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Comments by mario_silent (Top 19 by date)

mario_silent 2-Feb-12 20:02pm View    
Alright, thanks a lot for the reply. I was not gonna leave the hard-coded items the way they were of course.... I was just running a concept test to see if my idea was the right approach, it's my first time messing with dynamic assemblies so I just wanted some pointers and good practices to make my approach robust; I thank you a lot for your support, I'll try out your solution and get back to you if I have any questions, sounds pretty good to me :)

Thanks and also for the links! BRB
mario_silent 3-Oct-11 15:10pm View    
Yeah I think that'll help, I'll figure out a way with the Id.
Thanks a lot to everyone who replied

Best regards
mario_silent 3-Oct-11 14:44pm View    
Great explanation, very informative SAKryukov! actually I have kind of a messy workflow with the application, I have a Windows-hosted WCF service that launches 3 different apps in a server, a wcf client that opens a channel to the remote server and specifies the exe to launch on the server. The problem is that they reported 1 of those exes is getting stuck executing some queries on the server so they have to terminate the process through the task manager buuut the exe can be executed by many clients so it can have multiple instances. The problem is finding out which client launched the exe so they can terminate the aprropriate one. What do you think is the best way around it?? I don't think the System.Diagnostics.Process class can give me a way to discover the appropriate process...

Thanks a lot for the quick reply
mario_silent 21-Jun-11 0:00am View    
I've been googling all day, and it turns out my approach was not possible, OleDb provider for Sqlserver ce handles forward-only cursors, so I can't make an update because the insert command of the adapter is not supported. I can make simple inserts but I can't add parameterized insert/updates using Oledb, so now I'm looking for a way to use System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll from a clr stored procedure, I'll test it tomorrow...
mario_silent 20-Jun-11 14:44pm View    
Update! By calling row.SetModified() instead of SetAdded(), the Update throws no error and returns the number of rows updated which is correct, now the problem is I don't see the changes reflected in the .sdf... Is there anything else missing???