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Comments by Hemant Singh Rautela (Top 200 by date)
Hemant Singh Rautela
30-Aug-18 3:54am
I saw it already, But it is not for runtime listview control addition.
It's all about create listview on design page and bind data from code behind.
But I am working about addition of control at runtime. without writing listview conrol on design page. All code in code behind.
Hemant Singh Rautela
7-Feb-17 8:26am
You have to exclude; ScriptResource.axd,WebResource.axd and if any other file used with Capital case....
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Feb-17 10:15am
You are using ViewState why ???
Hemant Singh Rautela
20-Jan-17 5:36am
"What I have tried: "
Did you try something ? I don't think so. You have to read from start & you can see online video-tutorial. there are many available for basic, & you can search CRUD operation in MVC...
Hemant Singh Rautela
20-Oct-16 8:39am
Why not you first read a basic tutorial or book ?
& By the way, what do you want to do with this code.
May be you will get some help with this link
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Jun-16 8:42am
define sessionstate timeout="20" in web.config
Hemant Singh Rautela
20-May-16 6:22am
Is you enable firewall for remote sql connection, where your database installed.
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Feb-16 5:51am
The Best application for you "Leave application to the principal of your school/college"....
;-) :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
21-Jan-16 3:23am
If you are new then, learn first how to use CSS & how many ways to use CSS... ;-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
21-Jan-16 3:20am
I think you IIS is not integrated with .Net framework...
If you installed IIS server in your local machine. then just remove .Net framework from your system and then reinstall it. Then publish your asp.net application to IIS server.
Hope it will helps you...
Hemant Singh Rautela
28-Dec-15 8:31am
Ops..! my mistake. :-)
Yes it is URL Rewriting.
Hemant Singh Rautela
28-Dec-15 8:25am
Just use rewrite. search about how to do Rewriting in asp.net ;-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
28-Dec-15 8:16am
Just read/Google how to write Join Query in SQL... so simple there are various example for it.
Hemant Singh Rautela
28-Dec-15 8:12am
:-) you copied the code/concept form somewhere and used it. First read properly from where you copied the concept/code.
Hemant Singh Rautela
28-Dec-15 8:04am
just show us Update_Person code ! & your input values also for this fuction....
& stored procedure code
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-May-15 4:03am
Define con.ConnectionString property before con.Open() :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-May-15 4:00am
There are many ways :
1) just use auto generated column(int) for it.
2) create a code for update student-id column (first 2 digit for year, then 2/3 digit for branch code , 2/3 digit for course code - and last use 3 digit number for uniquely define student).
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-May-15 6:36am
Cant understand your question...
If you have a url xyz and page signin.aspx then its your code where you redirect it... then where is the issue...!
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Oct-14 10:28am
But I suggust you check dbnull value before assigning it, because if you have not any value in that table it return dbnull value....
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Oct-14 5:12am
You Need ...!
Then why not try to search using Google.... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Sep-14 3:48am
Don't suggest with any link!!
So you should not asked question here then you will not get any Link ...
Hemant Singh Rautela
20-Sep-14 9:10am
If you like then please vote it or accept as answer.. :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Sep-14 7:45am
First you need to install framework 4.0 (if you have not..) & then update your webconfig according to 4.0 .... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Sep-14 7:39am
Just Debug the code.... and then show us that error...
And just want to ask you what is this {A function without its return type or void} : public _Default()
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Sep-14 10:47am
You Cant...! :-)
But what is the issue.. your private webservice is cannot accessible to others and webmethod also...
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Sep-14 8:04am
For Pdf you have to use ITextsharp or any other 3rd party tool .... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Sep-14 6:27am
Here is the example : http://sldkvpjamdoli.com/
This website have link at upper right corner for Hindi.. :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Sep-14 3:15am
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Sep-14 6:37am
ops my mistake ! sorry I didn't read your comment properly.. I just thought you are suggesting me Solution 4 is more appropriate answer...
And thanks for vote me no matter howz in numbers (As I accept all 1-5 votes with pleasure...)
