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Comments by Steve44 (Top 88 by date)
22-Oct-17 3:00am
Your question is not very clear, please use "Improve question" to provide more details.
Where are your different compilers in conflict? And what is preventing you from implementing a parallel algorithm?
A staring point could be reading documentation for your mpicc compiler.
17-Oct-17 15:51pm
Can you please describe with what you are comparing the list of cookies you get in your program above? Are you comparing with the cookies a browser might receive from the same website? Or do you know, which cookies the website is supposed to send?
Without this information it is difficult to identify any reason for the missing cookies.
12-Oct-17 15:57pm
Unfortunately I have not installed VS2008. Maybe you can use the free VS2017 Community Edition?
11-Oct-17 8:56am
OK, lets give it one last try:
Is the error message shown somewhere in Visual Studio? If yes, where? What where you doing when you saw the error message? Which menu item did you select?
Do you have a cmd shell open? If yes, what do you enter in there? Is this giving you the error message? What is your PATH in this shell?
Unless you can answer these questions with reasonable detail there is nothing we can do to help you solve your problem (Unless you find some mind readers, which are rare in the coder community, or anywhere else for that matter :-)
11-Oct-17 8:44am
Just updated the solution for a second program.
10-Oct-17 16:51pm
It looks like your error message is not related to your program, so you would need to explain in detail, where the error message is shown? In a shell window? Somewhere in VisualStudio? Or where else?
What exactly are you doing where and in which environment?
Without this information, there is no way we can help you in identifying a solution to your problem.
10-Oct-17 16:24pm
Dear OP, this sounds suspiciously like a homework question and it would be to your disadvantage to have us solve your homework for you. It seems you put in some initial effort, but discovered that recursion does not scale well, this is one lesson you successfully learned.
Now you should put in the effort to find a non-recursive approach to solve the problem. If you have found something that you think should work and it does not, this would be the time to ask for advice in these forums and I am sure you will find people that can help you with specific questions.
In addition your description of the problem you are trying to solve is not clear and likely incomplete.
10-Oct-17 16:00pm
Like you would provide multiple arguments in the shell: separated by spaces. The sample already uses 3 arguments:
"dump", "badging" and the path in quotes.
7-Oct-17 18:51pm
Can you please provide more details, your description only shows a snippet of code, but no explanation, where your code fails, shows an error or behaves different from your expectation.
One issue that seems strange is in the row you select to show your picture, Cells[1] contains the image as byte array, while later, Cells[1] of the selected row contains the uname. So the content of the rows is different for the same cells?
7-Oct-17 14:57pm
Please provide more details:
What have you tried actually?
What APIs did you call?
What errors did you get?
Without any details, it would take a mind reader to attempt an answer (and they are very rare :-)
7-Oct-17 14:28pm
Can you please provide more details:
What is the API the web service exposes?
Which method are you trying to call?
What call and what parameters are you performing?
What error are you getting?
As most people are not mind readers (this includes me), details of what you tried and what error you get are necessary to narrow down your problem.
In general, a one sentence question does rarely contain enough information to attempt an answer.
7-Oct-17 13:56pm
To receive an informed answer, could you please add which methods of the Excel interop you where calling with which parameters and what error you received?
Unfortunately, most people here can't read minds (including me), so you will have to provide the details in your question :-)
19-Apr-14 12:37pm
My best guess would be to contact the providers of the captcha server you are using and ask for their API, usually they have sample code how to use their service in your environment.
12-Apr-14 21:16pm
That uses even more built-in functionality :-)
12-Apr-14 21:15pm
This sounds suspiciously like a homework question, therefor no use of utility functions (like Array.Reverse), but learning how to implement these kind of functions.
Dear OP, if this is the case, please put in the effort to solve the problem like Wes' first posting: read the documentation and write the code to implement your version of the built-in functions. This is for YOUR benefit, you will learn a lot and get a feeling for programming, edge cases and testing your functions. Asking for a solution will rob you of this opportunity to gain experience and hone your skills of using the software developers tool box.
12-Apr-14 3:26am
Please provide some more information about your problem: What have you researched, what have you tried, where are you stuck? Your current question doesn't make a lot of sense and I doubt anyone could give you a meaningful answer.
