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Comments by Kurt Degiorgio (Top 57 by date)
Kurt Degiorgio
30-May-11 10:25am
did you compile it using a 64 bit build environment for windows 7?
Kurt Degiorgio
26-May-11 10:20am
what do you mean by "windows kernel program" driver?
Kurt Degiorgio
19-May-11 6:44am
well your configuration of the VS is probably bad, i suggest you try to compile it manually using the DDK build environments depending on which architecture your targeting (i.e if you are going to use this driver on a windows server 2003 x86 use the respective environment).
Kurt Degiorgio
18-May-11 1:13am
did you include usbdlib.h?
Kurt Degiorgio
17-May-11 9:03am
I apologize, forget to add the links :(
Kurt Degiorgio
17-May-11 8:59am
yep :) in fact iocomplition port is thread pool manged by OS = SUPER FAST, (its used by web servers to handle requests) it is also very scalable :)
Kurt Degiorgio
17-May-11 8:47am
Reason for 4: That will work, but what if the op has lets say 1k of plugins? check my answer pls :)
Kurt Degiorgio
17-May-11 2:49am
I do not think you will be able to do this in the same way ask an other question regarding this topic.
Kurt Degiorgio
16-May-11 8:36am
Thanks!! I agree with you SA multiple inheritance will introduce further complications.
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 11:22am
reason for 1?
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 11:19am
hmm seems that i clicked on the wrong link, i apologize I have seen to many bad advice on this forum when it comes to driver development and that I have assumed wrongly.
I changed my rating again to reflect this :)
in my defense my answer is correct as well. since it can be done with out visual studio. (most ppl do it like that)
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 11:14am
reason for 1?
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 11:13am
yes but you need to configure the studio to do what i did below..
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 10:50am
reason for 1: wrong answer. take a look at my answer below
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 10:47am
reason for 1: wrong answer look at my answer.
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 10:46am
reason for 1: wrong answer look at my answer.
Kurt Degiorgio
12-May-11 3:24am
that depends on what scripting language ur using.. is it JavaScript, flash or just pure html?
Kurt Degiorgio
11-May-11 3:48am
first of all are you attempting to stream the images on a web browser or in your applications GUI? if the latter case then you need to create an animation with the video, the easy way would be 2 just change the images in order to simulate animation. (i.e not the must efficient but should work on paper) what do you mean by "finding from where request came" do you mean which host?
Kurt Degiorgio
10-May-11 6:21am
that clarifies things a bit you need to use JavaScript, html5 or flash to display the image one after the other i.e simulate animation.
I also think there are open source projects that do this. try google
Kurt Degiorgio
10-May-11 3:33am
In that case ignore the last part of my comment :)
Kurt Degiorgio
10-May-11 3:30am
Yes on paper you are right but my point is in reality you can not design a 32 bit driver and expect it too work on a 64bit machine by just "re-compiling it" it simply won't wont work. As such in a professional environment when developing driver if you are targeting 64bit platforms as well you will need to design your driver with this in mind. I can give you countless horror stories of 32bit designed drivers crashing on 64 bit machines. remember kernel mode programming is different from user mode programming since you have too deal with different IRQL levels and paged memory something which the OS abstracts at user mode.
(just my 2 cents)
Kurt Degiorgio
9-May-11 11:02am
WRONG: if u have a 32bit driver.. you need to design the driver with 64bit in mind from the start... or else the OS you install your driver on will crash alot :) (not a good thing)
Kurt Degiorgio
9-May-11 10:59am
Reason for 2: when it comes to developing drivers 64bit and 32 bit makes a huge difference Your 32 bit designed driver generally wont work if you just compile it with a 64 compiler (by wont work I mean it will crash the OS a lot) to name a few areas that give problems ptr sizes are different , structures are processed differently also the most problematic area is if the user space application you are communicating with is 32bit. (you can geuss what type of problems arise here)
Kurt Degiorgio
12-Apr-11 3:26am
you forgot specify which os you are targeting more specifically which version of the os since these things tend change from version to version.
Kurt Degiorgio
6-Apr-11 7:36am
registry is better but for simple configurations its more worth it to use INI files then the registry
Kurt Degiorgio
6-Apr-11 5:49am
my 5 (reason: correct answer)
Kurt Degiorgio
6-Apr-11 5:48am
Thanks for the correction Oliver, you are right i didn't take a good look at the code and wrongly assumed i also agree with you on the name issue since if i am not mistaken if you supply the name of a mutex that already exists you will end up getting a handle to a mutex that is possibly in use by an other process.
Kurt Degiorgio
6-Apr-11 4:56am
yes maybe there is more code that the op isnt showing or maybe its on of those "copy hacked code from another program"
Kurt Degiorgio
1-Apr-11 10:32am
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679288(v=VS.85).aspx check that out.
