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Headline Type Source Date Clicks
Industry News Bleeping Computer 29 Jan 2019 2,261
Apple plans gaming subscription service: sources
That's going to Steam someone out there
Industry News Cheddar 29 Jan 2019 1,082
Microsoft guy: Mozilla should give up on Firefox and go with Chromium too
This blurb viewed best on Netscape Navigator 2
Industry News ZDNet 29 Jan 2019 3,233
Apple patents Swift
Because that's what people are looking for in a programming language?
Developer News i-programmer 29 Jan 2019 2,460
Developer News Dice Insights 29 Jan 2019 923
Why serverless is set to grow in 2019
Because those servers just cost a lot of money, amirite?
Developer News Network Computing 29 Jan 2019 2,742
C++ Modules might be dead-on-arrival
Above my pay-grade, but seems like some might be interested
Developer News Vector of bool 29 Jan 2019 2,411
Data Privacy Day highlights the growing importance of data protection
Sorry I didn't leak any information to you on Data Privacy Day
Developer News SD Times 29 Jan 2019 595
Memory Utilization
Because "Premature optimization is the root of all evil", and they don't want to be premature?
Hot Threads CodeProject 29 Jan 2019 1,081
This week's survey
Pirate programmers unite!
Hot Threads CodeProject 29 Jan 2019 1,089
How to Tell If Vue.js Is the Right Framework for Your Next Project
Vue.js grew from a one-man project to a JavaScript framework everyone’s talking about. You’ve heard about it from your front-end colleagues and during conferences. You’ve probably read multiple comparisons between Vue, React, and Angular. And you’ve probably also noticed that Vue outranks React in terms of GitHub stars.
Tips and Tools Sitepoint 29 Jan 2019 620
What's New in JavaScript for 2019
For the last several years, JavaScript has been evolving on a steady cadence with new language features. If you’re curious to see what’s in store for the next version of JavaScript, this post is for you!
Tips and Tools Okta 29 Jan 2019 537
The TypeScript Tax
This article takes a more critical, data-driven approach to analyze the ROI of using TypeScript to build large scale applications.
Tips and Tools JavaScript Scene 29 Jan 2019 542
Introducing The Component-Based API
In the world of APIs, GraphQL has lately overshadowed REST due to its ability to query and retrieve all required data in a single request. In this article, I will describe a different type of API, based around components, which takes a step further the amount of data it can fetch from a single request.
Tips and Tools Smashing Magazine 29 Jan 2019 273
Future JavaScript: what is still missing?
In recent years, JavaScript has grown considerably in size. This blog post explores what’s still missing.
Tips and Tools 2ality 29 Jan 2019 263
The Great Divide
The divide is between people who self-identify as a (or have the job title of) front-end developer, yet have divergent skill sets.
Tips and Tools CSS Tricks 29 Jan 2019 128
HTML5 Input Types: Where Are They Now?
HTML5 introduced thirteen new types of form input, adding significantly to the number of different fields web designers and developers could add to our forms. These new types all require browsers to support them, and take-up has been slower than some of us would have liked. What is the state of those field types in 2019? Which can we use, and which should still be avoided?
Tips and Tools Smashing Magazine 29 Jan 2019 554
Satire SMBC 29 Jan 2019 863
Lasers can send a whispered audio message directly to one person’s ear
And if they can't hear it, you can always up the wattage and really let the message burn in
Science And Technology MIT Technology News 29 Jan 2019 2,162
Science And Technology Tech Xplore 29 Jan 2019 2,362
Unity developed a video game designed to test AI players
Oh great. Now the AI are coming for my play time
Science And Technology The Verge 29 Jan 2019 2,161
As many as 11,543 Microsoft employees got swept up in a reply-all email apocalypse
It was a secret plot by the Teams team to get everyone off email
Industry News Business Insider 28 Jan 2019 6,202
Microsoft turning the screws on Windows 7 users by targeting Windows Media Player
Nice playlists you have there. Shame if anything were to happen to them.
Industry News MS Power User 28 Jan 2019 4,688
The State of C++ on Windows
Almost twenty years on, still trying to figure out how to jam .NET and C++ together really hard
Developer News Kenny Kerr 28 Jan 2019 7,095

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