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Comments by CodeGuru84 (Top 5 by date)

CodeGuru84 11-Dec-22 11:43am View    
It is possible that the error you are experiencing is due to the fact that the flatten function you are calling is returning a Stream<integer>, but the lambda expression in the flatMap method is expecting a Stream<object>.

If this is the case, you can fix the error by changing the return type of the flatten function to Stream<object> and casting the elements of the input array to Object before returning them in the stream:

private static Stream<object> flatten(Object[] arr) {
return -> (Object)x);

Alternatively, you can change the lambda expression in the flatMap method to expect a Stream<integer> by removing the typecast to Object:

stream = stream.flatMap(o -> o instanceof Integer[] ? flatten((Integer[])o) : Stream.of(o));
CodeGuru84 11-Dec-22 10:09am View    
Yes, you can use reflection to find the TabControl inside the ColorUI class and add your custom TabPage to it. This will allow you to add your custom tab with custom colors to the ColorUI class.

To do this, you will need to first get a reference to the ColorUI instance using the getCustomizedColorUI method. Then, you can use reflection to find the TabControl field inside the ColorUI class and add your custom TabPage to it.

Here's an example of how you might do this:

public class MyColorEditor extends ColorEditor {
// Override the getCustomizedColorUI factory method
public ColorUI getCustomizedColorUI() {
// Create a new instance of the ColorUI class
ColorUI customUI = new ColorUI();
// Use reflection to find the TabControl field inside the ColorUI class
Field tabControlField = customUI.getClass().getDeclaredField("tabControl");
// Set the field to be accessible
// Get the value of the TabControl field
TabControl tabControl = (TabControl) tabControlField.get(customUI);
// Add your custom tab with custom colors to the TabControl instance
tabControl.addTab(new CustomColorTab());
// Return the customized ColorUI instance
return customUI;

You can then use your custom MyColorEditor class in the PropertyGrid to display the custom tab with custom colors.

Keep in mind that this is just an example, and you may need to adjust the code to fit your specific needs. Also, using reflection in this way may not be the most efficient or robust solution, so you should consider other options if possible.
CodeGuru84 11-Dec-22 10:08am View    
It looks like you are trying to override the ColorUI constructor, which is not possible in Java. You cannot override a constructor, only methods.

To fix this error, you will need to override the getCustomizedColorUI method instead of the ColorUI constructor. The getCustomizedColorUI method is a factory method that creates and returns a new instance of the ColorUI class.

Here's an example of how you might do this:

public class MyColorEditor extends ColorEditor {
// Override the getCustomizedColorUI factory method
public ColorUI getCustomizedColorUI() {
// Create a new instance of the ColorUI class
ColorUI customUI = new ColorUI();
// Add your custom tab with custom colors to the ColorUI instance
customUI.addTab(new CustomColorTab());
// Return the customized ColorUI instance
return customUI;

You can then use your custom MyColorEditor class in the PropertyGrid to display the custom tab with custom colors.

Keep in mind that this is just an example, and you may need to adjust the code to fit your specific needs.
CodeGuru84 11-Dec-22 10:01am View    
Yes, it is possible to use constructor injection to pass dependencies to your test classes. Here is an example of how you might do this using RestSharp and SpecFlow in Visual Studio 2022:

Add the RestSharp NuGet package to your project. This will provide you with the necessary classes and methods for working with REST APIs in your project.

In your test class, define a constructor that accepts an instance of the RestClient class as a parameter. This will allow you to inject the RestClient instance into your test class. For example:

public MyTestClass(RestClient client)
_client = client;

In your test scenario, create an instance of the RestClient class and configure it with the base URL of the API you want to call. For example:

var client = new RestClient("");

Use the Inject method of the ContextInjection class to inject the RestClient instance into your test class. This will pass the RestClient instance to the constructor of your test class. For example:


In your test class, you can then use the injected RestClient instance to make API calls. For example:

var request = new RestRequest("/api/{id}/", Method.GET);
request.AddUrlSegment("id", id); // Replace "id" with the actual ID you want to use
var response = _client.Execute(request);

This is just one way to use constructor injection with RestSharp and SpecFlow. Depending on your specific requirements and the details of the API you are working with, you may need to adapt this approach to suit your needs.
CodeGuru84 11-Dec-22 4:45am View    
If you need to pass the ID from the first API call to the second API call, but the second API call is in a different class or namespace, you will need to use some mechanism to share the ID between the two classes. One way to do this is to use a static variable or property in the first class to store the ID, and then access that variable or property in the second class. Here is an example of how this might work:

// First class, where the first API call is made
namespace Y
public static class FirstApi
// Static variable to store the ID
public static string Id;

public static async Task GetId()
// Make the first API call
var response = await client.GetAsync("");

// Extract the ID from the response and store it in the static variable
Id = response.json()["id"];

// Second class, where the second API call is made
namespace X
public static class SecondApi
public static async Task GetData()
// Use the ID stored in the static variable in the first class to make the second API call
var response = await client.GetAsync($"{Y.FirstApi.Id}");

In this example, the Id variable in the FirstApi class is marked as static, which means it can be accessed from other classes without having to create an instance of the FirstApi class. The Id variable is set in the GetId method, and then it can be accessed from the SecondApi class using the Y.FirstApi.Id syntax.

Of course, this is just one way to do it, and there are many other ways to share data between classes in C#.