12-Apr-14 1:47am
Ok, that narrows it down a bit. It seems like your SDK is not supporting this type of HW.
Is this the U.are.U 2.2.1 SDK? And your HW is a U.are.U 4500 or 5100, right?
11-Apr-14 23:51pm
As this question is very specific to the Digital Persona biometrics SDK you should consider contacting their developer support or find a forum that deals with these SDK issues exclusively.
Also "no connection" is a very broad problem, does your computer see the device (e.g. it shows up in Device Manager or similar), it does not enumerate in the list of connected devices, sending a command does not get a response or a request returns an error message. {lease provide more details about what is going wrong and in which ways, this would help people to narrow down your issue and provide hints for a solution.
11-Apr-14 10:49am
Thanks Legor.
1-Apr-14 16:14pm
Have you checked, if the file is ANSI or Unicode? Maybe the compiler chokes on the Unicode Byteorder Marker at the beginning of a Unicode file. I am just guessing here as the file content seems reasonable from the picture.
1-Apr-14 12:58pm
In general: What have you tried? What ideas have you found? And where are you stuck?
Giving these answers will pretty likely get a response where someone is willing to help you further. Just asking "Do my work for me!" is not how this works.
1-Apr-14 12:20pm
In general adding new expertise to your portfolio is always good, it helps you expand your mind and improve your value in the workplace.
Windows Azure is a technology that won't go away soon.
But as the first responder noted: we can't decide what is right for you and knowing the future is even more difficult ;-).
1-Apr-14 12:14pm
Some more details are necessary to help you with this. What type is the string: ASCII or Unicode? If it is ASCII, have you selected the appropriate codepage? Does your font contain the Cyrillic letters for rendering? Did you look at str in the debugger? Does it contain the expected characters?
More details are always helpful as we don't see your development environment.
26-Jun-13 0:45am
Close sorawit, but your else branch is also entered when the string does not contain the required string at all.
8-Jun-13 23:04pm
My basic recommendation would be to write a unit test for the encryption:
- generate key pair,
- iterate over all byte values (0-255)
- in the loop: encrypt this byte to your long, decrypt the long, compare with original value
- repeat with different key pairs
This should help you find out, if your basic encryption/decryption algorithm is working.
6-Jun-13 20:28pm
Please use "Improve question" to add some more detail: What is the expected behavior/the problem you are trying to solve? What have you tried so far(some code snippets might help)? How did you try to debug the problem?
Lots of people here are willing to help, but they can't read your mind :-)
6-Jun-13 17:50pm
Hmmmmmm, is it blocking, or terminating immediately? I remember that you had code that was sleeping when the queue was empty but the complete was not set, that is not in the current version. It would be necessary even with the change to a pointer.
I'll add some code that will put the necessary waiting in the try_pop.
6-Jun-13 15:45pm
You should see it now.
6-Jun-13 15:17pm
I see, there is another bug this time in the main code, I'll add this fix to the solution.
5-Jun-13 16:13pm
Thanks Prasad!
5-Jun-13 15:25pm
What is exactly happening in the second thread? Is it immediately terminating and not doing any work? Or is it doing work, but the results are incorrect?
30-May-13 14:57pm
Two main reasons for el being null are: 1) GetTemplateChild does not find a child with the specified name or 2) GetTemplateChild finds a child that is not of type Ellipse.
try something like object foundEl = nn.GetTemplateChild("PART_inner"); and debug from there.
18-May-13 16:35pm
This is an optimization designed into the C++ language, whenever an object exists before, the assignment operator is invoked, whenever an object is to be constructed, the CopyConstructor is invoked. This avoids the inefficiency of a DefaultConstruction followed by an assignment vs. a CopyConstructor which should be semantically equivalent anyway.
Take a look here:
18-May-13 14:28pm
Removed your email and phone to protect your from spammers.
This information is not necessary as all answers should be delivered through CodeProject without disclosing these just fine.
Also, this sounds like a homework assignment and it will not help you if we do your homework for you.
However if you have tried and are stuck on some specific problem, we are more than happy to help, but you have to put in your efforts first.
