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Comments by Patoh58 (Top 11 by date)

Patoh58 19-Jun-11 14:20pm View    
Thanx walt.. But that produced an error.. I used the For i = 1 To lvprod.ListItems.Count to point to the first record in the listbox to the number of records the listbox has.
Patoh58 15-Jun-11 16:37pm View    
Ts a Thermal Printer The Paper size is 80mm T cant go Further than that!!
Patoh58 15-Jun-11 16:10pm View    
Code Project :) ... ok... Programmers.. or Even Better Experts!! Help me Out!!
Patoh58 18-May-11 8:37am View    
Would you help me understand this code:? because its also producing an error.: Thanx
NumericUpDown arg_16C7_0 = this.nudSendings;
int[] array = new int[4];
array[0] = 10000;
arg_16C7_0.Maximum = new decimal(array);
NumericUpDown arg_16E6_0 = this.nudSendings;
int[] array2 = new int[4];
array2[0] = 1;
arg_16E6_0.Minimum = new decimal(array2);
this.nudSendings.Name = "nudSendings";
this.nudSendings.Size = new Size(56, 20);
this.nudSendings.TabIndex = 0;
NumericUpDown arg_1735_0 = this.nudSendings;
int[] array3 = new int[4];
array3[0] = 1;
arg_1735_0.Value = new decimal(array3);
this.tabPage3.Location = new Point(4, 22);
this.tabPage3.Name = "tabPage3";
this.tabPage3.Padding = new Padding(3);
this.tabPage3.Size = new Size(639, 406);

Errors like:
The variable 'editorBody' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
The variable 'arg_16C7_0' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
The variable 'arg_16E6_0' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
The variable 'arg_1735_0' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
Patoh58 18-May-11 8:34am View    
Thanx Griffin that actually worked. Thanx Dude! Bin Strugglin and googlin for a day now. Thumbs up;