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Sep-14 4:11am
Vote it with 5... :-) (I didn't open that link)
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Sep-14 2:55am
I did both.... :-) just read the complete answer (As finally used for cleanup resources)
and give solution to him how it will works...
yes I missed one more line for finally : "as finally used for cleanup resources so that the control cant be exit without its completion.. "
I will update it...
Hemant Singh Rautela
12-Sep-14 3:11am
Use Range Validator... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 10:02am
I loss some points because you missed it and downvoted... :(
Just joking :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 10:00am
I think you didn't read his comment(as he posted below his question) :
"I m trying to pass it through sting as :
strSQL = "Select * from (Select A.ContactID, B.CASLOptIN,B.CASLOptOut,B.CASLException From Contact A " +
"inner Join GE_ContactInfo B on A.CONTACTID=B.CONTACTID" +
"Where A.Accountid ='" + entity.Id.ToString() + "') as Casl" +
"where(Casl.CASLOptOut ='F' or Casl.CASLEXCEPTION is null) or (Casl.CASLEXCEPTION ='F' or Casl.CASLEXCEPTION is null)+";
but it is throwing exception "Failed to parse""
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:56am
Yes that is the point...
my code is not example of anything only rectifying his
existing code.. :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:49am
Now what about Query which you used you read it.... it can be shorter.... :-)
But I voted it to 5 for parameterized example... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:45am
One more thing I think you didn't read the first line of my answer "I didn't find any issue in your query just as in
comment you post your code
there is a little issue..."
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:41am
I agreed with you that always use parameterized queries as I always use SP with parameter(Because in Sp I have not way to pass value without parameter)....
It is not a assumption It is only a View of mine... and depends on condition (As I used some time it where my input comes from another output of query... :-).... )...
And I am not giving the example I just resolve issue in his code which he pasted in a comment ....
I just try to catch the actual issue in his code...
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:38am
Just ask to Mr. Richard Deeming he is expert in paramererized Query... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:32am
You didn't understand my view still...
I just want to say that if I knew the "INPUT" --(as input is not coming from user interface or any external environment ..) then it never break... :-)
if I knew it is Integer and I already validate the passed value is integer then how can it break .... :-)
int myid = 100;
string query ="select * from TABLENAME where id ="+myid.ToString();
-------(In additional the myid already validate , i didn't show here validation and input mechanism).....
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:25am
:-) I didn't think so the only way is parameterized queires yes it is better Option I aggreed.. :-) .. I will bet anyone who can SQL injection in my code using by string concatenation..( As I describe earlier It is just depends on INPUT... :-)
And one more thing As I suggest about SP then it already means including parameterized....
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:18am
I knew this can effect by SQL Injection, I just try to rectify his code (As I didn't know hows entity.Id getting value....)...
And Sql Injection can effect only if the input will coming from any user or any othermeans which can breakable..But if input is passed by any other result of code(by programming and performing proper validation) then Sql injection will not effect
I already suggest him to use Stored Procedure for it...
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 9:18am
I knew this can effect by SQL Injection, I just try to rectify his code (As I didn't know hows entity.Id getting value....)... :-)
I already suggest him to use Stored Procedure for it...
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 8:38am
I think you have to ask there : https://developer.ebay.com
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 6:27am
What do you want..???
Because it is SQL query not a code which you just want to write in c#...
A easy solution is make Stored Procedure for it and call it from c# code.. :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Sep-14 6:24am
So simple just develop it or hire a programmer or company... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Sep-14 4:25am
Dear, If you want to retrieve all values in a array then why not use DataAdapter ...!
Using it you can retrieve all data in a DataTable... then you can do anything with that Data
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Sep-14 2:47am
Not yet... thanks... I have to work on...
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Sep-14 11:19am
I have not...!
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Sep-14 11:17am
Sorry....! please explain what do you want...!
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Sep-14 4:02am
Your Code... !
Hemant Singh Rautela
30-Aug-14 7:28am
:-) For professional just start the work... :-) because as you gain experience you will become professional...
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Aug-14 3:42am
And your webcofing section code..??
Is it same as :
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionstring="Server=database_server_ip;Initial Catalog=databasename;User ID=username;Password=yourpassword">
Or anything else....??
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Aug-14 3:38am
what is the issue...???
Session is always shared within a browser accross multiple tabs....