14-May-13 20:16pm
I second the parameterized query recommendation! Hopefully concatenated SQL will one day be eradicated like an infectious disease.
9-May-13 20:05pm
You might want to provide more details:
What technology? WinForms, WPF, other?
What have you tried so far?
And some more details on what you want to achieve, how should your menu items look like?
Unfortunately we can not guess this from your very short question.
3-May-13 9:45am
Regarding the __VIEWSTATE, that is an information you would have to retrieve from the API specification. Unfortunately I never worked with the gmail API and can't provide more details.
27-Apr-13 10:42am
Glad to help :-)
23-Apr-13 16:50pm
What error do you get in which line? This information would help greatly in locating your problem.
16-Apr-13 13:48pm
Yep, that was the traversal as proposed. However I still think the indexing of a HashSet by ElementAt is resulting in a pretty brittle decision as it can change when adding new sub-groups in the hierarchy.
16-Apr-13 13:27pm
Reason for my vote of 1 \n The use of unsafe code is done not because of ignorance , but to overcome the pperformance issues of GetPixel, SetPixel.
Also, the code is incorrect as it igores the R and B components completel.
And the result is inefficient as it uses a color image to store a 8bpp grayscale.
16-Apr-13 1:45am
What have you tried so far? Where are you stuck? It would be a disservice to you to solve your homework for you, as you are supposed to find your own ways, try to solve the problem and gain your own experience before asking for help. However, if you have questions regarding a specific problem that blocks you, feel free to ask, most people are more than willing to help in this situation.
15-Apr-13 23:44pm
Consider re-designing your approach, e.g. using a Dictionary so you can resolve groups by name, etc. Then you can provide a list of names (i.e. the "path within the subgroups") to iteratively resolve the target group you want to identify and then operate on this group as needed. The list would allow you to address any number of levels as required.
14-Apr-13 13:59pm
Yep, the actual string at the time of the failure would be great.
Besides, I would use
DateTime.Parse(HiddenField1.Value) if I populated the field from a DateTime.ToString() to begin with. This ensures symmetric behavior.
13-Apr-13 21:21pm
Porting the above algorithm to use BigInteger seems pretty straight forward. Maybe I'll take a shot at it once my home improvement projects are done.
13-Apr-13 17:17pm
From what I can make out of your question I would guess that you want the have your webserver respond when someone enters "mynewdomain.com" in the address bar of the web browser.
The missing "http://" should be taken care of by your browser, otherwise your webserver doesn't even receive the request. Nothing for you to do there.
The missing "www." is something you have to configure in the DNS CNAME record. The Host "www" should point to "@". For this you have to take a look at the configuration tool of your DNS provider, usually the one that you purchased your domainname from.
13-Apr-13 17:04pm
In our case we identified a DLL the app was loading and we replaced it with a modified version that was using Detours to inject the API interceptions. Then we used shared memory to configure the failures we wanted to force and were logging to a different memory buffer.
An external app was reading a database to configure the failure injections and reading the logging buffer, putting the results back into the database. In your case you could have this external app just populate the TextBox with the contents of the log buffer.
12-Apr-13 5:59am
Sorry, please try to improve your question by adding details about the data, your search criteria etc., with this little detail it is impossible to give a meaningful answer, we are not psychic.
12-Apr-13 5:50am
Pretty basic, the post-increment creates a temporary variable containing the value before incrementing the original variable and returns this as the value of the operation. This is most noticeable when you are overloading increment operators on a class object, there pre-increment increments the instance in-place, while post-increment creates a copy of the instance. For C the difference is minimal.
12-Apr-13 5:30am
Does it work in your static sample above?
Does your file path or name contain spaces? In this case you would have to surround the string with quotes within the string:
@"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen \"" + filenameStringVariable "\"";
This is recommended in general.
12-Apr-13 5:22am
Your description makes it sound pretty far out of supported scenarios for the explorer.exe process. I would not be surprised, if the resulting behavior would be "strange", bordering on "unexpected".
12-Apr-13 5:15am
Please provide some more details:
What are you trying to accomplish? What have you tried so far? What are you searching for?
12-Apr-13 4:42am
Please provide some more details:
What problems with the algorithms are you experiencing? What have you tried so far?
