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Comments by tpwright4423 (Top 13 by date)

tpwright4423 31-Mar-12 23:20pm View    
Thanks for the comment. I will try your suggestion when I get a moment.

During my numerous attempts to understand what was happening, I added a foreach loop to walk through displayedOrders and locate the appropriate row by the contained value of interest (an approach I avoided in my original implementation because of its poor performance) and ov.Equals(foundRow) returned false. That, coupled with the observed failure to select the DataGrid row, leads me to believe that a different instance was returned from query = displayedOrders.Where(x => x.PutAwayNo == pSearchFor) et al.

The statement that puzzles you is how I am extracting the first row returned from the queries (there can be multiple rows with the value being looked for). Why does that seem odd to you? Is this the place where I admit that I am a Linq-to-SQL newbie? ;-)
tpwright4423 8-Nov-11 7:52am View    
Very clever. However, without the comment explaining that the AddRange causes Count to be increased, thereby causing the children of new members of the list to be examined, it is, IMHO, an approach to be avoided.
tpwright4423 9-May-11 16:15pm View    
But, clearly you DO have god-like knowledge! And thanks to your tip, I have discovered that binding the dictionary object to the DataContext of my UI element allows me to bind other dependency properties to my source object's properties via the {Binding Path=OtherPropertyName} syntax. Gooey-ness is good!
tpwright4423 9-May-11 9:48am View    
Oops! Forgot to edit that one occurrence, didn't I?

Thanks for the help. As usual, the solution, once seen, seems so easy.
tpwright4423 9-May-11 8:28am View    
...and just how did you know that my app was OPC-related?