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So I have a text file with default .txt extension. Here's the actual file. (Tab Delimited)

<pre>Item         Description               Rev  Locator               UOM     Quantity
003R94662        Colotech Plus                   ANG.2.0.0             PC          8.00
004E13450        PLATEN CUSHION                  ANG.2.0.0             PC          1.00
004K02371        CUSHION ASSY-PLATEN             ANG.2.0.0             PC          1.00
005R00712        DC5000 Cyan Developer           ANG.2.0.0             PC          1.00
005R00713        DC5000 Magenta Developer        ANG.2.0.0             PC          1.00

I need to read text file and then split it to 6 columns (Item, Description, Rev, Locator, UOM and Quantity) and when it read and then split it should be stored in my table in sql server.

Thanks for your consideration. I have some experience with code, but I am just unfamiliar with dealing with text files and how to start. I saw some example and tried but not able to get correct results.

What I have tried:

I have a button click for uploading text file.

Here's the code I've tried

<pre>Protected Sub ibtnTxtUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)
        Dim jsbldr As New StringBuilder
            If FileUpload1.HasFile Then

                Dim Extension As String = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName)

                If Extension = ".txt" Then

                    Dim Request_Val As String = ""

                    Dim sFileName As String = FileUpload1.FileName

                    Dim dv_ As New DataView : dv_ = TryCast(Session("dbCache_DataType"), DataView)
                    dv = New DataView : dv = TryCast(Session("dbCache_FC_Template_ID"), DataView)

                    Dim col As String() = dv.Table.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString.Split("|")

                    'Read Line in Text File

                    Dim fileEntries As New ArrayList()

                    If Not File.Exists(sFileName) Then
                        Exit Sub
                    End If

                        ' Read the file into a list...
                        Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(sFileName)

                        Do Until reader.Peek = -1 'Until eof


                    Catch ex As Exception
                        ' The file's empty.
                    End Try

                    ' Now we have the whole file in a list(Array)
                    Dim Item As New ArrayList()
                    Dim Description As New ArrayList()
                    Dim Rev As New ArrayList()
                    Dim Locator As New ArrayList()
                    Dim UOM As New ArrayList()
                    Dim Quantity As New ArrayList()

                    For Each line As String In fileEntries
                        If line.Substring(0, 5) <> "Index" Then
                            If line.Substring(0, 7) <> "Cluster" Then
                                line = line.Replace("    ", " ") 'space
                                line = line.Replace("   ", " ")

                                Dim parts() As String = Split(line, "\t")

                                ' Add the data to your lists:

                                Catch ex As Exception
                                    ' If this fials, we're not where we want to be in the file anyway.
                                End Try

                            End If
                        End If

                    'Execute SQL Stored Procedure
                    Using cn As New SqlConnection(cls.strConnString)

                        Using cmd As New SqlCommand()

                            With cmd

                                .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                                .CommandText = "USP_XML_SOH_ACCOUNT_MAINT"
                                .Parameters.Add("@USR_ID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) : .Parameters("@USR_ID").Value = cls.GetUserName
                                .Parameters.Add("@FILE_NAME", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255) : .Parameters("@FILE_NAME").Value = sFileName
                                .Parameters.Add("@RET_VAL", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255)
                                .Parameters("@RET_VAL").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

                                .Connection = cn


                                Request_Val = .Parameters("@RET_VAL").Value.ToString

                            End With

                        End Using

                    End Using

                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "Javascript", "<script>$(document).ready(function(){$('#grid-div').height(250);$.blockUI({message: 'Updating data...',css: {border: 'none',padding: '15px', width: '15%', left: '40%',backgroundColor: '#000','-webkit-border-radius': '10px','-moz-border-radius': '10px',opacity: .5,color: '#fff'}});setTimeout($.unblockUI, 2000); " & _
                   " $('#dialog-message').html('<table style=""border-style:hidden;""><tr><td style=""padding:5px;""> <img src=""images/gridview/check_circle_64x64.png""/></td><td>" & Request_Val.ToString & "</td></tr></table>');" & _
                   "$('div#dialog-message').dialog ({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window}).prev ().find ('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); " & _
                   "var varCounter = 0; var varName = function(){ if(varCounter < 1){ varCounter++; $('#dialog-message').dialog('open'); } else {clearInterval(varName);}};setInterval(varName, 2000);}); </script>")


                    jsbldr.Append("$('div#dialog-message').dialog ({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window}).prev ().find ('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide();")
                    jsbldr.Append("$('#dialog-message').html('<table style=""border-style:hidden;""><tr><td style=""padding:5px;""> <img src=""images/gridview/exclamation_circle_64x64.png""/></td><td>Invalid file format, please use .xlsx excel file extention.</td></tr></table>');")
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "Javascript", jsbldr.ToString)

                End If

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception

            jsbldr.Append("$('div#dialog-message').dialog ({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window}).prev ().find ('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide();")
            jsbldr.Append("$('#dialog-message').html('<table style=""border-style:hidden;""><tr><td style=""padding:5px;""> <img src=""images/gridview/exclamation_circle_64x64.png""/></td><td>Uploading SOH Account file template encounter error, please check the file.</td></tr></table>');")
            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "Javascript", jsbldr.ToString)

        End Try
    End Sub
Updated 6-Feb-18 15:39pm
Laiju k 5-Feb-18 23:34pm    
is file on some default format like .txt/.docx ?

or can we use any files .Please provide more information so people can help.
Member 13661245 6-Feb-18 0:21am    
@laiju File is in default format .txt (Text Document)
PIEBALDconsult 6-Feb-18 0:06am    
Have you tried BCP ?
Member 13661245 6-Feb-18 0:23am    
No, I'm not familiar with BCP.
Maciej Los 6-Feb-18 2:04am    
Can you post an exact form of your data? What's a delimiter (space or tab)?

1 solution

If it's delimited data - and TAB counts - you can treat it as CSV, and there are plenty of readers for those that will convert your file directly into a DataTable.
Here is a good one: A Fast CSV Reader[^]
All you have to do is tell it to use TAB instead of comma, and it should just read your data.
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OriginalGriff 6-Feb-18 4:42am    
" but didn't work " is about the most useless error report you can give: it tells us nothing!
What did it do that you didn't expect, or not do that you did?
What did the debugger show you was going on?
What data did you feed it? How do you know it didn't work?
Were there any error messages?

Give us information to work with instead of just dumping a load of code on us and saying "it don't work".
Member 13661245 6-Feb-18 5:03am    
my code work on reading .text file then splitting it, I put some message when loading to database but it takes time to load until the program hang up.

I load the my sample data here in my program.
OriginalGriff 6-Feb-18 5:11am    
And what does the debugger show you?
Where is it hanging up?
Member 13661245 6-Feb-18 5:14am    
It is hanging up on the portion of loading the data in sql server database.
OriginalGriff 6-Feb-18 5:21am    
At the risk of repeating myself for the third time:
"And what does the debugger show you?"

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