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The situation:
I have a table for warehouse item movements. The main columns are ID,Date,ItemID,Pallets,PFactor etc.

The columns that has to be calculated:
- MaxWeekCost - max (runingSum(pallets*pfactor)) for each week

In a week the items (it doesn't matter what) can have values:
4 , 4
5, 9
6 , 15
1, 16
-2, 14
1 , 15
-3 , 12

On the right side is the running sum with the BOLD max value.

I need to calculate the value (like 16) for each week in a year.

I´m representing the data in a rdlc report that is loaded from a tableadapter so it doesn't matter for me if i calculate it in a SQL statement of the tableadapter or in the rdlc report.

Updated 10-Oct-14 4:59am
Herman<T>.Instance 10-Oct-14 10:16am    
Max of Sum would lead to 1 answer. use Sum and group by in your query and the answer is split per month
TarikHuber 10-Oct-14 10:21am    
Maiby I was to fast by writing the question. I need the result table to be as it is with the value needet in a seperate column like this:
4 , 4,0
5, 9,0
6 , 15,0
1, 16 , 16
-2, 14,0
1 , 15,0
-3 , 12,0

And it´s not Max(Sum(Value)) it´s Max(runingSum(Value)). The "Runing" is making the problems :(
Maciej Los 10-Oct-14 11:07am    
Please, provide complete table structure and its sample data. Is there any unique field?
PhilLenoir 10-Oct-14 11:11am    
You don't say what partitions your running sum and you give us a sample output without giving us your source data.

This looks like it might be a candidate for a Table Valued Function and probably a CLR one at that. With a T-SQL TVF you would have to run a cursor, but with remembering the highest value and continually doing compares, I'd be inclined to go the CLR route.

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Maciej Los 10-Oct-14 12:15pm    
TarikHuber 10-Oct-14 15:26pm    
Thx. I found that to. But it doesnt show hot to get the max value of the runing sum for a group.
Have a look at example:

INSERT INTO @tmp (aDATE, Pallets)
VALUES('2014-09-29', 4),('2014-09-30', 5),('2014-10-01', 6),('2014-10-02', 1),('2014-10-06', -2),('2014-10-07', 1),('2014-10-08', -3)

SELECT t2.ID, t2.aDATE, DATEPART(wk, t2.aDATE) AS aWeek, SUM(t1.Pallets) AS RunningSum
    SELECT ID, aDATE, DATEPART(wk, aDATE) AS aWeek, Pallets
    FROM @tmp
    ) AS t2 ON t1.ID <= t2.ID

ID   aDATE                     aWeek   RunningSum
1   2014-09-29 00:00:00.000    40     4
2   2014-09-30 00:00:00.000    40     9
3   2014-10-01 00:00:00.000    40     15
4   2014-10-02 00:00:00.000    40     16
5   2014-10-06 00:00:00.000    41     14
6   2014-10-07 00:00:00.000    41     15
7   2014-10-08 00:00:00.000    41     12

Now, you need to define field for rdlc report, on which the data should be grouped. In this case it's aWeek.
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Mehdi Gholam 10-Oct-14 15:10pm    
Maciej Los 11-Oct-14 8:33am    
Thank you, Mehdi ;)
TarikHuber 13-Oct-14 2:17am    
Thank you. But I already am so far. I used this SQL Statement in the DataSet of the rdlc:

SELECT (SELECT SUM(b.Pallets * WarehouseItems.Factor) AS RSum
FROM WarehouseMovements AS b INNER JOIN
WarehouseItems ON b.WarehouseItemID = WarehouseItems.ID
WHERE (b.ID <= a.ID)) AS RuningSum, a.Date AS Datum, WarehouseMovementTypes.Name AS Bewegung, WarehouseItems_1.Name AS Artikel,
WarehouseItems_1.Number AS ANummer, a.LSNumber AS LSNummer, a.Pallets AS Paletten, WarehouseItems_1.Factor AS Faktor,
a.Pallets * WarehouseItems_1.Factor * 1.5 AS Handling, DATEPART(WW, a.Date) AS Week
FROM WarehouseMovements AS a INNER JOIN
WarehouseItems AS WarehouseItems_1 ON a.WarehouseItemID = WarehouseItems_1.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
WarehouseMovementTypes ON a.WarehouseMovementTypeID = WarehouseMovementTypes.ID

But then in the rdlc when I Group the RunnungSum per Week it returns the RunningSum only for that praticular week. I´dont get it how a rdlc can change data from a DataSet that is the source of ti???
Maciej Los 13-Oct-14 2:35am    
I have no idea. I can't see your screeen and formula used to group data ;(
TarikHuber 13-Oct-14 3:13am    
There is no Formula from my site. I just use a Tablix group.
with tt
select Raters,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Raters) as [Rowp] from be_Posts
select Raters,(select Sum(Raters) from tt where rowp<=t.Rowp) from tt t