Kurt Degiorgio
25-Mar-11 5:45am
take a look at the functions and use them you will probably have trouble finding examples of an API like that but that shouldn't be a problem since MSDN tells you everything you need to know to start coding :)
Kurt Degiorgio
22-Mar-11 7:20am
take a look at this article:
Kurt Degiorgio
22-Mar-11 4:56am
you asked the same question a dozen times.... -_-
Kurt Degiorgio
18-Mar-11 5:41am
can you post the code? as i think you are not binding successfully with the port
Kurt Degiorgio
16-Mar-11 5:54am
Can you please provide more information on the USB device you are copying the information to? (i.e are you able to manually copy a file or read to it through windows explorer)
Kurt Degiorgio
16-Mar-11 4:04am
yes it is possible that the driver has not implemented READ and WRITE IOCTLS, but if it is a USB device it normally uses the generic USB Driver provided by Microsoft, also in order to use DeviceIoControl you need to have access to the IOCTL codes.
Kurt Degiorgio
14-Mar-11 10:29am
you are right, but you can monitor the HDD and SSD drive to attempt to determine what it is, of course this will require a a lot of work, but if there isn't an available API to do this a driver will be the only way.
Kurt Degiorgio
14-Mar-11 3:46am
true!! but at least you know that the guys that wrote the garbage collector knew what they where doing ^^ (gives you a sense of security, sort of)
Kurt Degiorgio
11-Mar-11 8:53am
no java isn't but that piece about garbage collection applies to every garbage collector out their.
Kurt Degiorgio
11-Mar-11 8:12am
well not exactly since the memory management in c++ depends on how good the developer is and developers tend to make mistakes. with a garbage collector you avoid that "human mistakes" variable again this comes at a cost of flexibility.
Kurt Degiorgio
11-Mar-11 8:03am
further to the above you can also use winpcap (open source) or a similar library if you don't want to go through the hassle of creating a driver your self. (winpcap uses an NDIS protocol driver)
Kurt Degiorgio
11-Mar-11 2:49am
http://ndis.com/ also you need to get a hold of the Windows Driver Development Kit.. (DDK)
Kurt Degiorgio
10-Mar-11 13:24pm
true, but depends what kind of calculations your doing lets say you are doing calculations on data (that is acquired example from the internet dynamically) if there isn't any more data to process the OP might want to set an event that gets triggered when more data becomes available, instead of keep wasting cpu cycles on nothing.
Kurt Degiorgio
10-Mar-11 9:12am
you need to get the DDK (Driver Development Kit).
Kurt Degiorgio
10-Mar-11 8:52am
good links, but i think OP is a beginner he wont understand any of that code, as such he first needs to learn C and then Driver Development and move from there (there is no use to look at code you cant even comprehend)
Kurt Degiorgio
10-Mar-11 8:49am
1. Learn Programming
2. Learn C
3. Learn Driver development (by getting a hold of the DDK)
4. Learn about file systems drivers
5. Do some research on anti-virus software
6. try and make a simple file system driver.
Kurt Degiorgio
10-Mar-11 2:44am
not for multiple keyboards or mice.
Kurt Degiorgio
9-Mar-11 5:41am
no if it is a DLL you can not register it and you cannot use it like you use a COM object , if it is a DLL all you have to do to load it is call LoadLibrary and then call GetProcAddress on the function you want to use. (you can also use the import pre processor directive depending on the library)
Kurt Degiorgio
9-Mar-11 5:37am
well if your referring to the GUI aspect look at the QT documentation if your referring to the functionality aspect then QT has nothing to do with it unless your using QT functions to ping the hosts (QT is just a framework)
Kurt Degiorgio
9-Mar-11 5:35am
I suggest you create a dummy application then attempt to load it and unload for a number of times while doing this ensure you don't have handle or memory leaks.
Kurt Degiorgio
9-Mar-11 5:32am
you study the format of structured storage or you could create your own format for back up (i.e creating your own file type) or if you want you can just copy the files to a specific location without using any structured storage. Good Luck !!
Kurt Degiorgio
9-Mar-11 5:27am
well you need to get the WDDK and learn how to create a driver
as far as i know the only way to get the DDK is either through an MSDN subscription or by buying it from Microsoft (you only pay shipping and handling charges and they send you the whole documentation and code samples)
here is a great article that explains how one creates a driver:
Good Luck !!
Kurt Degiorgio
9-Mar-11 5:24am
your welcome :)
Kurt Degiorgio
8-Mar-11 3:38am
Example mircrsoft word writes to log files when it crashes (in order to preserve the document) in order to recover that document you need first learn in what format it writes them to the log file from there you will be able to go though it and get the data and rebuild the .doc programmaticly.
Good Luck!!
Kurt Degiorgio
24-Feb-11 10:01am
makes sense ! Thanks for shading light on that, yes its always better to use smart pointer as things can get messy
Kurt Degiorgio
24-Feb-11 6:28am
I agree with you, whats strange though is how come it isn't crashing on 32bit systems?
Kurt Degiorgio
21-Feb-11 8:58am
thats why i stated "I do not recommend this" but it can be done
Kurt Degiorgio
21-Feb-11 7:00am
For the Simple Reason that the Lipmans Primer is very easy to follow compared with other c++ books, its also has a neck to point out the common "Gotchas" that can make tear your hair out if you don't know about them.
Also I suggest u read one book at a time since every author will have his own style on how to teach the language and it might get a bit confusing.
(Note: there is 5th edition of Primer if you don't own the 4th i suggest you go for the 5th)
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