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navigation  [180]
ninja  [1]
NTP  [25]
NBT  [833]
ninject  [77]
nue.js  [0]
multi-threading ...
synonyms: multithreading
NDK  [37]
nintex  [6]
NuGet  [202]
multi-touch  [13]
nesting  [71]
NLB  [133]
null  [210]
Munq  [4]
NestJS  [11]
nlog  [53]
Nullable  [33]
mutex  [5]
NET4.7.2  [1]
NLP  [131]
null-safety  [1]
MVC ...
synonyms: MVC-API, MVC.NET
NET6.0  [45]
NLTK  [15]
numbers  [248]
MVC2  [370]
NET7  [9]
nmake  [7]
numerics  [59]
MVC3  [3,222]
NET8  [0]
nntp  [0]
Numpy  [7]
MVC4  [7,198]
netbeans  [613]
Node.js ...
synonyms: Node, nodejs
NUnit  [185]
MVC5  [4,741]
NET-Core  [0]
Node.js-tools  [56]
nuxt.js  [0]
MVC6  [478]
Netduino  [67]
Nokia  [37]
nvidia  [191]
MVP  [105]
network  [1,278]
Nopcommerce  [34]
NXT  [17]
MVVM ...
synonyms: model-view-viewmodel
networking ...
synonyms: network-programming
normalization  [51]
OAuth  [164]
MySQL ...
synonyms: MySQL, My-Sql, MySQL-Server
neural-network ...
synonyms: neural-nets
norton  [4]
OAuth2  [107]
MySQL-Connector  [302]
Newgen  [25]
NoSQL ...
synonyms: No-SQl
NACHA  [1]
news.  [0]
Notepad  [60]
Objective-C  [1,505]
named  [107]
next.js  [39]
Notepad++  [4]
named-pipes  [6]
nfc  [2]
Novice  [33]
ocaml  [3]
NancyFx  [15]
NFS  [245]
npm  [135]
OCCI  [5]
Nant  [29]
nft  [7]
NPOI  [29]
OCR  [243]
NASA  [0]
ng-bootstrap  [1]
NSIS  [9]
oculus  [21]
NASM  [73]
nginx  [28]
NTFS  [19]
ODAC  [8]
nativescript  [9]
NHibernate ...
synonyms: Nhibernare
N-Tier ...
synonyms: n-tiers
OData  [162]
NAudio  [6]
nim  [0]
ntlm  [1]
ODBC  [322]
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After the merge will become a synonym of the selected tag. Click OK to continue.
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