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Comments by Arindam Tewary (Top 68 by date)
Arindam Tewary
8-Mar-16 10:01am
Please refer here for an example of Async Task:
Arindam Tewary
8-Mar-16 10:00am
What error do you get? Any null exception ?
Arindam Tewary
8-Mar-16 9:57am
Apart from that please check the JSON URL, directly from browser if that is indeed returning result.
Arindam Tewary
8-Mar-16 9:56am
AppController is expected to be a application level class. Have you defined that ?
Arindam Tewary
10-Dec-15 9:26am
Do you want content of the textview in a file, then sent that file to some email address ?
Arindam Tewary
9-Nov-15 6:39am
Put a try-catch block first and identify where is the error. That would help you understand null exception.
Arindam Tewary
21-Feb-14 4:59am
Use "Distinct" keyword in SQL query the time you are getting your data from database.
Arindam Tewary
19-Feb-14 3:35am
Try this: https://www.google.co.in/?gfe_rd=ctrl&ei=dWwEU76BOMfV8gey3IDQBA&gws_rd=cr#q=study+educational+operating+systems+such+as+minix
Arindam Tewary
20-Mar-13 8:48am
Ohh !! Thats a lovely thought :p. Please go ahead i am with you with all encouragement.
Arindam Tewary
10-Nov-12 12:44pm
Whats is exact error message that you get ?
Arindam Tewary
11-Nov-11 2:18am
If you carefully read the message of your mentioned exception which goes like "Object reference not set to an instance of the object" then you get the idea what is happening. In most of the time we start feeling panick and ignore the text message thrown and ebentually dont read that. Please have patience and please read the text thrown by framework.
If you can fine a website also, that would never give any information more that your existing code base and you local system's framework.
Please let us know in case you dont understand the meaning in case you read the text "Object reference not set to an instance of the object".
Arindam Tewary
27-Oct-11 12:44pm
Please do not post entire code here. Post if you get any error or put suspected code snippet and mention your problem in less word. As of now, it is only code and seeing no query to your post.
Arindam Tewary
14-Jul-11 8:10am
What stops you to access that static method in other project? What kind of help you are looking for?
Arindam Tewary
14-Jul-11 8:05am
Write a keydown eventhandler and in that event handler method set selectedindex property appropiately.
Arindam Tewary
12-Jul-11 4:33am
Dear vivekse, I appreciate your post. Good points but interface can have event and having an event can not raise an error like "interfaces cannot declare types ". This error appears when you declare an delegate inside interface.
Arindam Tewary
12-Jul-11 4:27am
Dear SAKryukov, not sure whether you misread my post.
(1) I have mentioned that till .NET 3.5 function parameter with default value is not allowed. Is that wrong? I never mentioned that .NET 3.5 allows default parameter. And the question posted was even marked with tag ".NET 3.0", not ".NET 4.0". So do you feel my post worth downvoted?
(2) Surprisingly, though an interface can have an event and having an event can never raise a error like "interfaces cannot declare types " , but the answer which wrongly says having an event causes the problem have been "upvoted". Didn’t you bother to check the line "First error is coming due to you declare "event OnExecuteErrorEventHandler OnExecuteError" in Interface"?
I wish you had provided a comment there too.
I am least bothered about points, but surprising to me is when a person of your ("SAKryukov") caliber gives "comments" I do believe that better I brush up my knowledge, and cross check every time to make sure my own knowledge is correct.
Arindam Tewary
12-Jul-11 4:26am
Dear SAKryukov, not sure whether you misread my post.
(1) I have mentioned that till .NET 3.5 function parameter with default value is not allowed. Is that wrong? I never mentioned that .NET 3.5 allows default parameter. And the question posted was even marked with tag ".NET 3.0", not ".NET 4.0". So do you feel my post worth downvoted?
(2) Surprisingly, though an interface can have an event and having an event can never raise a error like "interfaces cannot declare types " , but the answer which wrongly says having an event causes the problem have been "upvoted". Didn’t you bother to check the line "First error is coming due to you declare "event OnExecuteErrorEventHandler OnExecuteError" in Interface"?
I wish you had provided a comment there too.
