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Comments by Member 8437747 (Top 25 by date)

Member 8437747 5-Mar-14 21:57pm View    
Sorry if the question isn't so clear. My system has a many to many relationship with a 'groups' table(a user might be subscribed to many groups and a group might have many subscribers), since I know managing all the content(post with lots of comments, likes, dislikes, etc) in MySQL is more complicated, I thought HBase would be a good alternative to save this data because of its BigTable design that suits the twitter-style feed I want to have. The approach I think of is having my intremediate many-to-many relationship table to serve as a list of unique keys I could use in HBase, this way I can extract data like 'how many subscribes in a group' more easely in MySQL and HBase would only handle the delivery of data. Since I have no experience on BigData or HBase, I would like to know what would be your approach. Thanks for answering by the way.
Member 8437747 5-Mar-14 21:55pm View    
Sorry if the question isn't so clear. My system has a many to many relationship with a 'groups' table(a user might be subscribed to many groups and a group might have many subscribers), since I know managing all the content(post with lots of comments, likes, dislikes, etc) in MySQL is more complicated, I thought HBase would be a good alternative to save this data because of its BigTable design that suits the twitter-style feed I want to have. The approach I think of is having my intremediate many-to-many relationship table to serve as a list of unique keys I could use in HBase, this way I can extract data like 'how many subscribes in a group' more easely in MySQL and HBase would only handle the delivery of data. Since I have no experience on BigData or HBase, I would like to know what would be your approach. Thanks for answering by the way.
Member 8437747 14-Jul-13 23:05pm View    
It might be the type of DateTime you are or aren´t specifying(ie, DateTime.LongTime), can you post some of your code?
Member 8437747 14-Jul-13 22:56pm View    
Hahaha I wrote that because in some of my questions, when I wrote code in that simplified way people often asked me for the real code.

Sorry if dont catch up that fast Im young and I only have a couple days in c++.

I really appreciate your help and admire your experience.
Member 8437747 14-Jul-13 20:52pm View    
If I have the two classes on separate header files, using the keyword 'class'

as in: "void printClassA_variable(class A *myObject);" will be usefull?

or what should I write so both know of their existence?