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Comments by AS01234 (Top 9 by date)

AS01234 28-Jun-20 14:13pm View    
Thank you all. I discovered the problem when I was simply trying to change the color of a button for a timed period and then change it back to the original color, in order to indicate that a program finished an activity that it was doing in the background. Then I simplified it down to this two-line example. This seems like a very common situation, and it is disconcerting that the Forms controls are behaving in such unexpected ways. I think a work around for my need is to change all of the button colors at the beginning in Form1_Load. What a pain-in-the-neck.
AS01234 15-Sep-13 11:31am View    
Unfortunately, I can't seem to accept your solution, so I have to select "solved myself" even thought that is certainly not true
AS01234 15-Sep-13 11:29am View    
Jason, see below. I accepted your solution, in the sense that everything that you suggested led to the conclusion that nothing was wrong.
AS01234 9-Sep-13 21:28pm View    
Thank you Jason for all of your help.

If nobody else can figure out anything wrong with the original code, I am forced to conclude (a la Sherlock Homes) the least likely thing: the dll is actually returning the crazy numbers. If so, it is certainly irritating that they would return number that are so out of range while also returning 0, which is supposed to mean a "successful result."

I have a question into the Tucsen camera company, and I also directed them to this question. I will get back to you (and perhaps with the rest of the world) with a report on how helpful they are. I would be thrilled if they are even a tenth as helpful as you have been.
AS01234 7-Sep-13 8:26am View    
Just after calling TC_getRoi, hei=8024. I inserted the line:
Byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(hei);
The result was Byte[] = {88, 31, 0, 0}.