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Comments by Banerjee Tanmoy (Top 12 by date)

Banerjee Tanmoy 5-Mar-16 4:21am View    
Thank you sir, I better get rid of it and try to make one for me from scratch and try to increase my level in the field of CSS and HTML.

But for this question I think there may be solution hidden in the javascript which is called by mane; I am giving it for reference, if it helps

var mainMenu = (function() {

var $listItems = $( '#mainmenu > ul > li.has-submenu' ),
$menuItems = $listItems.children( 'a' ),
$body = $( 'body' ),
current = -1;

function init() {
$menuItems.on( 'click', open );
$listItems.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); } );

function open( event ) {

var $item = $( event.currentTarget ).parent( 'li.has-submenu' ),
idx = $item.index();
if($item.length != 0){
if( current !== -1 ) {
$listItems.eq( current ).removeClass( 'mainmenu-open' );

if( current === idx ) {
$item.removeClass( 'mainmenu-open' );
current = -1;
else {
$item.addClass( 'mainmenu-open' );
current = idx;
$ 'click' ).on( 'click', close );
return false;
else window.location = $item.find('a').attr('href');

function close( event ) {
$listItems.eq( current ).removeClass( 'mainmenu-open' );
current = -1;

return { init : init };

Banerjee Tanmoy 5-Mar-16 3:42am View    
But sir where I should add this on the above css
Banerjee Tanmoy 4-Jan-16 4:39am View    
I have tried this and its fails. Step No:-3. I have already mentioned it.
Banerjee Tanmoy 4-Jan-16 4:38am View    
I will try this out;
But for your your first question I am New in Java platform so I downloaded it from Oracle. Not much knowing about this and have not done many research of the version compatibility.

But for the issue 1 thing I want to tell you that when I install Windows 8 64 bit it installs Intel HAXM without no issue, so it is not a hardware problem It must be software problem basically driver signing problem. Let me try your solution on my computer and I will get back to you.
Thanking You
Banerjee Tanmoy 30-Jan-13 3:43am View
Take a look