I am least bothered about points, but surprising to me is when a person of your ("SAKryukov") caliber gives "comments" I do believe that better I brush up my knowledge, and cross check every time to make sure my own knowledge is correct.
Arindam Tewary
11-Jul-11 14:36pm
Repeate of the question in same day
Arindam Tewary
11-Jul-11 14:32pm
There are plenty example of what you want if you just do a simple google search? Just let us know that indeed you didnt get anything using Google.
Arindam Tewary
11-Jul-11 9:25am
Thanks :)
Arindam Tewary
11-Jul-11 7:11am
There are pleanty of API's available in .NET to do all sort of comparision, xml manupulation using .NET. What is your problem? Didnt you find the API's for xml processing?
Arindam Tewary
8-Jul-11 16:49pm
Looks like "advertising". I checked the website did't see any problem. I have been using Chrome 13 and could see the site nicely apart from one image missing. Please ensure that proper link has been given which actually shows the problem. Please don't try to advertise here.
Arindam Tewary
18-Jun-11 17:32pm
What is "phdDefault" ?What is this control?
Arindam Tewary
18-Jun-11 16:24pm
Are you getting any error? If you get error please post that error description.
Arindam Tewary
7-Apr-11 7:19am
What dependencies does your EXE have? Are you referencing DLLs? If so, are they your own DLLs?
Arindam Tewary
7-Apr-11 7:17am
Check the "event viewer" for any error and search in Google by the the error description (or error code). In case you need some assistance please post the same here.
Arindam Tewary
25-Jan-11 2:29am
You post is not very clear. Do you require to do a drag and drop only for all NON-ROOT NODES from the first TreeView. Please clarify. I assume you are working using windows form.
Arindam Tewary
15-Dec-10 4:21am
Thanks Dave :)
Arindam Tewary
15-Dec-10 4:20am
Surprised!! In case you got the appropriate solution what do you want ?? :)Is that you have missed the word "not"???
Arindam Tewary
15-Dec-10 3:40am
The link which you have provided as also having the same behaviour like when I copied a word "music" into textbox it does not show up anything but a javascript error:). But manually typeing from keyboard the word "music" shows auto complete suggestion. So you have done the same then whats the problem?
Arindam Tewary
15-Dec-10 3:32am
what type of application you have been referring to? Is that web or windows ?
Arindam Tewary
26-Nov-10 3:43am
Can you please make your question a bit clear. "I have a child which..."? what child ? Is that a child form that you are referring? Again you have written "in the centre of parent page". Is that form or page(web app/windows app). Totally confused.
Arindam Tewary
26-Nov-10 3:41am
Can you make your question abit clear. "I have a child which..."? what child is that child form that you are referring? Again you have writted "in the centre of parent page". Is that for or page(web app/windows app). Totally confused.
Arindam Tewary
21-Nov-10 12:24pm
Nice explaination Darek :)
Arindam Tewary
16-Nov-10 6:27am
ohh .. Glad that I could help you :)
Arindam Tewary
16-Nov-10 1:50am
Are you working using web or windows application?
Arindam Tewary
3-Nov-10 6:55am
WHy dont you check the event viewr of the same system to check whats going wrong. To open event viewr go to start-->run--> in textbox type "eventvwr" and then hit enter. Event Viewer opens up. Check possible errors syste the system which was logged. That would give you idea why it was not opening. Search in Google with any error description that you get related to "devenv.exe"
Arindam Tewary
3-Nov-10 6:48am
Thanks Dalek :)
Arindam Tewary
3-Nov-10 5:56am
Then why it is downvoted???
Arindam Tewary
3-Nov-10 5:50am
Ohhh man!! While "copy"ing & posting his homework he forgot to put the actual query, if he had it. He is really bogged down by this homeowrk it seems :)
Arindam Tewary
3-Nov-10 5:38am
The line you have showed here is actually adding(concetanting) couple of String variables and you are and assigning to "Query". I suspect the variable "clvdrdateto". Please check the type of variable "clvdrdateto".
Going by your post I see that starting "IUD_dramdtls", upto 3 variable were added correctly but the 4th variale was not added properly. Now this 4 th variable is "clvdrdateto". Please check.
Arindam Tewary
2-Nov-10 5:18am
Are you working with windows form?
