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Comments by hussain548 (Top 31 by date)

hussain548 20-Jan-14 16:59pm View    
Ya ok I appreciate your answer but how to get that permission. If you know please share your knowledge
hussain548 20-Jan-14 16:53pm View    
the name of table is correct. Ya I agree format of table name is not standard.
In the other querry I am inserting data into the table but from the sqlbulkcopy it is giving me error.
hussain548 16-Jan-14 9:44am View    
but I used it in access.
hussain548 14-Jan-14 4:07am View    
no issues sir, I appreciate for your help.
now after updating string as you said "Format of initialization string does notconform to specific starting at index 50"
this error getting sir.
hussain548 14-Jan-14 3:47am View    
if I use like this it is giving me this runtime error
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated security=true;AttachDbFilename=\C:\maq\" + newmarketname.Text + "\".mdf;Trusted_Connection=Yes");

an attempt toattach-an auto named database file c:\maq\textbox1.text.mdf' failed and a database with the same name exists, or specified file can not be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

the database is exists only one time. so y I am getting this error.