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Comments by Michael Breeden (Top 19 by date)

Michael Breeden 18-Apr-22 12:19pm View    
LOL - Who do you work for?
My last company went from .Net Framework with TFS using waterfall on prem and ADO.Net to .Net Core, git, Agile, AWS Lambda in the cloud in one week... with NO SUPPORT for me, the last person remaining of the original team.
Michael Breeden 23-Nov-20 16:11pm View    
That does sound sort of cool but it's not what I need really. Also it seems event driven which can be just a little unreliable at times. That is an interesting project though. Thanks for turning me on to it. I can see using
it for other things.
Michael Breeden 12-Oct-20 15:34pm View    
Uhhh... that seems to provide CloudWatch Metrics. As close as I can tell, it doesn't give access to CloudWatch Logs.... Ahhh. I see that that wasn't completely clear in my question even though I mentioned the NuGet package for it. This is quite interesting though. Any suggestions for getting to the logs?
Michael Breeden 9-Aug-20 21:02pm View    
Actually, as a side issue, these PDFs are not just complicated, they are non-standard and there was trouble converting them to PostScript using Ghost Script.
... I do suspect that the link you gave me though should be what I need, so how about that... I'll test it in the morning. I have a simplified PDF document and I should be able to convert it to a memory stream easily. If it serves it, then I can instead read the PDF from an S3 bucket as a Base64 string into a memory stream. Thanks. I can't wait to try this.
...Thinking about it, I made a widget that would convert from a JSON object to a PDF object. I know the same method can be used to read the PDF objects in a PDF file. I wonder if I could map a PDF file, but that is the equivalent of the PDF file itself so that doesn't seem an improvement. ... Of course, I could read that as JSON from a DynamoDB but I'd still be back where I started and need to generate a memory stream from the JSON to serve... Oh well. Cloud programming seems really weird.
Michael Breeden 28-Oct-19 20:11pm View    
Hi Mad... Thanks but I found that article before. We're going back to 2010 I guess. It is very interesting but does not show how to use a Page in a Core MVC project. It's easy in MVC 5. The other thing is though that it says you should use MVC for AJAX. I am hoping I can use it with a Razor Page like an ASPX page (WebMethod). I do a very complicated AJAX and I like it in Pages. I hope I can figure out how to use Pages in Core MVC and use AJAX with them.