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Comments by The_Inventor (Top 188 by date)

The_Inventor 30-Apr-15 1:04am View    
I presume you are using the 'for loop' to assign the 'jobs', with one job each processor, you first need to get the number of available processors, pre-established prior to calling the function and passing the value into the function as the dummy 'n'. #pragma statements are better used in a header and 'pushed or popped' with in the header.
The_Inventor 18-Mar-15 8:10am View    
OK I get that SQL is a 'language' like Basic. I understand that most DLL's much like an EXE. I still have 3 files: Elememts.dacpac, Elememts.dll, and Elememts.pdb, that were generated by the IDE, from the database project. I presume the data I entered in the table has been encoded into the DLL, not the table itself per se. The contents of the 2 SQL files that I created are displayed above.

Looking inside the DLL, there are 2 files, and a folder with another file. Below is the version info created within the DLL

L4 V S _ V E R S I O N _ I N F O ½ïþ  ?   D  V a r F i l e I n f o $  T r a n s l a t i o n °¬  S t r i n g F i l e I n f o ˆ  0 0 0 0 0 4 b 0 ,   F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n 0   F i l e V e r s i o n 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 :
 I n t e r n a l N a m e E l e m e m t s . d l l (   L e g a l C o p y r i g h t B
 O r i g i n a l F i l e n a m e E l e m e m t s . d l l 4   P r o d u c t V e r s i o n 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 8   A s s e m b l y V e r s i o n 0 . 0 . 0 . 0

And the .text

R# H   P D  BSJB  v4.0.30319  l ´ #~  Ä #Strings ä  #US è  #GUID ø L #Blob   ú3         e   ' ‹  G ‹   x  «    r   r   r
.  .  " .  A € º  
<module> mscorlib DebuggableAttribute CompilationRelaxationsAttribute RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute Elememts.dll .ctor System.Diagnostics System.Runtime.CompilerServices DebuggingModes Elememts @œÉ¦F0O§OR¥ºÁ¡    ·z\V4à‰    TWrapNonExceptionThrows  ¿ÞU  n °" ° RSDSw
š@Iê;C†(µú…R>x C:\Users\Donald\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Elememts\obj\Debug\Elememts.pdb F# `# R# _CorDllMain mscoree.dll ÿ% 
So maybe the information wasn't encoded. So is MSVS pulling my leg or ...?
The_Inventor 17-Mar-15 23:55pm View    
So, Maciej, here you are making comment, without any compassion for the question, "How does one pragmatically retrieve the info from the built SQL DLL that presumably has the table data contained within it?" Do you have anything of real value to offer relating to SQL or DLL's using C++ to do it?
The_Inventor 17-Mar-15 23:54pm View    
So, Ryan here you are making comment, without any compassion for the question, "How does one pragmatically retrieve the info from the built SQL DLL that presumably has the table data contained within it?" Do you have anything of real value to offer relating to SQL or DLL's using C++ to do it?
The_Inventor 5-Sep-14 22:37pm View    
The best approach is to break down the tasks needed to get to the result that you want, just like anything else. However, this sound like a mouse capture project like the Scribble example that comes in the VS samples. So if you look at that example and can adapt it to your hardware setup, then it should be a piece of cake.