Besides, you should remove your email and cell number, as spammers will be more than happy to use them, but likely not to help solve the problem :-(.
11-Apr-13 21:25pm
Take a look at the Windows focused build here: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/
Most likely you can find what you are looking for here, but as Matthew mentioned, don't expect it to be a walk in the park.
11-Apr-13 20:54pm
Did you download the 25 or so external libraries/source projects that ffmpeg uses? Likely it is unable to locate the headers provided by them.
11-Apr-13 18:35pm
Hi Dirquez, please edit the code, since the current version does not make sense, I assume your comparison is missing.
9-Apr-13 16:12pm
From the fragments you provide it looks like you are trying something that looks more complicated than necessary, you are taking two independent arrays and want to map an item from one array to your XML Tag and the matching item from the other array to your XML Element content.
Is there a reason to match exactly this structure or would it be possible to change structure to make it easier to use with the XmlSerializer?
An example of a more straight forward structure would be:
<itemchoice type="colorOfCar">Blue
9-Apr-13 4:50am
Added the code example to the solution.
9-Apr-13 4:31am
set only changes the environment variable for the current shell session, it can not be seen from other processes, setx makes a system wide change that is available to all processes.
25-Mar-13 12:58pm
Have you tried serialization to/from XML? From what I use these it should be possible to do what you want as long as the structures (property names and their types) are matching.
23-Mar-13 21:22pm
Indeed, since your current code is not taking operator precedence into account and it would be difficult to do that in your current structure.
In addition your code has a major bug: whenever you press an operator you check, if op != "", but then you take the first and second value and don't execute the stored op, but the currently pressed one, which is surely not what you intend.
Reading up on above algorithms and re-defining your calculator accordingly would definitely be beneficial.
23-Mar-13 20:48pm
You should not worry about anything BUT the amount of bytes you allocated as this is everything that is promised to you. Everything outside that range, before your allocation or after your allocated number of bytes should not be touched or interpreted by you.
So it seem like the 512 bytes you allocate are correctly filled and everything else: you have no guarantees what is in there (maybe dragons?)
23-Mar-13 3:38am
Please provide some more detail, are you using WinForms or WPF? But also what is your usecase, I would like so understand what you want to achieve with this concatenated string?
23-Mar-13 3:36am
Please provide more details, how are you encrypting your password protected files? What arguments are you passing?
23-Mar-13 3:01am
Please provide more detail. What environment, WPF, WinForms, Silverlight? What scenarios do you want to cover? What have you tried so far?
22-Mar-13 19:45pm
Well said, my 5.
Unfortunately not everyone on this site thinks along these lines and berating those asking the questions and those answering them to get those guys that want to learn on the right track is sometimes seen.
Just sad.
22-Mar-13 19:38pm
In addition to the code above I would recommend to add a f.Seek(0, CFile::begin); in the else branch, when the 3 chars are not matching. This way you rewind and read the non-MBCS file from the beginning.
22-Mar-13 3:08am
Please provide more detail so we can answer your question. How is the character list stored? How do you want the string (list?) to look like after conversion?
21-Mar-13 1:17am
:-) 5 Thumbs up!
21-Mar-13 1:13am
The question is very generic, please be more precise describing your specific problem. What did you try so far? What constraints do you have? If we know where you need help, we can give you a better answer.
20-Mar-13 23:56pm
Hi Espen,
interesting. I used the original code above an my observation is as follows: When I write
::pre_iterator it = (const tree
My user-implemented constructor is called, when I write
::pre_iterator it = my_tree->end();
it calls the default copy constructor.
Difference in compilers? I use VS2012. Your move-constructor suggests you use C++11.
20-Mar-13 20:04pm
Hi Espen,
your situation is slightly different as A is not a template class and there the copy constructor is "overloaded" as expected. For template classes, there is only the default Copy-constructor, all user-implemented constructors, even if they follow the Copy-Constructor syntax are just constructors and are not used when the Copy-constructor comes into play. You have to force the use of the user-implemented constructors. See above.
(I just learned this sublte difference today.)
20-Mar-13 19:06pm
Just updated the solution, I was able to force the use of the constructor.