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Jul-14 2:58am
So whats the issue...write the code as given in Solution 1 ..... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
14-Jul-14 11:41am
Just show your code...
without your code no one can detect issue.. :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
14-Jul-14 11:06am
use BIT in SQL... :-)
And Send 1(True) or 0(False) from c# code
Hemant Singh Rautela
14-Jul-14 2:13am
You got the answer then why asking me...!
And I think, I already explain it...(if using framework 3.5 and above, just verify the values.....)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Jul-14 11:31am
I used it as :
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sProcName, con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parameter", stringvariable);
And Never Found this issue as you replied...
I passed each time value as a string And It will auto handled by .Net Framework 3.5 & higher ....
Only I need to assure pass correct value,
if In StoredProcedure have numeric field then I have to pass numeric value in string variable... that's it.... :-)
Yes If you work with 2.0/3.0 then may be then it check the datatype & throw error...
Hemant Singh Rautela
7-Jul-14 9:38am
And what are your's Input data..??
As your's input comes from textbox (txt_handler1_mobile.Text ,txt_handler1_landline.Text, and many more... ) , without any validation for numeric data...!
And you have various numeric field's and int also...
So you should have validate all numeric field's before inserting directly....
(Even the blank value may cause the error in that textboxe's)...
Hemant Singh Rautela
4-Jul-14 3:35am
sorry ! cant understand... can share some link's ....
Hemant Singh Rautela
2-May-14 6:00am
Hi, I found some solutions now, but still need to work on...what is your issues...we can discuss... my email dearesthemant@gmail.com
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Apr-14 8:41am
First test your all query separately. Is it working fine...?
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Mar-14 1:50am
Many webhosting not supported Crystal Reports, So you have to contact with your hosting provider.
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Mar-14 1:32am
If you are using Disconnected architecture for database then no need to open and close connection.
SqlDataAdapter handle itself.
I never use Connection open and close with SqlDataAdapter.
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Mar-14 2:33am
Is it not funny thing, You want to send email without internet connection...
Can you open code-project or Google without Internet... :-)
Or can you start your desktop without electricity or any other electricity backup(Battery, Inverter etc.)
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Feb-14 5:12am
Is it possible ??
Give me your site link and I will you send a printout to you....
& also don't answer yourself.... It is spamming here(not allowed)...
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Feb-14 4:39am
Use the debugger, And check values of all variables in each steps...
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Jan-14 3:39am
What the issue...
& you can use JSON with webservice for it, You can google it...
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Jan-14 3:32am
why not use AJAX updatepanel with postback, So that it load only that part (both dropdownlist)... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
30-Dec-13 7:27am
Have you primary key in your table...??
Hemant Singh Rautela
24-Dec-13 2:17am
First Check your IIS server and ASP is working fine.
Just make a single page in asp.net and publish it then check... if is working fine then something missing assembly in your bin folder.
& if problem is same then... Uninstall .net framework and then Install again & Restart your computer.... :-)
one question... you make virtual directory for this ????
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Dec-13 3:09am
I think you can use JSON or javascript for it for call a another page without opening it.
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Oct-13 5:34am
Then you have to read this:
Or as I explained in my blog...
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Oct-13 5:04am
I updated my code as
str = "Upload/MailAttachments/" + fileName;
try this one...
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Oct-13 4:55am
Then you can try as I posted in my BLOG...It is working solution for attachement.
you should read this ...
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/56wesadc.aspx for use of Attachment(Attachment data = new Attachment(textMessage);)
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Oct-13 7:11am
remote address...
I think you need more explanation then why not study in MSDN about in detail....
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Oct-13 5:51am
Not yet, Because I have to implement(test) it first, But I need video with audio...
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Oct-13 5:49am
Good one, There will be a Better solution for this...
