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Comments by dabuskol (Top 2 by date)

dabuskol 15-Oct-12 5:45am View    
Thanks Dylan,

That is my first impression but I believe I was able to solve it.
I ask one user to create a new request from our our satellite office and every time he creates it saves a record he always lost his one becuase data is overwritten by old information.
I ask for his login information and do the same in my pc and it works well, I ask him again to do the same using the same link and application and he still encounter the same problem. I told him use the IP address instead of the normal weblink and it works.

Another solution that I gave is to open an IE then click Shift-control-Del then mark the temp internet lnik, form data, cookies and click delete before creating a new request.

Out of 100 or more request I encounter this problem.
Saving is done thru SP to all tables.

dabuskol 5-Sep-10 14:51pm View    
I haven't tried your answer because I went out of the office to think load but monitoring my mails. How can I retain the negative value? Is it correct to use Math.Sign(answ) either the output is + or -.