20-Mar-13 18:55pm
Just tired this and found out that templates do always use the default copy constructor, you have to force them to match with your Copy-constructor-ish constructor.
I'll add some code that made my code use my implemented constructor.
20-Mar-13 15:48pm
I agree with Sergey here, if I would see an application installing without asking my permission, I would not consider any software of this company in the future. I would assume that this company is not considering basic security concerns.
20-Mar-13 5:10am
A few more details about what your website is doing when the error occurs would be helpful in pinpointing the issue.
20-Mar-13 4:42am
First, add a "gremlin" at the end, e.g. '@', this should not be one of your watched symbols. After split at spaces you get [0]=void [1]=main(void)@ In this case you repeat on every string and split using first '(', iterate over the parts adding them to a new collection and adding string "(" between them. Now you have [0]=void [1]=main [2]=( [3]=void)@ After that you iterate over all parts splitting at ')', adding them to a new collection and adding string ")" between them. Now you have [0]=void [1]=main [2]=( [3]=void [4]=) [5]=@ After you are done remove the 'gremlin', either from the end of the last string if it has more than 2 characters, or the whole last string. I think you get the picture.
Adding to the solution so formatting works.
20-Mar-13 4:20am
Hi Eugen,
Not necessarily correct. If you have a shallow object, this might work. If you have allocated resources the assignment operator should free the previous values and then allocate new ones for the copy, the copy constructor however will not have any previously allocated resources and might not even be fully initialized.
19-Mar-13 20:12pm
Hi Filipe,
the constructors you define above are constructors, but none is a copy constructor. I add the code to my solution above.
19-Mar-13 16:48pm
When opening the link I first got a Russian page indicating some failure, but on this page I found a link to a PDF file. When opening that link I get the English document. When I open the link now I directly get to the PDF.
Seems to be related to the first visit.
19-Mar-13 5:03am
Just a side comment, I hope you are just for the example storing the password in a cookie in plaintext, right? Later you will properly salt and hash the password before putting it in the cookie, I assume.?
19-Mar-13 4:52am
OK, I see.
In this case I would recommend that you write a function that does linear approximation of parts of the curve (or some other approximation (e.g. quadratic) that you can model reasonably).
The function would look somehow along this line:
double F(double x)
double RetCode;
if(x < 0.2) {
RetCode = a1 * x + b1;
} else if (x < 0.6) {
RetCode = a2 * x + b2;
} else if (x < 0.8) {
RetCode = a3 * x + b3;
} else {
RetCode = a4 * x + b4;
return RetCode;
and find matching a1, b1, a2, b2, ...
Extracting the values form a hand-drawn pixel image is just not something you should ever reasonably consider. For example, some columns of your image had more than one pixel, what value would you assign in this case?
19-Mar-13 3:58am
How is the closing button not working? Is the application not closing, but continues to run?
19-Mar-13 3:09am
Can you please clarify, if you are using WPF or Windows Forms?
18-Mar-13 19:04pm
Hi Arseniy,
I am with Sergey here, the question is why do you provide a hand drawn bitmap to define a F(x) function? Where do these bitmaps come from and are there other ways to have a user enter the coordinate pairs (x, F(x))? Are they visualization of some measurement?
(I can give you guidance how to extract your information from the bitmap, but first I want to know, if there are better ways to solve the whole problem.)
15-Mar-13 3:15am
What you describe sounds like you want to run some longer executing task in the timer, which is not a good design. For a longer running task you should spin up a separate thread which can be triggered by a timer, but runs independent of it.
If this is not what you intended, please explain in more detail.
15-Mar-13 3:11am
Take a look at the AForge.NET (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16859/AForge-NET-open-source-framework) framework, this should contain everything for the video converter.
13-Mar-13 0:42am
The barcode readers I worked with had drivers that just generated keyboard events as if you entered the barcode number from a keyboard. To use these you just clicked on a textbox to give it focus to receive input events, scan the bar code and the barcode value is entered as text.
But for that to work your barcode reader needs to provide a driver that supports this input model, and to find this out you should consult your documentation.
Or do you need to write a driver for an USB handheld barcode reader?
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