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Oct-13 4:43am
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Oct-13 4:02am
Then whats the problem you can used it where you want to read url..
string url = "URLRewritting/ProductList/2/micromax%20ninja%20A285";
string newurl = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(url);
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Oct-13 3:24am
I think you need URL REWRITING CODE :
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string CurrentURL_Path = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower();
string url = CurrentURL_Path.Substring(CurrentURL_Path.LastIndexOf('/')+1);
if (CurrentURL_Path.Contains("mycategory")) // your condition comes here as i used for sample
HttpContext MyContext = HttpContext.Current;
MyContext.RewritePath("~/product.aspx?catid=21", false);
In above example code
www.mywebsite.com/mycategory --->Rewrite to -->www.mywebsite.com/product.aspx/product.aspx?catid=21
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Oct-13 11:36am
He require a well functionality with database project for free, still As I think no one (unknown person) want to distribute his developed web application without any cost...
Because It will be used anywhere...
Or as I suggest He can get trial version of some of free available project
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Oct-13 10:59am
I am not getting any Error as you get...
Only the 2nd coulumn result with unnamed but query runs fine and it shows result also...
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Oct-13 10:47am
And you thought someone give you a complete project, and you can use it in your college...
Why not you develop yourself.
For free webapplication you can find dotnetnuke trial version....
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Oct-13 4:50am
you have to create error log file for all exception messages and you can show any Message to user. eg: "Some error occured please contact with administrator." and terminate this process...
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Oct-13 4:46am
ya, As I told REMOTE SERVER SETTINGS IN SQL SERVER (allow remote access in sql server)...
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Oct-13 10:46am
Use googel custom search engine...
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Oct-13 8:36am
The problem is that in your path --
Because it is a url not exact location of path of your audio file,
this url point to your hosted website not to your server hardisk folder location...
You have to map the path of your audio file....
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Oct-13 7:49am
I think it all about file permission, As you uploaded audio file in a folder so it is not sharable online. For that you have to upload audio/video or any file to your website folder...
OR you can make a subdomain where you can store your files...
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Oct-13 10:45am
result --- now any row found...
two opposite condition check in same query...
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Oct-13 5:34am
it is defiantly homework... :-)
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Oct-13 2:39am
This is not a asp.net 2010 problem... It is in your html and css, You can use responsive design for sort out this kind of problem, Or you have to use a standard 1024*768 design because this screen rsoultuion(or above) is used widely...
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Sep-13 7:22am
why not you search this first before post here...
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Sep-13 4:42am
you can use JSON ... study about it...
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Sep-13 3:57am
You cannot answered , questions posted by you... IT is spam here, & your account will be blocked...
Hemant Singh Rautela
7-Sep-13 7:29am
AND what do you mean my communication between two PC's.....
two connected PC can communicate withing LAN using LAN device... If you use crosscable to connect only two PC then it use for only share hardisk as a external hardisk...
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Aug-13 2:37am
Use radiobutton property Autopostback to true...
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-Aug-13 5:38am
So simple use below connection string with accurate parameter...
<add name="Connect" connectionstring="Data Source=serverip;Initial Catalog=databasename;user id=user; pwd=password" providername="System.Data.SqlClient"> </add>
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Jul-13 2:39am
When you require link url dynmically then can use asp tag else normal html anchor is good.
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Jul-13 3:52am
Between is used for a range But and is use for a logical operator which check only condition is true of false...
AND one important thing is that for this your DOB column should be datetime
and pass the correct foramt of date
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Jul-13 3:33am
Its all not on base priority its base on || operator...
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Jul-13 2:43am
HI, The simple answer is your question is we cannot use background images in Email, As you can see various newsletter they used images color and text...
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Jul-13 2:52am
you can find it by google vary easily... First you have to install IIS server if you want to run with lacalhost...Then with IIS configuration you have to create virtual directory and set its physical path to your application folder...
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Jul-13 9:16am
Are you configured it in IIS server(by making virtual directory)...?
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Jul-13 7:02am
You can use description on label control using default visible= false, After that you want to display with particular Row : Then you can find that row and that label & alter its visible property to true.
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Jul-13 10:38am
I want to add something... :-)
public static void main(String [ ] args)
int a = 1; // initialization
ListNode obj1 = new ListNode(a);
// then call all function using above oject. step by step as you write the code (If you write)...
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Jul-13 10:34am
You can initialize it any default value... Whats the problem..???
Hemant Singh Rautela
28-Jun-13 3:13am
you cant read image from excel because image is not set in a cell as a data it is layered on excel...
