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Comments by Jpuckett (Top 15 by date)

Jpuckett 8-Jul-11 16:14pm View    
You can't use a jQuery post on every single click. A checkbox (when unchecked) sends NO VALUE to a html form when the form is submitted.

If you want your checkboxes to act as post triggers, then it's no longer a list unless you store a comma delimited list in a hidden field, use ViewBag, or something similar to store the values either in the client HTMl or server-side like the link I submitted.
Jpuckett 5-Jul-11 9:15am View    
Then CID is null and the Hyperlink Navigate URL isn't being populated correctly. Create a default URL if CID is empty to populate.
Jpuckett 1-Jul-11 23:25pm View    
If you need more help after this; just give me a comment back, I'm email monitoring this thread.
Jpuckett 1-Jul-11 14:32pm View    
Do you want to do this easily via a WinForms app that a batch file/scheduled task can run, or do you want to do it invisibly (and more time-consuming to make and test) via a Service?

When using the WindowsForms app you can just spawn a WebBrowser object and execute it there, but if you want to do it invisibly, you have to use the HttpWebRequest/Response objects to generate (what the website expects) the requests and responses to simulate that functionality.
Jpuckett 8-Jun-11 10:27am View    
--If the server that holds all the VMs will fall, all my clients products will be shutdown.--

Yep. Which is why you run a dual physical server "cluster" so that the VMServer (or whatever VM software you run) sees only 1 computer. If one fails, all the VMs begin consuming resources from 1 box rather than two. Your clients' services will slow down undoubtedly, but the downtime is minimized.

--Am I correct? If so, will I need to have a SAN?--
Yes. And no. A SAN is nice because of the fail-over capabilities of it. It's just a huge initial investment. If you're able to get by with a cluster of servers with hot-swappable RAID5 drives, that's fine until you want to move to a more scalable solution. (Look up RAID5, it provides the mirroring you're looking for, and look up VM clustering, that's the server-died failover you're looking for).

--The db consumes lots of server power.--
Presumably. This goes on its own box (or boxes).

--My initial thinking was that I need to isolate each db from other so in case of server compromise I won't risk all the data.--
You can do this on VMs. Each DB Server *can* be on its own VM. However, if each DB is running as its own instance of a DB, it presumably, should have its own security, and you're minimizing that threat.

Data-security is its own beast. There are guys out there that make thousands of dollars consulting on that topic alone because it is so extensive. However, the bare minimum is that you are firewalled, patched OSes, with strong passwords not stored in plaintext.

If you have more questions just shoot me another reply.