Arindam Tewary
2-Nov-10 5:14am
What error did you get?
Arindam Tewary
2-Nov-10 5:09am
What a trouble!! What does it mean by "it doesn't work"? Does at the time of publishing it throws error? While calling from deployed location did you see any error message?
Arindam Tewary
2-Nov-10 5:06am
Post some code block here about how you are using the regular expression.
Arindam Tewary
2-Nov-10 4:42am
Thanks Dalek :)
Arindam Tewary
2-Nov-10 3:48am
Seeing the error message it seems that you might need to use appropriate method of "Convert" class (like Convert.ToInt32(),Convert..... ) because it is a casting error. Otherwise post some code part that might help people to help you.
Arindam Tewary
29-Oct-10 2:59am
This is achiveable/doable. :)
Arindam Tewary
27-Oct-10 5:00am
Whats your question?
Arindam Tewary
26-Oct-10 2:15am
What are you looking for? You have no query at all .... you understand the rerquirement pretty clearly !! Start implementing .. :-)
Arindam Tewary
22-Oct-10 16:32pm
Stack Overflow exception happens only if there is a recursive method call that does not reach the base case(termination condition). Please review your code to find a never ending recursive call and remove that or avoid never ending recursive call.
Arindam Tewary
20-Oct-10 2:10am
Sandip, I wish he gets your answer, because the kind of post he has posted, seems very relucttant to get going unless he is having a sample code block in hand.
Arindam Tewary
20-Oct-10 1:41am
This question is very generic one and no one probably would be able to answer you. Start from <a href='http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&q=How+can+i+create+dynamic+row+and+column+inside+gridview&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai='>here</a> here and if you come up with some specific error or prolem then that would be nice.
Arindam Tewary
19-Oct-10 4:48am
Thanks Dalek for encouraging words :)
Arindam Tewary
19-Oct-10 4:21am
Any reason for marking this as "Bad" answer??
Arindam Tewary
11-Oct-10 4:41am
Same is applicable if you have smart client application. Please let us know which one are you using smart client/website?
Arindam Tewary
11-Oct-10 4:40am
If you use "website" template, you get the options for publishing in any location like ftp location/ shared location etc. Do you get any error? Let us know. How are you specifying the published location path?
Arindam Tewary
27-Sep-10 5:51am
Is that a question or what?
Arindam Tewary
16-Jul-10 4:31am
Did you use try - catch block while using ExecuteNonQuery() and still you didnt get any error/exception ? Do you have a situation where you dont have any exception generated and still you done see data is updated? Please confirm.
If you get any exception/error after using try catch block please post the exception.
Arindam Tewary
8-Jun-10 7:28am
Please talk to your office local administrator/computer vendor so that they can set up a network/repair any fault in network.
Arindam Tewary
8-Jun-10 6:51am
Thats means you dont have a network connection between two computer, one from where you want to connect, another computer is where the SQL server resides. This is a network related issue. Make sure two computer is connected only then you can access sql server and connect to sql server.
Arindam Tewary
8-Jun-10 4:28am
What program do you intend to write to ? :)
Arindam Tewary
8-Jun-10 4:19am
Whats the error you are getting? Post the error details please.
Arindam Tewary
4-Jun-10 16:08pm
Mr. Shakti Gupta, please abstain from abusing. The mistake was unintentional. Please try to contribute in the website in a constructive way. I am hurt by your comment.
Arindam Tewary
4-Jun-10 7:26am
Thanks Mr. Richard MacCutchan for pointing it out correctly. I apologise and please ignore my post.
Arindam Tewary
2-Jun-10 5:54am
Can you please mark the line where you are getting the error?
Arindam Tewary
19-May-10 9:11am
Your question is not clear to me.
I would just like to ask you following to get a clear picture of what you wanted to do,
(1) Do you want Combo Box inside DataGridView column ? ( Hence a kind of embeeded ComboBox inside DataGridView cell) OR
(2) Is ComboBox and DataGridView are separated and populated separately. And then once user changes comboBox items, DataGridView is again re-populated ?
Arindam Tewary
10-May-10 2:25am
hmm ... When I started I didn't find any post/comment added to it. Otherwise I would have keep myself away putting answer. :)
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