If you want to save it or its path in database then, you can use name of image in a column, then can upload via multiple image uploader with same name as you written in excel...
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Jun-13 15:31pm
Reason for my vote of 1 \n Same Artical with some minor changes....
Hemant Singh Rautela
13-Jun-13 4:23am
No prob
you can pass the database name,IP address,user and password in this method and then can initialize connection string dynamically.
Hemant Singh Rautela
13-Jun-13 3:54am
For this you have to use jquery..
Hemant Singh Rautela
12-Jun-13 4:19am
can you post your code...
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Jun-13 3:04am
Hi, I think you didn't to get worry about it, Because you can purchase sms from any company which provide promotional/bulk sms.. you can search it for your local company for it on google... That company provide you sample code for integration of sms gateway...But first you have to discuss with company for all terms... they may be extra charge for API integration sms..
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-May-13 4:09am
you can use paypal apn process, using this you can get in return url the payment is sucessed or not.& then you can send email to your client or admin of website
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-May-13 4:06am
your code..???
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-May-13 2:43am
And what is the problem...???
IN sql there is query for count, and in c#.net there is function for this...
read tutorial for both....
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-May-13 2:36am
Hi Dear,
there is no any readymade solution for you, you have to try different things...
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-May-13 4:06am
Is this the solution for you (block other browser & work with only one...)...!
I think you have to work on print option to print in all browser you can use javascript for this...
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-May-13 5:15am
use the Debugger and find what value in dr --> dr = scon.ReadSql(sql);....
Hemant Singh Rautela
9-May-13 2:44am
This depends on search engine and your keywords & proper SEO for both pages...
no any ready made solution...
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-May-13 10:41am
you can filter after getting datatable; In .net code using DataView and its RowFilter property...
Hemant Singh Rautela
7-May-13 5:09am
'this' refer the current page object.
Hemant Singh Rautela
7-May-13 3:03am
Request.UserHostAddress property returns the remote User IP address, I also used it & it working fine....
Check your code once again.....
Hemant Singh Rautela
5-May-13 7:25am
I think here is problem " gvrow.Cells[5].Text ",
Check out in your gridview how many columns are there ... I think there may be less than 6 columns are there so that you getting this problem... index starts from 0....
Better thing is there use column name instead of column no.
Hemant Singh Rautela
3-May-13 5:08am
I think you want, someone code for you...??
post your code where you stuck...
Hemant Singh Rautela
3-May-13 3:16am
you are asking a question or ask someone code for you...????
if you have trouble then show your code...where you stuck...
Hemant Singh Rautela
2-May-13 3:44am
& what is the problem..???
as you told "how to set text in textbox automatically?"
you done by --- textbox2.text = "ok shutting down"---
On which event you call shutdown()
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Apr-13 10:53am
I think you cant use another controls with timer, because due to timer control(it execute every) the portion of update panel reset... so that dropdownlist effect not occre
Hemant Singh Rautela
26-Apr-13 2:59am
I dont know what things you tried in connection for excel..
I tried same as you require, you can check at... http://hemantrautela.blogspot.com/2012/09/database-connection-in-cnet-aspnet-with.html
what about pagesize .. i think in GridView1_PageIndexChanging()event require filled gridview1 again .. in your code you check using step by step debugging and check the data in DataTable dt
Hemant Singh Rautela
26-Apr-13 2:50am
I think you have not interest in development..
First of all find you interest..
In development there are a big sea to explorer, you are just started your career- & you company giving you same type of work this problem is obvious but it is you to how to learn new things.. you can read artical's(which technology on you work) & apply with sample application(develop a prodcut which you can sale also...) .. & you can also switch to another a good company which have variety of products/service - so that you can get the environment of other technologies
Hemant Singh Rautela
26-Apr-13 2:35am
this is simple mathematics(for become a good programmer you have to learn mathematics-logical as well as caluslative), atleast try first yourself and show which you tried(if not found solution..).
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Apr-13 3:01am
yes unicode-utf8 as google use in its translator .. you can use google jquery service(web) for insert unicode -hindi for input in textbox.
eg.-code for unicode input box(text box)--https://code.google.com/p/google-ajax-apis/issues/attachmentText?id=140&aid=2824232024987438309&name=test.html&token=64ecb86955da4ede1465159f434626e2
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Apr-13 11:12am
If you are learning looping then your question is wrong because its not making a sequence(for looping any sequence is needed..)...
