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Comments by Kethu Sasikanth (Top 27 by date)
Kethu Sasikanth
2-Feb-12 14:37pm
Rewriting is the best option. But, another option is convert your exe to an ActiveX control. The web browser can consume ActiveX, if your client does not have issue with that!
Kethu Sasikanth
2-Feb-12 13:33pm
without looking into the converted .net dll it is hard to guess where could the performance be improved. Using Reflector and debug to see which chunk of code is taking so long to execute.
Kethu Sasikanth
1-Feb-12 21:58pm
The sql seem confusing to me. First comment out the whole sql then try just hardcoded sql. ex: UPDATE users SET Id='xx', User='yyy' where id=... If this executes correctlty then problem is in below lines otherwise the problem is in sql construction.
Kethu Sasikanth
1-Feb-12 20:38pm
May be the HTTP Response is complete, done its job, before thread(update label one) is finished?
Kethu Sasikanth
22-Jan-12 7:09am
To better understand the problem i would like to see the img tag and how you are calling showanswer.
Kethu Sasikanth
21-Jan-12 17:21pm
Char. is alphabet or numeric, string ex:"ABCD" or "1203"? What DB - Orcle(pl/sql) or SQL Server(t-sql)?
Kethu Sasikanth
20-Jan-12 12:15pm
Is PDB - Parallel Database Cluster or a simple PDB file(Program Data Base) that is created by Visual Studio?
Kethu Sasikanth
19-Jan-12 15:31pm
Let me understand the question - You have created a C# user control that launches the Webbrowser. Now you are trying to use the user control inside the Powerbuilder project. The PB proj has container control, OleControl, to display the C# user control. Now the Clipboard functions are not working inside the OleControl when PB proj. ran?
Kethu Sasikanth
19-Jan-12 9:52am
Do you have #ifdef preprocessors one for debug and another for release? If so check what is it inside.
Kethu Sasikanth
19-Jan-12 9:41am
Do a quick test, like i did. Comment out all other routes except the above route. Make sure UserProfileController.cs is in Controllers folder. You have not talked about the View(cshmtl) so I assume it is in proper place. Put a break point in ShowProfile method, hit-f5 and try!
If you still see a problem, let me know what exact problem is - page error, control is not going to the method or customuserName is null.
Kethu Sasikanth
13-Jan-12 14:02pm
It is hard to tell where the problem is. I donot think "div" is problem, script was failing somewhere in the middle. But my suggestion is while testing on FirFox, comment out lines from - "var link=.." to "}}" before newdiv.appendChild(select). Run the app and see for the results. If it is successful then uncomment one line or multiple related lines at a time then run and see which line is giving the problem.
Kethu Sasikanth
13-Jan-12 10:16am
You want something like : http://soraco.co/QuickLicenseManager.aspx
Kethu Sasikanth
12-Jan-12 13:29pm
Try unsafe in c#. I have seen samples getting data pointers using unsafe, but i think it's possible to get a function pointer too.
Kethu Sasikanth
12-Jan-12 13:10pm
i'm sorry not being clear on my answer, cd->ks1 =ks1; you cannot do this because it is going to cross into another boundary (may be a thread or process) so better new(create in heap) it or do = operator overload to assign the values.
Kethu Sasikanth
12-Jan-12 11:40am
Use IsPostBack and handle the postbacks appropriately.
Kethu Sasikanth
12-Jan-12 11:37am
You can also try at http://forums.infragistics.com/ to get quicker answer
Kethu Sasikanth
11-Jan-12 21:45pm
It is good run the MS Visual Studio XX ASP.NET/C# samples and see how the data is presented before coding the real project. This teaches control behavior, and appropriate place to place code - client side (javascript) or server side (C#).
Kethu Sasikanth
11-Jan-12 15:22pm
Do you want to control the scrolling of 2 list boxes using one scroll bar? What about the "differences" you are talking about, what do you mean by that?
Kethu Sasikanth
10-Jan-12 20:21pm
If the Dispose() call is mandatory then the class documentation should indicate that. The Dispose() is not language feature but the garbage collection is. But I have seen some people coding [myObj.Dispose(); myObj=null;] for any object instance. I donot admire or criticize or comment but I check whether coding of the task is complete or not.
Kethu Sasikanth
10-Jan-12 14:53pm
1) in first readInput() you read data into "data" vector but it was not cleared for next use by readInput("1.csv")
2) close the file stream using fclose() before it is used again.
Try these two. All the best.
Kethu Sasikanth
9-Jan-12 21:53pm
You would like to use word at client side and server side also (to save word doc). I'm not 100% sure about the solution. But you can try Open XML format for this. Also placing data items at bookmark location was done using a mailmerge feature in the past.
Kethu Sasikanth
7-Jan-12 21:56pm
method signature tells it is non-static. But in above it is a static call, idUserInterface::FindGui(). I just skimmed the code in UserInterface.cpp
class name: idUserInterfaceManagerLocal.
you may have to do something like
idUserInterfaceManagerLocal obj = new idUserInterfaceManagerLocal();
obj->FingGui(..). The idUserInterfaceManager is an abstract base class to idUserInterfaceManagerLocal.
Also, I could not locate idUserInterfaceManagerLocal() default constructor. It is possible that the idUserInterfaceManager* pointer is returned by some extern C method.
Kethu Sasikanth
7-Jan-12 17:40pm
$('btnSend').. selector has a problem. It should have been $('.btnSend') if btnSend is class OR $('#btnSend') if btnSend is ctrl id.
Kethu Sasikanth
7-Jan-12 9:08am
check if txt_prodname_TextChanged event is causing the problem
Kethu Sasikanth
6-Jan-12 18:05pm
I'm trying to show how to set up an initial value to a DropDownList control in MVC with a simplest example. I have no where, above, talked about the architecture or the best practices.
Kethu Sasikanth
5-Jan-12 22:15pm
check the validation javascript function() return value if it is populating the textbox.
Kethu Sasikanth
5-Jan-12 21:18pm
In ASP.NET web app., you can use Graphics class to generate the image in runtime.
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