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TarikHuber 13-Oct-14 2:19am    
Thx but where is there a Max value?
Er. Dinesh Sharma 13-Oct-14 3:17am    
with tt
select Raters,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Raters) as [Rowp] from be_Posts
select max(RD) from (select Raters,(select Sum(Raters) from tt where rowp<=t.Rowp) as[RD] from tt t) p
I can´t find a direct solution withing SQL or RDLC so I had to make some more code and work with the data manualy. Here is code of the Form that represents the data in a rdlc report. The rest is just rdlc playing :)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using ICSDB;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms;

namespace ICS.EnterpriseResourcePlaning
    public partial class WarehouseMovementsReportForm : Form

        private DataTable DtWarehouseMovements = new DataTable();
        int _WarehouseID = 0;
        double _RuningSum = 0;

        public WarehouseMovementsReportForm(int warehouseID=0)
            _WarehouseID = warehouseID;

        private DataTable AddColumnsToDataTable(DataTable dt)
            dt.Columns.Add("Datum", typeof(DateTime));
            dt.Columns.Add("Bewegung", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Artikel", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("ANummer", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("LSNummer", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Paletten", typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("Faktor", typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("Handling", typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("Week", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("RuningSum", typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("Lagergeld", typeof(double));
            return dt;

        public void FillDataTable()
            //Clear Rows in DataTable that Fills the Report
            _RuningSum = 0;

            DateTime minDate = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime maxDate = DateTime.Today;
            minDate = dtpMinDate.Value;
            maxDate = dtpMaxDate.Value;

            WarehouseMovements tblWarehouseMovements = new WarehouseMovements();
            WarehouseMovementTypes tblWarehouseMovementTypes = new WarehouseMovementTypes();
            WarehouseItems tblWarehouseItems = new WarehouseItems();

            tblWarehouseMovements.Orderer = "Date,ID";

            tblWarehouseMovements.SetParameter("Deleted", false);
            tblWarehouseMovements.AddParameter("Date", minDate.AddDays(-1), "", SQLTable.Operator.Conditional.UND, SQLTable.Operator.Rational.größer);
            tblWarehouseMovements.AddParameter("Date", maxDate.AddDays(1), "", SQLTable.Operator.Conditional.UND, SQLTable.Operator.Rational.kleiner);
            tblWarehouseMovements.SetParameter("WarehouseID", _WarehouseID);

            DataTable dtWM = tblWarehouseMovements.DataTable;

            _RuningSum = SumToDate(minDate);

            foreach (DataRow row in dtWM.Rows)
                DataRow Nrow = DtWarehouseMovements.NewRow();

                double Lagergeld = 0;

                DateTime date = DateTime.MinValue;
                DateTime.TryParse(row["Date"].ToString(), out date);

                int movementID = 0;
                int.TryParse(row["WarehouseMovementTypeID"].ToString(), out movementID);
                string bewegung = tblWarehouseMovementTypes.MovementName(movementID);

                //Artikel data
                int itemID = 0;
                int.TryParse(row["WarehouseItemID"].ToString(), out itemID);
                string artikel = string.Empty;
                string aNummer = string.Empty;
                double pFaktor = 0;
                tblWarehouseItems.WarehouseItemData(itemID, out artikel, out aNummer, out pFaktor);

                double palleten = 0;
                double.TryParse(row["Pallets"].ToString(), out palleten);

                int movementTypeFactor = tblWarehouseMovementTypes.MovementFactor(movementID);

                _RuningSum += palleten * movementTypeFactor;

                if (_RuningSum > Lagergeld)
                    Lagergeld = _RuningSum;
                int week = 0;
                week = DateAdapter.Week.WeekNumber(date);

                Nrow["Datum"] = date;
                Nrow["Bewegung"] = bewegung;
                Nrow["Artikel"] = artikel;
                Nrow["ANummer"] = aNummer;
                Nrow["LSNummer"] = row["LSNumber"].ToString();
                Nrow["Paletten"] = palleten;
                Nrow["Faktor"] = pFaktor;
                Nrow["Week"] = week;
                Nrow["RuningSum"] = _RuningSum;
                Nrow["Lagergeld"] = Lagergeld;


        private double SumToDate(DateTime date)
            double sum = 0;

            string command = " SELECT SUM(dbo.WarehouseMovementTypes.Factor * dbo.WarehouseMovements.Pallets) AS Summe " +
                                " FROM     dbo.WarehouseMovements INNER JOIN " +
                                " dbo.WarehouseMovementTypes ON dbo.WarehouseMovements.WarehouseMovementTypeID = dbo.WarehouseMovementTypes.ID " +
                                " WHERE  (dbo.WarehouseMovements.WarehouseID = @WarehouseID) AND (dbo.WarehouseMovements.Date < @Date) AND (dbo.WarehouseMovements.Deleted = 0)";

            SqlConnection conn = ICSConnections.ICSDB;
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(command, conn);
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Date", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = date;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@WarehouseID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = _WarehouseID;

            double.TryParse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(), out sum);

            return sum;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void RefreshReport()


            rptWarehouseMovements.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
            ReportDataSource source = new ReportDataSource("WarehouseMovementsDS", DtWarehouseMovements);


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