Ya if you learning a how to show output --(use of printf() function) then you can print anyting...
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Apr-13 10:15am
First confirm the assignment with your classmets..
If you want to be a programmer then you should be in classroom or learn yourself Datastructure... start with easy examples & go for harder.. :-)
But key point is use your Brain..
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Apr-13 10:03am
no a issue for this looping structure .. just think about logic... as you print * traingle same logic here but with multiple of 2... atleast try to something yourself..then post your code (which you tried..then we will help you..)..
& I think you wrote wrong homework..
It may be ..
4 2
8 4 2
16 8 4 2
8 4 2
4 2
Hemant Singh Rautela
21-Apr-13 13:24pm
what do you mean by form processed....(this fnction is return true or false thats it not other processing...)
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Apr-13 8:45am
where are your code ... ?? which you applied.
Hemant Singh Rautela
18-Apr-13 4:31am
I think this not your logical issue, why you need to increment that value, which inserted by user...(what is the logic behind it.)
Hemant Singh Rautela
17-Apr-13 9:04am
I think you have to first study about sql query...
Hemant Singh Rautela
12-Apr-13 5:56am
It is very simple code, if you cannot write that code its mean you have not basic knowledge of any language & data structure..
so my suggestion is that first learn both things(any language & data structure)... :-) This forum is not as a school where someone teach you how to write a code....
Hemant Singh Rautela
12-Apr-13 4:31am
you can test your code yourself, by use of breakpoints and step by step debugging, then you can get where is the problem...
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Apr-13 8:32am
still you didnt show the proper error message, why not you try cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); instead cmd.ExecuteScalar()....
AND as you manage your image in database ... same way images manage by uploading in folder only the name of image will manage in database as previous you saving imagefile
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Apr-13 5:59am
why not..
there are two methods for retrieve latest.
1) replace image next time.
2) replace the image name in database with new image uploaded.
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Apr-13 5:58am
Filtered Text Box is good option or you can use javascript code for it...which check by keycode
Hemant Singh Rautela
6-Apr-13 5:55am
you uploading your image in database, But I think better solution is upload image in a folder... by this you have only store in database image name...
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Mar-13 4:08am
I already work timer within update panel see my blog it is working code...
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Mar-13 3:39am
You have make some work yourself... I give you idea that ..
convert string in array of character then apply your filter conditions....using looping.
But 1 problem in your input string that your 'Code' not is a single word always. If it is alwlays single word (having space before & after) then it can make easy...
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Mar-13 3:35am
There is no issue regarding asp.net it is only issue with your desing (CSS)...
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Mar-13 3:34am
if some other rows having different values then ..??? as
intel Corei3 ---- 3220 --- -- 3000 --- SocketType --- --- LGA 1155
intel Core i3---- 3220 --- -- 3000 --- Architecture --- --- 64-bit
intel Core i3---- 3220 --- -- 3000 --- Turbo Boost --- --- yes
intel Core i5---- 3220 --- -- 3000 --- Architecture --- --- 64-bit
intel Core i5---- 3220 --- -- 3000 --- Turbo Boost --- --- yes
Then how can you recognize your rows....
I think you have not make your database proper (NORMALIZE)..check again the database & first study about normalization.....
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Mar-13 3:30am
Why not use identity true -(database feature for auto generate id);
After below statement
odr = cmd.ExecuteReader;
In your solution you having trouble when no records found---sql = "select max(bookid)as SNo from tbremovedbooks"----
you have to check the variable odr equals DBNull.Value then odr =0
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Mar-13 3:27am
Put timer tag also in update panel & which songs to show on timer event also put in update panel......
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Mar-13 9:11am
First It should be web application....
& if it is then you have to buy a domain & hosting to upload your application on server, then you can just copy paste your application folder to server using filezila or other software....(if you want to buy domain/hosting you can contact me for it)
& now 2nd point for print button you can use javascript for it...
