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Comments by Maurizio1976 (Top 1 by date)

Maurizio1976 21-Mar-13 4:42am View    
thanks you for the answer,
Yesterday i found this program .Net MemProfiler, i tried to lauch the application and see belong what i get after snapshot:

Disposed instances (Show details) (Ignore...)
2 types have instances that have been disposed but not GCed.
Investigate the types below for more information.

System.Drawing.Graphics, WindowsFont

Undisposed instances (release resource) (Show details) (Ignore...)
3 types have instances that have been garbage collected without being properly disposed.
Investigate the types below for more information.

SafePEFileHandle, SafeTokenHandle, WindowsFont

Pinned instances (Show details) (Ignore...)
2 types have instances that are pinned in memory.
Investigate the types below for more information.

System.Object, System.Object[]

Undisposed instances (memory/resource utilization) (Show details) (Ignore...)
3 types have instances that have been garbage collected without being properly disposed.
Investigate the types below for more information.

System.IO.BinaryReader, UnmanagedMemoryStream, WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext

Duplicate instances (Show details) (Ignore...)
37 types have duplicate instances (228 sets, 39.918 duplicated bytes). Duplicate instances can cause unnecessary memory consumption.
Investigate the types below for more information.

ArrayList (6 sets, 14.888 duplicated bytes), System.String (142 sets, 9.848 duplicated bytes), SecurityElement (5 sets, 6.396 duplicated bytes), Hashtable (2 sets, 5.400 duplicated bytes), Hashtable.bucket[] (one set, 4.176 duplicated bytes), Hashtable.SyncHashtable (one set, 2.860 duplicated bytes), System.Object (one set, 1.812 duplicated bytes), ConfigurationValues (one set, 1.632 duplicated bytes), System.String[] (3 sets, 1.340 duplicated bytes), System.Object[] (6 sets, 928 duplicated bytes), (...)

Empty weak reference (Show details) (Ignore...)
The WeakReference type has instances that are no longer alive.
Investigate the WeakReference type for more information.


Large instances (Show details) (Ignore...)
One type has instances that are located in the large object heap.
Investigate the type below for more information.


Held duplicate instances (Show details) (Ignore...)
8 types have duplicate instances that are held by other duplicate instances (241 sets, 19.008 duplicated bytes).
Investigate the types below for more information.

System.Object[] (74 sets, 17.892 duplicated bytes), SecurityElement (64 sets, 14.936 duplicated bytes), ArrayList (76 sets, 14.420 duplicated bytes), StrongNameMembershipCondition (21 sets, 6.552 duplicated bytes), System.String (2 sets, 816 duplicated bytes), TokenBasedSet (2 sets, 192 duplicated bytes), NamedPermissionSet (one set, 48 duplicated bytes), SecurityPermission (one set, 24 duplicated bytes)

Note: I remember you that the application is composed of : Window form, button and one event click with empty code.

if someone know MemProfiler and tell me why all this instance have been detected: or the program Memprofiler works badly or there is something to do inside the form designer.