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Comments by RedDk (Top 200 by date)

RedDk 10-Jul-24 20:32pm View    
Perhaps article holds some keys to finding answers in your quest.
RedDk 4-Jul-24 19:20pm View    
Is this the Article to which you refer: The download is broken down into indivdual chunks, if this aids in download; noting the 150MB size of the big zip, however, one just needs to be patient then.
RedDk 23-Jun-24 14:35pm View    
Really, CP can be confusing at times. And the minions should make speaking in five-point easier for us clueless coders. Why sometimes I get so confused I type at my keyboard into a control box that is the ANSWER control box. Instead of making my perplexed conversational point in a COMMENT!

Oh yeah, and ... the other thing (see beneath here):
RedDk 3-Jun-24 14:52pm View    
Go online and search for "conio.h" ... see what anyone says in the returns. Also a suggestion: try to capitalize first person pronouns (always) and don't forget to start your sentences with words that are similarly capitalized.
RedDk 1-May-24 13:54pm View    
The solution is exactly as RMC states; as you hint though, note that with 20000 records, a better placement for the formula cell would be somewhere south of D2:D20001. Say ... D2:D20114.