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Mar-13 3:30am
just try at your machine, use date greater than 12 like 15/12/2012 & check it,
I think no need to convert to another format why not use default format(mm/dd/yyyy) as i replied earlier because sql datetime format is mm/dd/yyyy no need to change .. ya when you retrieve to show then you can change formant for showing on your application....
Hemant Singh Rautela
25-Mar-13 3:09am
use this only...(default date time format in sql is- mm/dd/yyyy, so that you getting error )
DateTime uploadedOn = System.DateTime.Now;
drDocuments["UploadedOn"] = uploadedOn.ToString();
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Mar-13 9:44am
I think it is simple .. you just check txtMachinaryType' value(new value which will insert) is exist or not if exist then show message it is already in database or not then insert it...
& why not use stored procedure for insert...
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Mar-13 7:36am
where is the code...without code how can we measure error...??
Hemant Singh Rautela
22-Mar-13 2:42am
I think there is no any error, when file create you can contiune with this error & file will can open with excel or you can use 3rd party dll for conversion.
I also applied as below post(Its working fine):
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Mar-13 2:49am
I think courier management is not just a toy application, if is it then what about you say about fedex,ups & other's processing... (price cant be set with distance, it only set by region,country & location(city/Zip)...with weight specification)
Hemant Singh Rautela
13-Mar-13 3:01am
You can use various javascript effects for popup (that open other form); or you can use also ajax toolkit there is also option for popup....
Hemant Singh Rautela
20-Feb-13 2:16am
can you show your table design, & you can change above code for acess also
Hemant Singh Rautela
12-Feb-13 2:54am
For convert webpage to pdf in .net you need to implement ITextSharp dll...
and by the way in advance browser like google chrome, there is option- save as pdf any webpage(asp.net/html/php..all)
Hemant Singh Rautela
8-Feb-13 8:13am
A uncleared question, uncleared ans,
I think you are playing for increasing your score.... BOTH..
where are your column CreatedEmpName,UpdatedEmpName..??
if you want to select query , then why not use select * from EmployeeTable.. very simple
Hemant Singh Rautela
7-Feb-13 1:42am
first check both table data without using DISTINCT keyword...
Hemant Singh Rautela
2-Feb-13 5:22am
your ans is already on web, search it...
for this you have to use Itextsharp dll...
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Feb-13 8:39am
I just use for something else to reading specific character in string you can get some help from it....
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Feb-13 4:31am
Didn't getting you properly,
Just add Session in start page (whichever you want as login page)
and after login you can use anywhere that session.
string var_name = Session["keyname"].toString();
Needn't to enable/disable anywhere...
Hemant Singh Rautela
1-Feb-13 1:42am
why not your search it first yourself...
A very beginner question, which solution is already on web...
Hemant Singh Rautela
31-Jan-13 9:26am
not getting well,
show your code which you tried...
Hemant Singh Rautela
31-Jan-13 1:42am
why not studying a book ?
atleast first read a book, there is all basic details...
Hemant Singh Rautela
31-Jan-13 1:36am
IF you want to increase session lifetime, then why not increase its timeout property...By default it is 20 minute, you can increase it in web.config section.
regenerating session in (Session_End) global.asax is not good solution...
Hemant Singh Rautela
29-Jan-13 3:26am
This Portal is not for your college assignment...
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Jan-13 3:27am
where the declaration & declination of lbl[] and txt[] array..??
"lbl[i] (=lbl1)" for achieving this you have first initialize lbl[] array(Label Type) as
lbl[0] = lbl0; lbl[1] = lbl1; and so on....
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Jan-13 3:15am
Your Question is not clear, what do you want Download/Upload or convert database report to excel..???
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Jan-13 2:57am
yes, in each page where you want to put meta tag.
If you set for masterpage then it will same for all child page which is not good for seo...
for proper seo each page has unique title and different meta tag description/keywords..
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Jan-13 2:54am
please upvote and mark as solution if you find some help..
Thank you
Hemant Singh Rautela
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Jan-13 2:29am
Try this-
In your stored procedure and database design,
change the length of varchar 50 to MAX..(why not use nvarchar(Max))..
good for all string values in database to nvarchar(Max)
If not resolve then we need your ddlmoonraashi/ rbtnlmaanglik detail
and you provide 4 line of error code but where is exact (In which line the exception is generated)..
when you use breakpoint then after intliazation of variable moonraashi/maanglik having value or not(if have then show their value also)...
