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Date Survey #
13 Jun 2011 -
  20 Jun 2011
You're stuck on a programming problem. What do you do first?
We've all hit that stumbling point. Do you dig in deep, go get a copy, or go online and tap into the collective wisdom?
6 Jun 2011 -
  13 Jun 2011
How much of your time at work is spent coding?
Meetings, gossiping, emailing, designing, arguing, Facebook, applying patches, reading, doodling, coffee. The list of distractions is endless. How do we ever get anything done in all of this?
30 May 2011 -
  6 Jun 2011
Are you moving away from traditional relational databases?
Key/value, semi-relational, XML, distributed or whatever suits your specific purpose. Are you moving away from the trusty RDBMS?
23 May 2011 -
  30 May 2011
Who does the security audit of your applications?
Ensuring passwords are transmitted safely, protecting from SQL injection attacks, not leaving gaping backdoors open. Who ensures your code is safe to go out into the real world?
16 May 2011 -
  23 May 2011
Do you wrap single line statements in braces (or begin/end)?
Do you:
if (condition)
if (condition)
(Replace {}'s with Begin/End or whatever is appropriate for your language du jour)
8 May 2011 -
  22 May 2011
Do you credit other peoples' code and respect license requirements when using their work?
Using others' work may require nothing more than agreeing to a license, or not removing copyright notices, or it could require something like an acknowledgement in your 'About' page. Do you abide by others' wishes? (This survey is anonymous)
2 May 2011 -
  9 May 2011
Are you using the .NET Dynamic Language Runtime?
The DLR brings dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python and Javascript, to the .NET runtime. Powerful and flexible, but is it something you will use?
25 Apr 2011 -
  2 May 2011
How many hours a week do you work?
Count each hour that you're doing work (including from home), or that you are in the office or usual place of work. When you're done compare the results with our March 2003 survey.
17 Apr 2011 -
  25 Apr 2011
What are your preferred formats for getting information?
Usually it depends when and where you are, but typically, what media suits your lifestyle best?
11 Apr 2011 -
  18 Apr 2011
How many monitors do you use?
A repeat of our 2004 Survey. Have we all gone bigger and better?
4 Apr 2011 -
  11 Apr 2011
Do you have titles in your workplace?
Are you a Assistant System Design Engineer, A Senior Developer, or just "part of the team"?
28 Mar 2011 -
  4 Apr 2011
If you could upgrade a single component in your brain, what would you choose?
Imagine your brain as an upgradeable computer and price was no option. (inspired by AspDotNetDev)
21 Mar 2011 -
  28 Mar 2011
Should those who write the OS have the right to remotely remove applications from your machine?
Removing a malicious program from your machine without your consent or knowledge can be viewed as an emergency safety measure or gross violation. Do you think it's OK?
14 Mar 2011 -
  21 Mar 2011
What skill does programming teach you most?
Software development endows its practitioners with an interesting set of skills. Which do you feel summarise your abilities best?
7 Mar 2011 -
  14 Mar 2011
Should array indexing start at 0 or 1?
Old school VB devs and old school C devs know the answer. What's your feeling in this modern, enlightened era?
28 Feb 2011 -
  7 Mar 2011
Which of the following programming/scripting languages do you use?
Compiling and linking can be so last decade. Which of the following do you use in your work or play? (Suggested by Nitin)
21 Feb 2011 -
  28 Feb 2011
What kind of dev projects are you working on in 2011?
What types of apps are on your slate this year? Choose from one of these general topics or note your own!
14 Feb 2011 -
  21 Feb 2011
Does the Nokia / Microsoft partnership tempt you to write Windows Phone applications?
Microsoft and Nokia are Best Friends Forever after a big announcement. Does this make developing on the WP7 platform more attractive to you?
7 Feb 2011 -
  14 Feb 2011
Are you a Java developer?
Which of the following frameworks / tools are you currently using for Java development (check all that apply)
31 Jan 2011 -
  7 Feb 2011
What do you (mostly) use to read email?
We did this survey years ago but the time has come to ask not just what client you use, but also what device.

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