTo('`Myfolder\\Myfile.pdf'); " and is working good on IE browser.
Member 15224382 31-May-21 11:42am View    
Could you please suggest an alternative approach to implement same functionality that works on Edge and Chrome.
Member 15224382 31-May-21 11:42am View    
Could you please suggest an alternative approach to implement same functionality that works on Edge and Chrome.