Hemant Singh Rautela
23-Jan-13 1:22am
so that i suggest you first, take values in variable then check which control not returning value...
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Jan-13 3:43am
You can use it as your code....BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED..
string a = txt_comment.Text.Replace("'", " ");
string b = txtaddress.text.Replace("'", " ");
string c = txtcomment.text.Replace("'", " ");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into table (name,address,comment) values('" + a + "','" + b + "','"+c+"')", cnn);
Hemant Singh Rautela
19-Jan-13 0:23am
Just Check using breakpoints or step by step debugging.
You didn't explanin what are these terms
facnum , FacNum , FacNum()
you getting value in facnum and in for loop you used FacNum both are different variable. And Also what about FacNum()
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Jan-13 6:48am
This is not error,It occur due to date format Becuase default date format is mm/dd/yyyy
so that you get 31 days absoulty right ans.
...plz Dont forgot to mark as Ans...
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Jan-13 6:45am
This is not error,It occur due to date format Becuase default date format is mm/dd/yyyy
so that you get 31 days absoulty right ans.
...plz Dont forgot to mark as Ans...
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Jan-13 6:13am
try in TextBox2 control AutoPostBack="True"
Hemant Singh Rautela
16-Jan-13 6:11am
first study a book...
suggested book
1)The Complete Reference C++ (Tata McGraw-Hill Education)-Schildt
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Jan-13 10:29am
Why not try it yourself...
It is valid sql query & you get the sum of price. then you can use this value anywhere...
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Jan-13 9:12am
datepart(), it returns numeric value
For Detail
Hemant Singh Rautela
15-Jan-13 8:51am
Are you trying that other person do work for you....
If you stuck somewhere then post your problem, not your task...
Hemant Singh Rautela
14-Jan-13 2:05am
but as your examples abc@xyz123.com is not a invalid Email id it can ge exist.
eg. If my domain is sale99.com then my email can be info@sale99.com , so that it is not invalid...
I think you are not still clear about your scope/problem...
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Jan-13 6:21am
not getting properly, can you give some input and desired output samples for better understanding.
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Jan-13 6:20am
not getting properly, can you give some input and desired output samples for better understanding.
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Jan-13 5:17am
I found only
for Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application which namespace requires
Hemant Singh Rautela
11-Jan-13 1:55am
Are you ordering to code project user to solve your task so that you can easily use it ..???
Very funny... :-)
First work/research yourself, then ask to help for, where you stuck.
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Jan-13 9:16am
some mistakes in my question.. it is not for all users , it is other users who need not login...
My main query regarding for... my 2nd point ..
This functionality checks any one session or a specific session(which one & when/where created it)...???
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Jan-13 9:07am
some mistakes in my question.. it is not for all users , it is other users who need not login...
My main query regarding for... my 2nd point ..
This functionality checks any one session or a specific session(which one & when/where created it)...???
Hemant Singh Rautela
10-Jan-13 8:49am
I have little confusion,
What will happen if I used some session variables for all users, which are required for my web functionality...???
This functionality checks any one session or a specific session(which one & when/where created it)...???
Hemant Singh Rautela
3-Jan-13 8:18am
There is no any Developer in Code Project Group(
9,549,604 members) who can help me..???
My previous question regarding still unanswered regarding amazon mws api...
Hemant Singh Rautela
3-Jan-13 8:16am
There is no any Developer in Code Project Group(
9,549,604 members) who can help me..???
Hemant Singh Rautela
31-Dec-12 5:20am
you can use CalenderExtender control of ajaxtoolkit for picking date, Then it works perfectly. Default datetime format is (mm/dd/yyyy)
& if you like solution then vote plz...
Hemant Singh Rautela
31-Dec-12 1:18am
What do you want
1) first for translate the webpage by selecting language.
2) Second for translator for , one textbox to another as
Hemant Singh Rautela
27-Dec-12 12:56pm
somefunction() returns a byte array, it is implementd for RSA algorithm
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